How Can I Handle This Stress

Help pls? How would you handle this stress?

Ok first of all i am 30 and have decided to fill out for disability because i have depression,OCD, bipolar, and skitzophrenic. i was fired cause i had a doctor appointment Once every wk, but they didn't believe me and i Didn't want them manajors to start gossip about me so they fired me this july i can't keep a job and im waiting to see if they will not deny me for the disability this time. well in my house is my sister, my niece& nephew, and my parents. well i do alot of work more than my nephew who only goes to work for his gf's family by moving them to another home and texting his gf all day. my sister who is 44, had to move in cause her baby's dad was abusive to her. our parents gave her a car to use as she pleases but she gets mad when everyone wants her to take them places. I don't have my license yet cause i don't know how to drive, and im scared to run someone over. My mom asks me to clean our house up all the time when she and my dad are hoarders with books , newspapers, etc. we have tubs full of them you could put right to the celing. I try to find jobs but i feel like my old jobs are blacklisting me. and I hurts cause i want so bad to get out or do something but they leave me with a tornado of a mess and if it's not clean they blame me when other family members come over. And yesterday all I asked was that my dad to take me to a gasstation so i could get a hot dog. once there i asked for some money and he almost threw it at me. I was going to get two hot dogs abut i was going to ask him and he was like " I don't give a flying F***if you get 60 you get as much as you can with that five dollar bill." and even today he hasn't spoke to me. My mom was going to give me $10 for strighting up but once at mcdonalds she said she don't trust me with her card. there are other times she has and i gave it right back. so to embarress me she was going to send in my 11 yr old nice to watch me!!!!!!!! I said "WTF" and because my nephew owes me money he was like ok now i only owe you $4. Like why are they driving me crazy so much and when i do clean up they mess it right up dilibertly

How to handle stress?

Everyone's life contains stress. It could be caused by a bad boss at work, annoying co-workers, a lack of money, your children, a cheating spouse or maybe a combination. Whatever the cause of your stress, living in a state of stress means that your body is in a constant state of fight or flight. Something that is good in a life or death situation but not on a constant basis.The effects of living in a state of stress are numerous and very unhealthy. The first thing that you need to do is to learn to relax, because when you're filled with anxiety it's almost impossible to even think clearly enough to solve your problems.

The following article on how to handle stress contains several hints and tips on removing stress from your life.

1. Use deep breathing:
First get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Then breath in through your nostrils for five seconds and repeat the word "in" under your breath. Then breath out for five seconds and repeat the word "out" under your breath. Continue your deep breath for a few minutes while visualizing your self at the beach or in some other relaxing situation.

2. HypnosisUse self hypnosis:
A hypnosis tape can provide immediate relief for stress.

3. YogaLearn yoga:
Try and check out a yoga tape from you local library, most people find that it helps immensely. Yoga, walking or other types of exercise has been proven to relax the mind and body thus helping to relieve stress.

4. Spend time with friends:
Everyone needs someone to talk to, which is why spending time with family and friends can be so important.

Your senior year, how did you handle the stress?

Make time for yourself. I kept a little day planner and literally 'scheduled' time for myself... be it 15 minutes or an entire day. Do something for you, Meditate, take a bath, go shopping, or just sleep all day. Senior year was a really stressful time, if you just keep everything in perspective - and take it a day at a time will be ok! It will all be over before you know it, and when you are thrusted into college/work life - you will wish senior year was something you could go back to!

Do men or women handle stress better?

ALTHOUGH it is often classed as 'mental illness', clinical depression often has as many physical symptoms as mental. The feelings or emotions that are depression symptoms actually begin to cause the physical effects. How this happens is a vital part of understanding depression and the symptoms that come with it.

If you are depressed at the moment some of the following symptoms may sound familiar:

You feel miserable and sad.
You feel exhausted a lot of the time with no energy .
You feel as if even the smallest tasks are sometimes impossible.
You seldom enjoy the things that you used to enjoy-you may be off sex or food or may 'comfort eat' to excess.
You feel very anxious sometimes.

You don't want to see people or are scared to be left alone. Social activity may feel hard or impossible.

You find it difficult to think clearly.

You feel like a failure and/or feel guilty a lot of the time.

You feel a burden to others.

You sometimes feel that life isn't worth living.

You can see no future. There is a loss of hope. You feel all you've ever done is make mistakes and that's all that you ever will do.
You feel irritable or angry more than usual.

You feel you have no confidence.

You spend a lot of time thinking about what has gone wrong, what will go wrong or what is wrong about yourself as a person. You may also feel guilty sometimes about being critical of others (or even thinking critically about them).
You feel that life is unfair.

You have difficulty sleeping or wake up very early in the morning and can't sleep again. You seem to dream all night long and sometimes have disturbing dreams.

You feel that life has/is 'passing you by.'

You may have physical aches and pains which appear to have no physical cause, such as back pain.

It's this wealth of depression symptoms, and the broad scope that confuses many people as to what depression actually is. Explanations rarely cover all the symptoms, and everybody's experience is different.