How Can We Make Advancements In Space Exploration.

Technological advances in space exploration have?

a.taught scientists many new things about the Earth, but not other planets.

b.shown scientists that the ideas of the earliest astronomers were all fully correct.

c.revealed that the Moon is more capable of supporting life than Earth is.

d.helped scientists modify and expand previous knowledge about the solar system.

What are the biggest advances in space exploration?

I agree completely with a fellow user that mentioned the invention of the orbital rocket system.Now, as for the greatest modern space exploration invention I´d say the recoverable/reusable orbital booster (like the falcon 9). It opens the possibility for bigger, more complex, modular transfer ships (interplanetary spacecraft). Which is the key for making humanity interplanetary, like Elon Musk has said several times.

If you have a passion for space exploration, how do you justify it?

Question when I read it: If you have a passion for space exploration, how do you justify it?I wonder why “if you have a passion” for damn near anything, *why* you would have to justify it?One of the most famous math toasts of all time is - “here’s to pure mathematics. May it never be of any use to anyone.” :)And yet, paradoxically, it is the foundation on which all applied maths (and their correlate technologies) are based.Now, I’ve just read your comments, which were quite helpful in explaining the context of your question.Let me suggest to you that, as in most things of this world, there is a risk-reward balance in space exploration. I happen to think - and perhaps this is my own bias - that the rewards in this instance are far greater than and entirely worth, the risks.Also - we don’t know what we don’t know.As an example, we have already seen that at least some materiels created in zero G environments have strange and often wonderful properties (see this link for at least one example - crystals grown in zero G are typically much larger and “purer”, a distinctly positive attribute for many industries that use them, such as the computer chip industry). Microgravity scienceI have to wonder what things we’ll discover that, today, we haven’t even begun to consider. The possibilities truly excite and energize me. Many of your respondents have provided additional technical and conceptual details around this notion.We are learning more about medicine, physiology, physics, chemistry - so many things (see this older, but wonderful and enlightening podcast from NASA - Science that can't be done on Earth) - from our work in space.Finally, I could not agree more with the eminently more qualified in this area than I Alex Cucos who noted that:“So when nature, biology, phsyics, and just science in general take us aside and gently remind us “it's not meant to be” we shake it off, gather some tools, and get to work. And just like polio; like smallpox, like exploring the arctic, like making California one of the most fertile places in America instead of a desert, we will persevere. We will push through. We will find a way to make it work.”To which I might only add that we we will push through in ways that are almost certainly nothing like those we have envisioned today - or, more aptly, nothing like those we *could* envision today.

Space exploration has been an important factor in the cultural and economic history of our country.?

exciting question. For now--and probably here few centuries--the decrease returned is the image voltaic gadget. whether we are able to finally bypass interstellar section is arguable (in my view i think of of we are waiting to, yet this is in basic terms my opinion). the only extremely decrease returned to exploring the image voltaic gadget is our willingness to augment the technologies required. the marvelous ingredient is that our government isn't arranged to make a extremely attempt to objective this. the clarification this is staggering is that we already understand the reward--and that they are extensive. indoors the late 50s and the Nineteen 1960s that committment replaced into there--and that we are waiting to handle and meet the challlenges replaced into thoroughly shown. And we got here across that it replaced precise right into a fantistically solid investment. Out of that attempt we've been given the buyer-friendly technologies that underlies our computers, we've been given somewhat better scientific technologies, we've been given an completely new form of materiels -- composites--that are revolutionizing the ariline marketplace, between others. we've been given climate satelllites and communications satellites. and different of option subject concerns. And different international places are spotting toe balue of section--we can't assume something of the international to forget approximately approximately those advantages via actuality we--and our political leaders--have lost the creative and prescient we as at as quickly as as had. Japan, China, Russia, the eu Union, Asstralia, and optimal at present day India--are making that committment. the obstacles to section exploration? they're in our very own minds--and hearts. Nowhere else.

How space exploration, in general, has contributed to advances in technology. Include one specific example.?

The moon landings,

The samples they gathered on the Apollo missions, brought the idea that we might be able to harvest moon dust for energy.

It hasn't been put into action yet, but the plans are definitely out there. We found that the dust contains trapped particles of Helium-3. Its scarce on the earth but should be rich on the moon.

Helium-3 is a candidate for a clean burning fuel source which has no pollutants, If we started using helium-3 in our power generation plants we could reverse our affect of air pollution over time.

How can space exploration benefit us in future?

While many answers have touched on some good reasons (development of other sciences) I think the most significant change will be the development of quantum technology over the next 30 years.

Quantum technology will enable computers that will go much faster than today's fastest super computer. This will allow us to create better mappings of the human genome for medicine. Help make better climate models. And help us understand particle physics better so that we can create new materials and prove new mathmatical theories, such as M-theory (string theory).

It can also be used as a new form of communication, using a phenomenon as "entanglement". (I'll be happy to explain if you want to email me).

Lastly, entanglement could be used to transport energy.

Quantum technology will have as great an impact on human civilation as electricity has had to date. It's development will likely depend on agencies such as NASA to make it more accessible to the commercial sector.

But if you want an endless list of what the space program will help with, you can literally pick anything and the space program will inevitably have a positive impact on it (agriculture, city planning, better insulation, etc... It doesn't always have to be the lastest or most outrages technology. Sometimes it's as simple as creating a better jet engine, which saves millions of gallons of fuel a year.

What has space exploration really done for us?

It's a fair question.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of products - and, improvement to products, or processes, or materials - that were developed specifically for manned space flight. Much of our current computer data-compression methods stem from ways of sending vast amounts of data over a very narrow band from spacecraft. I could point out some of the biggies, but here's a blanket statement:

The times when Man progresses in technology *fastest* are during war. Our need to develop weapons to combat some foe - or, a counter-measure to stop weapons from said foe, is the quickest, most efficient means of advancing technology. We used to have to hit others with our hands, then we used a stick, we learned how to throw a rock, then an arrow, a gun, and finally a guided missile can be sent remotely to kill an enemy on the other side of the world.

The *second* fastest method of advancing technology has been from manned space flight. Learning how to keep men alive, and equip them for the environment they're going to has created not just new inventions, but new industries... The cordless drill has been around since the 1920's - the Germans first used them on board submarines for repairs. But, until the 1980's, cordless tools were not a big hit; the batteries didn't last very long, nor were the motors very effective - but today, and for the last 35-40 years, cordless tools really took off.... why? NASA needed a cordless drill to take core samples on the moon. They paid a subcontractor about $2 million for the tool used on the moon. They developed a new ion-battery, and a low-voltage, high torque electric motor... You might thin $2 million is a lot for a dumb drill - but think about the *$billion* dollar industry the research and development created after the initial drills were supplied.... That's just one example... but, the value of going to the moon in the 1960's wasn't *only* the glory of seeing a man standing on the lunar surface - the true value was the building the ladder to get him there... it's why we should be going back - keeping Man alive elsewhere using a minimum of resources can teach the 7 1/2 *billion* of us left behind how to use what we have more efficiently...

What organizations should I donate to for the advancement of space technology, space exploration or general interest?

Specific options for advocacy include Tau Zero Foundation (tiny), Planetary Society (medium-sized) and Long Now Foundation (also medium-sized). If you are able to make a donation in the low five figures, consider supporting a university small-sat project. MIT in particular is working to get real science out of small-sats: worth supporting charities that work to keep our collective launch window open by moving toward more sustainable use of resources, reducing the rate of human population growth, and reducing gross global inequities. The next Einstein could be born in India, but she won't discover much if she's brain-damaged aged two by micronutrient deficiency ( GiveWell is a good resource.