How Can I Get Andrew Garfields Hair Style From The Amazing Spider Man 2

How to get Andrew Garfield Hair From the First, Amazing Spider-Man?

Like what proccess and products did he use to get that volume and style. Also, his haircut. I NEED that. Like something that i could ask a random barber to do. Thx guys!

Why was Andrew Garfield replaced as Spiderman? Someone please explain?

The first Amazing Spider-Man film didn't do very well, it made an average amount of money and got a lot of bad reviews.
Then The Amazing Spider-Man 2 made very little money (less than any other Spider-Man film ever) and received almost all bad reviews from both critics and fans.

After how much everybody seemed to hate The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Sony Pictures (Sony owns the movie rights to Spider-Man, not Marvel) pretty much lost faith in the series and had no idea how to make it work. In fact, The Amazing Spider-Man 3 was supposed to be released in 2016, but after The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Sony delayed it until 2018 while they figure out how the hell they can make it work.

Then Marvel approached Sony and offered to make a deal. Marvel basically said that they will help Sony make Spider-Man movies if Sony will let Marvel use Spider-Man in the Avengers movies, and they'd split the money between them. That made perfect sense, as Marvel clearly know what they're doing with superhero movies, and Sony really had no better options.
However, there was a catch: Marvel didn't want Andrew Garfield to play Spider-Man in these new movies. They said that Sony would have to replace Andrew Garfield with an actor that would be chosen by Sony and Marvel together.
Because of this, Sony said no, as they didn't want to fire Andrew Garfield.

This was all supposed to be a secret, but in late 2014 Sony's emails were hacked and leaked online, and everybody found out about Sony turning down Marvel's offer. Most fans were unhappy about it, and there were lots of online campaigns etc. trying to get Sony to change their mind and accept the offer.

Eventually Sony saw that people wanted them to take the offer, so they did, and they fired Andrew Garfield and replaced him with Tom Holland.
Holland will first appear as Spider-Man in 2016, in the film Captain America: Civil War