How Do I Deal With A Jealous Cousin

How to deal with jealous cousins...?

Hey all im going to go to a relative's wedding party soon, and Im very excited. Im 18 btw, in my second year of college. I am gonna wear a nice suit and a blue shirt and all my family members are coming. Allot of relatives are gonna be there. The thing is that there are these cousins who I do not really think treated my good over the past couple of years, they are 23 and 20 years old. I don't kno why, I didn't go to their house yesterday for thanksgiving but my other family members did, and I don't care if my cousins felt insulted. The thing is that sometimes I feel that they are trying to exclude me out of conversations, when I use to try talking to them i feel as if they are blowing me off. Ok i have my own friends, but I feel worried that these people are going to try to jeopardize my fun. I just want advice as to what precautionary measures I should take to have as much fun as I can. I feel that these 2 people have a big problem, I mean for like a while the 23 year old person use to try to make fun of me when I was quiet and focused on my studies(im not longer quiet, but still studious for school). I don't know I always felt that this 23 yr old cousin always kept trying to look at me and pay attention to me even when he pretended not to. I sensed it. Any ideas..? Thanks.

I am jealous of my cousin?

She's so pretty and she has a tone body. She has the California tan I want and she swims everyday in her OWN pool! She has an amazing taste of style because everything she's worn always look gorgerous on her. She use to have a bad past because her mom had a mental condition but now she lives with my rich cousins. Her mom and dad are rich even tho they're divorce and her dad pays for everything. She even goes to a private school unlike me who's in a public school :( She has a sibling and I'm an only child. My parenst are poor and I hate it. I just feel like she's just got the better life because she has everything I want. She lives in California still and I'm somewhere else ! ughh, how can I stop being so jealous, I just hate this feeling!

I'm always jealous of my rich cousin!?

So my cousin and me are somewhat really close. I've known her since I was 10. I moved to where she lived so now we're closer. I'm jealous that she's got everything she wants. Her parents are rich and it seem like they never have to go through anything hard like mines. My family always has to deal with financial problems and we're always having money. My dad lost his job so only my Mom works while both her parents work. She can get anything she wants and she's not mean or anything. She has clear skin while I have to deal with acne. She doesn't need makeup to look pretty since she's utterly gorgeous while I have to because I look better with it while she looks good with or without it. She has the life while me and my family are poor. I'm just tired of envying her. My mom says that it's okay but we're always struggling to provide. We've gone through a lot when I was younger. I just wish I could stop being so jealous of her but its hard when she has everything.

How do I deal with a snobby cousin??!?

Hey I have the same issue but what I do let that relative take all the attention until it gets on everyone else's nerves then they don't want to be around him/her. And they want to be around U! :) Option2: Talk2 someone in your family that is really down 2 earth, that won't go back and tell.