How Can I Get Rid Of My Cold Sore

How can i get rid of my cold sore, FAST?

Cold sores are caused by the Herpes virus and there's no cure for it, but there are things you can do to help it heal faster. There are several cheap home remedies that people swear by including using toothpaste like you mentioned, but it really depends on the individual and what works for you. For me, putting ice on it when I first feel it coming on helps a lot. Ice not only brings down the inflammation, but also prohibits the virus from multiplying in that area, keeping the actual sore from being too big. Once the sore does breakout, then I use a lysine ointment on it and take extra lysine supplements until it heals. It usually goes away after a few days. There was a clinical study at USC that shows lysine ointments help cold sores heal 50% faster and is better than most other types of ointments on the market. I don't know if it would work for you, but it definitely seems to work for me. Good luck!

How can I get rid of my cold sore overnight?

There are few therapy options exist that could be followed to treat any types of herpes Cod sore. Although, Home remedy for Cold sore could be considered as the greatstes holistic treatment for Herpes Cold sore. There’re certain benefits of using home remedy for Cold sore. As we aware that home remedy mainly belongs to holistic remedy in which natural things mainly used. Home remedy for herpes has no even single side effects though if we arrive to the medicaments related remedy then you’ll surely find certain bad effects. Using home remedy for cold sore will assist you to treat your cold sore as well as can play a main role of the occurrence of immune system. The people who has energetic immune system may hardly get any signs and symptoms. Therefore, one thing is for sure if you definitely want to cure herpes cold sore, then you will have to speed up your immunity. Without boosting up your immune system you will not be capable to conquer cold sore. And for speeding up your immunity you’ll have to follow Home remedy for cold sore. One of the nicest thing regarding Home remedy for cold sore is that this is comfortably available all around the earth & this speciality builds it best.To know about home remedies for get rid of cold sore overnight visit Herpes Cure - Herpes is Curable Now With Natural Herpes Cure

Get rid of cold sore inside of mouth?

There is no over-the-counter medication or home remedy that cures cold sores. Only time will take care of that. But there is a good prescription medication for cold sores. It will make them go away much faster, and as a result of taking this medication you will have far fewer outbreaks of cold sores.

The absolute best treatment for cold sores is a prescription medication in pill form called Valtrex. It was intended for genital herpes, but cold sores are caused by the same family of viruses, and Valtrex stops colds sores in their tracks. None of the other treatments come close to the effectiveness of Valtrex, not the ointment Zovirax, and certainly not Abreva or anything else. Ask your doctor about it to see if you would be a good candidate for this medication. My doctor prescribed it for me for cold sores about five years ago and after taking it only a couple of times I hardly ever get a cold sore any more, and before Valtrex I was having several attacks a year. On the rare occasions that I do get one now, it is gone almost immediately when I take the medication - in about a day. In the meantime, here are a couple of informative links.

How can I fake a cold sore?

Perhaps safer to simply stick one of those little round Bandaids over the corner of your mouth and if anyone asks, say, "It's not pretty."You may not even be lying with that statement.

Cold sores? Herpes?

Cold sores are caused by oral herpes. The're not too serious but they're highly contagious while there's any signs or symptoms of a break out. If it's on the out side of your mouth and causes symptoms like itching, burning and or tingling then it's most likely a cold sore. If it's relatively painless and on the inside of your mouth, then it could be a canker sore which is also nothing serious and not usually related an std.
Avoid kissing on the mouth and giving oral sex (while you have it), until you can see a doctor and find out what it is.

Will Icing a Cold Sore help get rid of it?

icing will not get rid of it, but it will help stop or slow the formation of one.

i have successfully stopped more than a few by putting ice on them as soon as i can as long as i can. i read a scientific research report on it once and have adopted it as my mantra since. i searched and searched but i couldn't find the link so here's my quick summary of why it works.

the virus actually lives deep inside your nerves. when you are stressed or environmental factors make your immune system weaker, the virus uses that opportunity to travel to the end of the nerve. it's a reproduction thing (if it's at the tip of the nerve it is closest to the surface and has the best chance of spreading). the cold sore forms because the virus is irritating the end of your nerve or nerves so it can infect the pus and scabs that form. ice works because you are lowering the temperature of that area (including the nerve ending) to near freezing. the virus is unable to replicate in such a cold temperature and it is in danger of being killed from the cold temp so it basically aborts its mission and travels back into its hideout deep inside your nerve. your cold sore stops growing because there is no virus irritating the nerve.

the injury and swelling that the area has sustained is already there, so all you can do is treat it like a normal wound by keeping it clean. i've developed a routine of cleaning it with rubbing alcohol in the morning and evening and putting neosporin on it at night, but how you treat it from there is up to you. i've also found that putting too much neosporin encourages the virus to come back and start being active again. it's a delicate balance.

abbreva helps slow it down when you can't ice it (like at work or school). it's a nice topical that works well for me and it's over the counter.

acyclovir works, but it's a pain to remember to take 5 pills a day.

i haven't tried any of the newer prescriptions out now because i don't have medical insurance and the ice strategy works well for me.

lysene makes me get more frequent and worse cold sores, so i can't comment on it's effectiveness. some people have had good success with it but i have an inability to digest vitamins of any kind without getting a cold sore the next day, so i gave up on that avenue.

Do tanning beds help get rid of cold sores?

I go tanning occasionally and last week I think it brought one out below my eyebrow. A few days ago I went again because I heard along with bringing them out, tanning beds can also dry them up. I'm pretty sure that's when it began to go away but it could have already been healing. I take Lysine and Acyclovir and use the Zoverax cream. Save the health risk stuff about tanning beds please because I already know it all, just not sure about cold sores. Thanks(: