How Do I Get Thin Fast

How to get thin fast?

Here are some good ideas:
1. Do something that gets your heart rate up a bit like, walking, running, biking, and swimming.
2. Eat Whole, Organic foods like: Broccoli, Cabbage, Organic Brown Rice, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Apples, and other fruits and vegetables in their Natural State.
3. Avoid eating corn, white bread, white rice, candy, sodas, chips, and anything else that you already know you shouldn’t be eating.
4. Drink clean water as your beverage of choice. Avoid Fruit drinks and fruit juices (unless YOU juice them yourself)
5. Stop smoking, drinking beer & wine, and drinking coffee.
6. Get 8 hours of sleep each night.
7. Hang out with people who want to be healthy.
8. Avoid anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup.

Tone up the muscles:

1. Join a gym and get a trainer.
2. If you’re short on cash, start a light stretching & yoga regimen.
3. Do push-ups, and light dumbbell curls for the upper body.
4. As I said above, walk, run, swim, and or bike
5. Take an aerobics class, a yoga class, or some other fitness class.
6. Join the local YMCA..

Mental Health:

1. Get a friend to talk to each day about your feelings.
2. If you have some money or insurance, get a counselor to talk to.
3. Learn how to meditate.
4. Join a support group for the issue you’re dealing with.
5. Ask your Higher Self (or God) for guidance.
6. Start keeping a diary or journal about your feelings & thoughts.
7. Write a ‘gratitude’ list every night.
8. Do something that makes you happy each day like: listen to your favorite music, draw, paint, write, or anything creative.
9. Do something for someone else who needs help.

How can I get thinner thighs fast?

1. Leg Exercises- If you're on a mission to get thinner thighs it can take a little time, so settle down and do it the right way. After all, it may have taken years for those thighs to get that way, so it takes time to get rid of them.As you know spot reduction is a myth! You can't do it, so don't try, it's not a waste of time, but just exercising your legs won't make thighs thinner. You have to lose overall body fat then the thigh fat will start to come off.2. Flabby thighs- You can safely lose two pounds a week just by eating 1200 to 1500 a day, no less than 1200. It's not as hard as it sounds, usually if you reduce portions and not eat seconds as well as drink water with meals it will work like magic.That is, considering that you are doing at least moderate exercise. After all, what a pity to lose fat thighs just to have them look flabby! This is what happens to those who lose weight without exercise. Did you know that flabby thighs can look as bad as fat ones? It's true I've seen them many times at the beach.3. Billy Blanks- If you're going to get thinner thighs then why not have good muscle tone, so that you can show them off. A combination of cardio and weight training would give you the best results; however, a Billy Blanks video can do a pretty good job too.As long as you exercise 3-5 days a week on a consistent basis and lower calories, as instructed above, your fat thighs will be a thing of the past. No rush, no panic just steadily day by day making healthy choices. Don't fall for scams that promise the moon and end up worse off than when you started.4. Thinner thighs- It's also a good idea to keep a journal and chart progress this way you know exactly what you did and how many calories you ate. Plus when you document everything it keeps you accountable and on track.The really great part is that it's such a simple weight loss plan that anyone can do it. And here's an added bonus! You can go shopping for a new bikini to show off your newly toned thinner thighs.

How can I get bone skinny fast?

Don’t worry, I won’t lecture you about how “unhealthy” being “bone skinny” is. If that’s the way you want to live your life, go ahead as long as it won’t affect other people. It’s too bad most people on this site are too into political correctness.Anyway, to answer your question:Your body weight is entirely determined by your caloric intake. Weight gain is caused by being on a caloric surplus. Weight loss is caused by being on a caloric deficit. So to lose weight, you need to consume less calories than the amount your body burns.No exercise will help you lose weight. Exercising only increases your body strength and endurance but it doesn’t actually make you lose weight. Exercising doesn’t burn as many calories as how most people make it seem. Plus, exercising at a high intensity will most likely increase your appetite. Whenever your body burns a lot of calories in a short period of time, you would start craving for more food. So it’s not a good idea to have a big appetite when you’re trying to lose weight.If you are going to cut your calories, don’t cut your calories too much. This will cause muscle loss and you’ll end up looking skinny and jiggly. In other words, skinny fat, which is when you’re skinny but your body fat percentage is still kind of high. I would say cut your calories by 10–20% and try weight lifting to minimize muscle loss.Btw, 105 lbs for a 5′2 female is not “bone skinny.” Sure, it’s skinny but it’s not dangerously skinny. I’ve seen skinny girls who were 5′6 and weighed about 95 lbs. Now that’s “bone skinny.”

How to get skinny legs fast!?

im going to school soon!
and i really want to wear those skinny jeans!
so... i also dont want people like oh my goodness thats bad for you,
maybe give me an anwser that like can gve me skinny legs in a week 5 days or so??? please!!!!!!!! help me thankyou!

How fast can your cervix thin and dilate?

the dr can do a thing called stripping your membrane, what he does is basically pull out the last of the mucus plug and that can help it speed up alittle. too.

How can a 12 year old become thin fast?

My friend's cousin is 12 years old, 5"1 and weights 146. Becuase she's tall she doesn't look overweight but she is. How can she lose weight fast for free?

Does Thick or thin hair grow faster?

i'm trying to grow my hair out. i want it to look kind scene like the scene kid style hair lol. im a girl. My hair is a little past my shoudlers now. its touching my collor bone. But it looks just boring and thick and dumb. I want to thin it out to make it look better but i'm afraid it will take my hair way longer to grow if i do. So my question is Does thick or thin hair grow faster/better? or does it not matter?

How did a girl get so skinny so fast?

Yeah, drugs can do that. Unfortunately, losing weight really fast like that has other negative side effects like lose skin, hunger pains, headaches, tooth and bone pain, acid reflux, and general body pain. That’s why healthy eating and exercise is always the best route to go. Anytime someone isn’t eating right, or isn’t eating enough, the body suffers consequences. In any case, how she got there really isn’t important. If you want to lose weight, focus on improving your eating and exercise habits. Otherwise, you just wasting time thinking about other people.TailorFitByCee