How Can I Get A Spanish Booty Not A Muscular Booty Either Like A Kim Kardashian Booty

What is the most amazing or shocking thing you know that most people don't?

These are a few things which very few know1.Why should one end of the toothpick is designed to be like this?We can actually use it like this2.This is car …see the black colour flaps in middle of the pictureThey ensure that you are able to shut the cardoors without much effort. How, you ask? Located behind the rear bumper, these devices allow the air to escape from the car when the doors are being closed, preventing overpressure inside the car. Without them, you’d have trouble closing the last door and it will hurt the ear drums3.ANOTHER ONEJames Chadwick who discovered NeutronsWas a student of Ernest Rutherford who discovered Protonswas a student of J. J. Thomson who discovered Electrons.All of them got Nobel Prizes4.This one tooMost of the people use this symbol incorrectly.In general cases, they use this emoticon as a sort of person holding his hands for prayer or to request someone or in Indian terms, doing “NAMASTE”.But, the truth is this symbol stands for 2 people doing a high-five.5.Do you know,A person can develop Green Blood. Something like this-Yup it happens.Sulfhemoglobinemia is a rare condition when a person starts developing green Blood5.Japan police do nothingYes…you heard that right…due to an extremely low crime rate in Japan, Japanese police literally do nothing. On an average, there is less than 1% chance of crime for every 100,000 people in Japan.There was only one incident of murder last year in Japan. Yes just one!6.This one for very useful and impIf you are running out of time,and you have just 15 mins to left for officials or college and u have a 0 percent battery…no problem..put your phone on airplane mode , it will charge at double the speed…most probablyof you will have good amount of battery7.The most important oneIf you want to downlaod anything from any site witout any external downloader here is a trick.Go to that page.Press ctrl+shift+i or right click and select Inspect Element.Select the Network tab and refresh the page & play the video to get content status.You can sort the content by TYPE (tab), to easily get the video link at the bottom under the NAME(tab).Double click the video link. Voila, your download will start.Works fine …Kindly do follow below link for amazing facts about food add "ss" before 'y' in do upvote

Who are some famous people who annoy you for some or no reason?

In no particular order:David CameronThis smarmy, dish-faced, pig fucking wanker is the former priminister of the UK.He doesn't care about anyone but the rich, yet he pretends to understand what it's like having to live with little to no money. Lies, you can tell just by looking at his fat pan face that he was born with a silver spoon shoved right up his anal cavity. It also really annoys me that he suggested the whole brexit thing and then resigned when it actually happened. He's the worst thing to happen to the UK since Margaret Thatcher and Jimmy Savile.2. Kristen StewartShe's talentless. It's like watching the same movie over and over again while watching her films because she seems to just play the same angsty, annoying brat.3. Terry RichardonI just get creepy vibes from him.4. TulisaTacky, chavvy, average pop star. Boring.5. Spencer Pratt & Heidi MontagEver since their revolting performance in Big Brother UK and the obvious scene where Heidi is jerking Spencer off under the blanket, these two bring sick up into my mouth.6. AdeleYes she has an amazing voice. But she's so boring and whiny and writes songs about the same thing over and over again.7. Justin BieberHe's a nasty, spoilt brat who acts like a stroppy 8 year old when things do go his way.8. MorrisseyBeing a Mancunian I am obligated to support and feel proud of the numerous talented musicians that have come from out little town. Don't get me wrong, The Smiths will always be one of my favourite hometown bands. But Morrissey as a person is so arrogant and self absorbed it really gets on me. He played recently in Manchester and had the McDonalds near the arena only serve vegan food. What's the deal with that? Stop shoving your lifestyle choices down everyone's throat.

Why don't guys like skinny good looking girls anymore compared to thick (nice way of saying fat) girls?

Thick means you have ass, hips and thighs with a small waist. Only anorexics would consider that fat. You sound salty though. Like skinny women aren’t being overrepresented basically everywhere. Even Gal Gadot as WW is a skinny woman with a rectangular figure rather than a voluptuous Amazonian (Hollywood really missed the mark here and obviously it’s deliberate):What you seem to have trouble understanding is that the mass media (mostly dominated by white sensibilities) doesn’t reflect real life and that other cultures have different beauty standards that haven’t been influenced by the fashion industry. Why should everything have to confirm to the Eurocentric thin ideal?You like being skinny? Good, more power to you. But don’t expect me to find you more attractive than hourglass or pear-shaped women with actual meat on their bones. People like different things, learn to accept that instead of feeling so entitled.Besides, what you mostly see is a shift from rail thin to slim thick. Aka this:Dunno about you, but I think these women look a lot better than your average supermodel who’s still patterned after Twiggy and the like.We can go further down the rabbit hole if you want since I’ve noticed that in white culture there’s a huge emphasis on weight/BMI, whereas with black and hispanic culture we don’t fuss over it as long as it looks good. Shape is more important.So if you’re a slim girl with curves, we like it:If you’re a big girl with curves, we like that too:Mind you, the above examples are what we mean with thick like a brickhouse, not this:That’s just white feminism trying to hijack urban culture.Basically what you’re dealing with is a clash of cultures now that hiphop has gone mainstream and social media has helped with populizaring our aesthetics and standards.I think the petite and slender ideal can easily co-exist with looking thick and curvy as the alternative ideal and there’s no need to fight over it. Just let people like what they want to like.Lastly, ya’ll have to excuse me for the excussive amount of pictures, but I thought it helped to illustrate my point since a lot of this confusion stems from cultural differences.

Which is the least desirable body shape on women?

British lingerie boutique BlueBella held an online survey where men and women both "built" their ideal of the female form.  Needless to say, the results shocked a certain well-known-yet-dying sexist ideology - MEN have far more realistic expectations concerning women's bodies than women do!  (Maybe this explains why so many women are ashamed of their bodies.)  Compared to women, men prefer thicker arms and legs, fuller thighs, wider hips, just plain more 'padding' throughout.Which, in a twisted sort of way. makes perfect sense.For most women, the "perfect female body" is one that is lean, active, and is petite enough to wear all the latest fashions.  In this light, the "least desirable" female figure would be pear-shaped - physically hindering and limited fashion options.For most men, the "perfect female body" is one that is soft, curvy, and absolute heaven to snuggle against.  In this light, the "least desirable" female figure is an anorexic washboard - who the hell wants to snuggle with skin and bones?!?In a similar irony (excepting for Harry Styles' hair), women seem to have more realistic expectations about men's bodies than men do.Just goes to show the truth behind the bromide "Everyone is their own worst critic."     Addendum:A number of comments said they couldn't perceive the differences between the figures.  I uploaded the highest resolutions I could find, which can be expanded to full size by clicking on them.Additionally, I superimposed the men's ideals over the women's ideals below:As I mentioned earlier, the men's ideal woman is significantly thicker throughout - and likely at least twenty pounds heavier to boot.  The owner of BlueBella was particularly pleased to see that most men actually find a bit of tummy on a woman to be highly attractive.In fairness, here's the overlay for ideal men - making it very apparent that the men's ideal involves a hell of a lot more muscle development, particularly about the chest and arms.

What is considered the ideal body type for women in your country? And what do you find attractive?

I’ll name a few and then tell you about what I see as perfect body :)‘all images are from google’In China, the skinnier the better. A4 challenge is a ‘thing’, Iphone 6 challenge is also a ‘thing’. Is it unhealthy? Well, not for all, for many it’s healthy while for others it’s not.In France, combination between cute and elegant, usually small breasts and dark hair/eyebrows.In Norway, it’s quite hard to say but mostly not too skinny, girly frame and tall is desirable…In the US having small waist, big ass(?) and large breasts is desirableIn Syria… Tall, dark hair with dark eyes and a fir body is desirableFinally, this is what I consider as attractive… and also what I’m trying to achieve :)