How Can I Punish My Cat Without Hurting Him

How do you discipline a cat without hitting him?

A cat understands pattern and tones, they don’t understand authority and dominance.When you play with your cat and your pleading your cat in high pitch soft “ow ow ow kitty let go”What cat hears is “friendly play play play more play!” and the cat won’t stop.So rather than conveying words, convey tone.If you like to convey “no” convey the stern serious “tone” and the cat will ‘feel’ what you mood his actions have caused. At first he will be confused to ‘why’ but if you keep up the pattern of claws = stern tone, eventually the cat will figure out the pattern and learn to withdraw the claws to continuously play.Make sure to keep your actions matched with tone. Continuously playing while saying ‘no’ is saying yes and no and yes and no and yes and you get my point.Also give them pleasant friendly tones when they are doing something that pleases you and entice them with rewards so they do so again.Cats are also pretty smart and their brains are differently wired than dogs.To cats, authority is temporary obstacle. ‘Long as the hooman is there I will get screams and butt smacked for doing that one thing, I’ll wait.’ The cat then will do what it wants to do when you are not in the room.So how to keep cats in-line without your authority?Make the spot unappealing. You want cats off couch? Scent it with lemon, put down foils, tape on the bed. The cat will get stinging smell and offensive sensation on their paws. Same with counters, beds, or anything you want them off of. Also giving them something allowed (pretty much a cat furniture) next to forbidden place will give them the option to compromise.Give them a choice, the hellish sense offending human spot vs the pleasant cat furniture next to it. The cat will stick to the cat furniture and once it becomes a habit, you will no longer have to keep spraying lemon and take off the tape on the human furniture.On side note, your cat wants to be part of your family and scent is important. They want to exchange scents to feel part of the family. How they do that is to rub on you and contact places where people hang around a lot. This often happens to be your spot on the couch, your favorite chair, your bed. Keep in mind your cat never plans or thinks of what happens and is only fufilling its needs.

How should punish My cat?

For one thing, everytime you see him scratching ANYTHING, people, furniture, whatever, (stuff he ISN"T supposed to scratch of course.) squirt him with a water bottle on stream. Right in the face if you have to. Do this every time, and be consistent. Especially if he scratches people with no provocation. If he's playing and he starts to get rough, pop him in the nose with one finger, and say "NO!" very loudly, then stop playing with him. After a while he will learn, that when he scratches people or things, out of no where he gets water all over him and he will stop. Same with playing rough. If you start now, he will learn eventually. The key is dont be mean or abusive. Treat him like a child, your point is not to hurt, but to teach. So when you pop him in the nose, don't do it hard, just do it enough to suprise him and make it negative to him so he will stop whatever he is doing that is bad. It's worked like a charm with my cat!

How to punish my cat?

It all started when I first got my Siamese cat as a gift last November. On the second day, he started biting us for no reason and he grew up biting us even when we were so loving and caring. The older he grew up the more hurtful the bites were.

I took him to 4 Vets. They said it's a behavioral issue. I was advised to bring another cat home so that the other cat would teach him that biting hurts, which I did 3 months ago. The result was he bit her and harmed her when she was too little.

Now, he bites really hard (since I'm the only one who cares for him, the rest avoid him cuz he is harming everyone). Moreover, I would pet him, or we would snuggle and then he'd suddenly scratch me so hard in my face or my neck. The wounds are so deep that I have scars on my face and my hands that wouldn't heal.

I am his only caregiver, no one else even feeds him. They ignore him completely but this has nothing to do with his attitude. They were so loving until a few weeks ago when he scratched my cousin's son in his eye and we had to take him to the hospital and since then, everybody gave up on him except me.

I really want to keep him but he is so harming and I hate the scars on my face. I love him so much and I would be so depressed to let go of him. I want him to feel grounded and I want him to feel that it hurts and I don't accept that. Any punishment that wouldn't involve any aggression cuz I don't want to harm him. I really love him and I treat him like my son.

I feel guilty after punishing my cat?

Just a bit ago, my cat jumped onto my wine cabinet, where I keep several expensive collector's bottles of wine on display. We trained him when he was younger not to jump on the counters, but I placed the controller to his remote control mouse on it earlier and forgot to move it. I guess he wanted to play some more, and that's why he jumped up there, because he usually stays off the counters/cabinets.

He knocked off one of wine bottles, which fortunately did not break, but I was so angry that I found him up there, that I gave him a soft swat on the behind to shoo him off the cabinet. I've never hit him before, and I know it didn't hurt, but I feel really bad about it. I didn't have the squirt bottle handy, and it was just an instant reaction to get him down before he did further damage. He doesn't seem too upset about it, as he's sitting on my feet purring now, but I still feel really guilty. Anything I can do to make it up to him? I also don't want him to ever jump up there again, and I can't see why he jumped for the controller in the first place, as that's the part that I play with. His mouse was still in the basket where we keep his toys. How can I discourage this behavior in the future? We put down double sided tape to keep him off the counters when he started jumping, but my wine cabinet has an unusual finish that would probably be damaged by tape.

My friend is beating up his cat to punish it for wrong acts does it really work for this cat?

That is one of the most awful things I've ever heard!! Whether it works for this cat or not... it's WRONG!! He MUST be turned in for animal cruelty!!! By not turning him in... you are wrong also!