How Can I Stop Texting And Instagram

How do I stop harassment on Instagram?

It's been a week now and I have been getting constant harassment from a random account “Turkish” account.I have blocked/reported them every attempt to harass me from your app as well as changing my username countless times however, they keep making new accounts to harass me. How are they able to find me?They have sent me death threats, acid attack threats and racist messages via DM as well as writing their intended messages in their fake account's bio.It has gotten to much for me and I am beginning to feel very paranoid and scared to leave the house as I do not know who this person is or where they could be.

How can I stop fake people from polluting Instagram?

I'm thrilled to see someone concerns about the hygiene and the safety of social media platforms, which are the integral part of our lifestyles.There are many ways to acknowledge the platform about the suspicious / fake accounts.'Report' the accountWrite to the customer care team about it.Just 'Block' the account so that it may not hamper your profile or social image.

Why did he make up an excuse to stop texting me?

My boyfriend is acting really weird. First time I wrote a paragraph-the paragraph wasn't nothing weird or mean- (texting) and never responded so I texted back bye. And he replied back saying bye! I thought that was rude! Then the other night he said he was sick so he can't text me. On Instagram there's pics of him and his friends partying this whole week including the other night and he still haven't texted me. What's wrong with him? He's the one who ask me to be in a relationship with him- not me.

Has your Instagram stopped recently?

Yes I don’t remember my password

How can I stop looking over Instagram when I see other people having fun?

Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners. You are a winner so give yourself the attention you deserve!! Deactivate Instagram for a while and explore your own interests. Set some reasonable goals for yourself. When folks do things because they want to, they don't need to post them because they are too busy enjoying them without need for approval from others. And this is just a rhetorical question to ponder. Do you think perhaps the reason you focus on others is because you have some fears about confrontbig some of your own barriers to succeeding? Just something to think about. Having faith in yourself is where success begins! Oh and always remain grateful. It is said you can't truly experience happiness unless you're grateful first. (A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.) Best wishes to you!

Ugly guy I don't like won't stop texting me?

He's a grade below me (I'm 15) and I don't like him. He keeps DMing me on Instagram saying I'm cute and "hey