How Can You Catch A Turtle In A Lake But Without Harming Him In Any Way

Any idea of how to catch a wild baby turtle?

The best way to catch one is to find a lake or large pond with a sandy shore and weeds. Go out during the time of year that turtles are just hatching from their eggs and they should be found in the shallow waters. You could grab it with your hands or a butterfly net.

However, keeping one is not to be taken lightly. They need a mercury vapor heat lamp that also emits UVb rays. Without it they will eventually die of bone deformities and lack of calcium absorption. They need a diet of lots of invertebrates and fish as a juvenile, with more collard greens and non-lettuce plants as adults and a calcium supplement that won't wash away in water. They need a very large habitat with a powerful, but quiet filter for the water, and a Python siphon system to clean the habitat. They live a long time and the market is already saturated with too many unwanted turtles thanks to people buying them without thinking of how much work and time it's going to be.

Can you catch one; yes. Should you catch one; probably not. If you want a turtle that bad you can also buy turtles, or rescue an unwanted one. If you don't want an adult turtle then you don't want a baby one. They grow up.

Can i catch a wild turtle and keep it as a pet?

you can, but then again you should not.

How do I catch or kill a snapping turtle in a pond?

A snapping turtle has been killing my family's ducks and I have been assigned to it's death/capture. I have a .22 long rifle and a shotgun to kill it. I have tried using hot dogs to lure it but it doesn't seem to work. What should I do?

Keeping turtles warm without proper equipment?

I have two turtles I acquired without any notice beforehand.I don’t plan on surrendering them.One is a red ear slider and the other is an African aquatic side neck.I need to know how to keep them warm at night without the equipment for right now till I am able to get the equipment.

Will a sea turtle get harmed from fresh water?

Yes, if you caught it in saltwater, it needs salt water. There's a reason you don't see sea turtles in lakes and rivers. You asked a question about this earlier and it was deleted because you have a very foul mouth. As you have already been told, it is illegal to possess sea turtles. Secondly, why would you take it if you know nothing about it's care? Your best bet is to call your state's wildlife agency and tell them you did a very stupid thing and maybe they won't give you a fine for being honest. Sea turtles are internationally protected. If you keep it, it will die...guaranteed. And if you run your nasty mouth again, this question will be deleted and your account may be suspended.

Will a snapping turtle bite me?

He will if you rub him the wrong way. He wants to get away from you as much as you want to get away from him. Just go the other way if you see him. Sometimes lakes and ponds can get pretty murky and it's hard to be sure that he's there.
I'd say he will see you coming before you can kick him. Even so, good luck and safe swimming!

Can snapping turtles bite underwater?

Although there are definitely instances of snapping turtles biting, it is unusual. It's usually quite safe to swim around them. If you happen to put your foot near a large snapper or alligator snapper's mouth you're probably going to lose a toe.