How Can I Save Money If My Mother Keeps Asking Me For Money

My mom keeps asking for money?

I'm 20, live with my parents and I have a job and don't go to school bc of financial problems and I owe 4k to a school I attended, failed classes etc. My situation is not that great and yet I've never asked my parents for money at all, ever since I started college. I lived in the dorms and would only eat once a day since I didn't have any money. When I received my financial aid check I had to use it to buy a laptop and then let my mom "borrow" about $200 which she never paid back and I had to buy books for school etc. Back then I didn't have a job and now that I do she keeps asking for money and I don't even know what she spends it on. My stepdad gives her money all the time but there's never any food at home, and yesterday I gave her $100, she said she needed them and my stepdad would pay me back, but then my stepdad didn't wanna pay me back bc he's tired of giving her money and now she's asking me bc she knows my stepdad will give it back to me, idk if that makes sense. Now today she asked me for $20 for food and idk what to say to her. I am trying to save up money so that I can go see my bf and I can never save up because she asks me for money, I am also paying my school debt and me and my sister's phone bills and will also be paying for cable/internet every month which is another $100. She's always asking me how much money I get from my paychecks, and when I tell her that I'm trying to save up she says that I'm being selfish and stingy, and that I don't appreciate that she's raised me. I've only asked her for money a couple times in my whole life, I rarely go out with friends, maybe 3 times a year or less. She screamed at me and slammed the door when I told her that she doesn't spend money on important things, and she said it was my fault that my stepdad wasn't giving her money. She has an affair with a guy who is married and drinks all the time. I want to move out but then my mom makes me feel guilty. What can I do to make her understand? everything is an argument with her :(
Am I wrong in not wanting to give her money since she's my mom?

Btw I only make about $200 to $300 max every 2 weeks and that all goes on my school bill and phone, and now cable/internet. I take the bus to work and that's like $12- 15 every week. Sometimes I also have to buy food fr myself cus there's hardly food at home.

My mom keeps asking me for more and more money, what should I do?

I am 18 years old, I will be 19 in 2 weeks, and I was going to move out last summer and my mom told me to stay at home and save money. I need to buy/lease a car so that I can get a full-time job and start making more money (I make $8.54 an hour working part-time) but lately my hours have been getting killed. My managers keep yelling at me and cutting my hours because this pervert I work with calls me lazy even though he sits around all day telling me what to do. Yes, I have told HR and my GM. GM said she "talked to him" but nothing came of it. There are no other jobs within walking distance unfortunately so I'm stuck there...

Anyway my mom keeps asking for more and more things... I only make $500 a month if I'm lucky but she won't let me eat any of the food in the house (I have to buy my own groceries and store them separately), she kicked me off of the cell phone plan (no home phone), she makes me pay for the cable and internet and then asks for $150 in rent each month. I recently let them cut the internet and cable because I cannot afford it. I realize it doesn't sound like that much but when I spend $150 on rent + ~$100 in food + $65 phone bill + $70 student loans + $50 for my first credit card (I put my phone on it to build credit, only for 6 months) I don't have anything left over, and now she's asking for MORE rent... I keep telling her she is holding my life up and I'm trying to save for school and get a new job and she goes off on me because she's poor... yet she keeps bringing furniture and new clothes and co-op foods home... I don't know what to do at this point, I feel like everyone else has these nice supportive parents and mine is just holding me back... please could someone give me advice? I feel like I'm stuck and it's making me pretty sad

My mom keeps asking me to ask my dad for money?

parents are separated. I live with my mom, and she keeps asking me to get money from my dad! They never talked since separated, and my mom thinks i have the responsibility of asking my dad for money! first of all, the money that my mom is asking is not small number-she wants 2000 a month of fee for she is taking care of me. My dad already gave couple of thousands of dollars to me(mom), but she thinks it's not enough! she always tells me how life is so unfair, and tells me everything that she is suffering. she asks me to get money from my dad--i'm not even 18 yet, and how do i ask money from my dad? he is my DAD! my dad is willing to give, but he wants a clear lists of what we are spending on, and my mom does not want to make a list-she believes that the list is not needed. once in a while she asks me if i have asked my dad for money-and there begins another verbal fight. i have asked my dad only two times, and in both times, he says the issue should be resolved between two adults. but my mom thinks i am the reason why she is asking for money, so i should do my job well! please tell me who's right and who's wrong, and please tell me what i should say to the wrong person that will make the situation better. Thanks for your time and effort!

My mom keeps asking me for rent money and I don't think she deserves it?

If my mom did that, id move out to some apartment. Personally, id put myself in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to go to college, but that's just me lol. Well yeah, try telling her that you need the money to start your own life and if she still refuses, id move to an apartment

My mom keeps asking me for money. Should I lie about my income to get her to stop?

Ever since I got a new internship, my mother has been asking me for money nonstop. I don't get paid until next month and I've been trying to keep my money as long as I can. Despite this, my mother doesn't care and she still keeps on asking and asking for money. I want to save to buy a car, but I think I'll never get to it because of how needy and greedy my mom has been acting when it comes to my money.

My mom keeps asking for money...what should I do?

I know what you are feeling and going through. I am a lot older than you are my dear girl and went through it for many years. My mom always needed money and always expected it. As much as it will hurt you will have to tell her it has to stop, that you have done all you can and now it is your turn to pay your bills. In the long run it will finally make her grow up and by doing that she will see she is capable of her own fiances.If she gets upset and starts crying tell her you have cried many times yourself over the same thing. Take a stand or it will never end.

My parents keep asking for money?

You have become their crutch, and as you've seen over the years, the more you've leant them lean on you, the less they are to actually try and get themselves out of the hole they've dug. You've said to yourself for years that you would never be like them, wasting money on things that aren't worth it, when that's exactly what you've done; you've wasted money on them that they will never repay back, and what's worse is that they don't feel guilty enough to change.

You are the child and they are the parents in the relationship, it doesn't matter how old you are, your parents should be self-sufficient during their working years, and have been smart enough during that time to have saved up for retirement.

It's time to say no. Move out with your younger sister, if she's old enough get her to find a job to help contribute (so that way she doesn't have to ask you for money and at the same time she could chip in maybe $100 for rent), so that 1) You are away from the constant demands and can say no more easily, 2) You get your sister away from the death trap so she doesn't pick up their bad habits, 3) Your sister will also develop good financial habits being with you, and 4) Your parents can finally learn to be self-sufficient adults. If they don't learn, then they sink, and as cruel as that sounds, it must happen and it WILL happen, whether you do or don't give the money, so the question isn't how to stop them from drowning, it's 'do you want to drown with them'.

Also, contact those companies who are bugging you for money. Let them know that you refuse to pay a cent towards debts that are not yours/not in your name and to pester the original people who are supposed to be making the payments (aka, your parents). Your parents understand English well enough to know that they need to be making payments and that it is impacting their present and future.

Parents keep asking for money?

You are definitely not the only one going through this. I am 19 and have had the same problem...

I recently gave my parents a loan of quite a bit of money... Enough to pay for three months of behind mortgage on our house. They put it toward the mortgage, but before I gave them the money, I made them write out all their bills and make an Excel worksheet of them to total up earnings compared to bills. They should have plenty, but they still fall short almost every month because of impulse buying. You need to make your family stick to their budget, or at least help them do so. When they are going for fast food or something and ask if you want some, say no if possible. If you have food at home, it is always better to eat what you have. Not eating too much into their budget is very crucial to helping YOU save money... You could do the same thing I did and make them budget out their money to see if they can pay you back, or you can just say no. Just know if you do allow them money, do not ever expect it back. Once you are in the hole financially, it is very hard to get back out.

If you pay rent and/or food, it is totally not your fault. If not you might consider doing so even if they are not asking you too in order to help out a bit. I know you are trying to save, but sometimes to keep things afloat at your current place, you just have to make some sacrifices. Discuss a fair or reasonable amount where you can still save, but you are still helping so you don't feel obligated to have to pay them since you have payed your dues.

It sounds like your parents do have enough money to pay what they budget for. I'm willing to bet that the problem is your parents are spending money on things they have NOT budgeted for - and that's why they're falling short.