How Do I Follow Someone On Yahoo

How to follow someone on yahoo answers?

Go to the person's profile, or hover over the person's avatar, and click Follow (in the old format, "Add Contact").

However,not all users allow others to follow them.

What happens if you follow someone on yahoo answer?

If you follow someone and it is reciprocal then:

1) They appear in your network so you can easily find their profile in the future

2) If their account is private and then they have the setting on "My Questions & Answers - Visible to my Followers" then you will then be able to see their questions/answers

3) Their activity will appear in your "Notifications" stream

4) You will be notified by email (if you have the setting set to this) to be informed when your contacts ask a question - however, apparently this function isn't working lately.

What does it mean to "follow" someone on yahoo answers?

They become part of your Network you can see Questions that they post on your Feed kinda like Following someone on Facebook same thing on Yahoo Answers

How do I know if someone blocked my Yahoo email?

When you add an email address to your blocked email addresses list there is no notification sent to the blocked email address in question.Whenever your blocked contacts send you a message, they will not receive a failure notice confirming their message was not delivered. Since the email in question will never arrive to your inbox, you will not know they have sent you a message.This works the same if someone has blocked you. I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to help you!

What does it mean to "follow" someone on yahoo answers?

The publicly and privately following is following the question Not the user.Clicking the star beside a question gives two options... Follow publicly is what used to be Starring a question.. Questions you follow publicly will show on your home page when they have new answers.
Follow privately is what was called your watchlist. Same function just different name.
You can see them by clicking the My Activities under your account data beside Popular, On the drop down click Following and then Private or Public.
Following another user is different than following questions. When you follow a user by Hovering over their avatar and click Follow that is adding them to your network.

What happens when you follow someone on Facebook?

I've seen that my friends are following different people on facebook and I have some questions about it. ...
Is the person notified when you follow them or do they have to accept or anything? How is it different than a friend request?

thanks so much ^.^

What does it mean to follow someone on yahoo answers?

It means you are their fan. A follower is the term on the new purple Y!A setup for what is called a fan on the old green setup..

To explain more... Your Y!A network consists of your fans and contacts, or under the new system followers and those whom you are following. It's meant to be a way to share Q&A with other trusted users.

A fan (follower) can get an email when you ask a question, also they can see your recent Q&A on the site, and under the new format they can also see what you thumbs up. No way to prevent that, except not to allow others to follow you, a setting on your Y!A profile ( or on the new format ).

By adding another user as a contact (following them), you are allowing them to view all of the Q&A on your profile, even if you have the most private settings. This also means you can see all of the Q&A of those who are following you.

How the hell do i message someone on yahoo answers!!?

Click on his avi it will bring you to his profile, if he accepts emails there will be a button that you can click. Be advised some choose not to accept emails.
Edit: The round circle with the silhouette, in the top left of the box where the answer is........ when you click on that you can go to their profile page it tells you from there what level you are at, then there is buttons you can click (right under the name) if you want to follow, email, message.
NOTE. you have your settings set as to NOT receive emails. as there is no button for it.
To accept emails click on your user name it is on the left side of the screen right above the categories from the top it says.....Answers Home, notifications, then your user name. Once you click on that it will take you to your profile page. From there you can edit preferences and can set it to accept emails.