How Do I Measure My Hair

How is the softness of hair measured?

Hair softness can’t really be measured, it’s more described via touch. Some hair feels like sandpaper made into strands, some like oil rags made into strands and some like velvet made into strands.Everyone’s hair is different, those are the main descriptions for dry hair, oily hair and normal hair (which not everyone has).If you want to know how soft your hair is, ask someone to touch it and tell you what the first word that came to their mind was when they touched it.Hope this helps :)

How do you measure a Hair brush?

First I want to suggest this hair brush, the best round hair styling brush I have ever used! Also, if you look at the description of this one (1.5") it tells you the measurements of the brush so you can just compare it to your broken one. They have a lot of different sizes available as well.

How to measure your hair length?

I'm a guy at 20 years old. My hair is not long at all, but I want to measure it. I want to measure it because I like the length that it is at, and when I grow it out and go to get a haircut at my barber I want to be able to tell them what length to cut it at.

Basically I want to find out if my hair is regarded as a "9". Like: "Can you cut my hair all around to a '9' please?"

How do I find this out? How do barbers know what a "9" or a "3" all around looks like?

How can i measure my afro?

ruler and from what i understand it grows on average an inch a month unless it is broken off or trimmed.

My hair dye tells me to put 2 ounces how do I measure 2 ounces of this stuff? How will I know its correct?

If the dye comes in a tube, it should be marked on the tube. If it comes in a bottle, it needs to me measured into a color bottle that has measurements marked on the sides

FYI most hair dye in the bottle is either 2 or 4 oz.

How Long Should It Take For My Hair To Reach My Knees?


This answer is from MY personal experience.

I had hair that was down to my knees. I've had long hair all my life. I credit my mum because she used to wash then brush my hair every single day because it was too hard for me.

It was about 7 when my hair was down to my knees, everyone was like "Wow! Do you brush your hair 100 times to make it grow longer?!". The answer to that question is - Nope :)

I'm 14 now and my hair is past my shoulders. I really regret cutting it so short. It has grown quite a bit but I wish it was LONG again!!

Take care of your hair. Wash it properly. Nourish it. Don't expose it to heat a lot, for instance hair straighteners and curlers. These can damage your hair and make it dry. You don't want that.


Can your hair height count? if it's not that much really?

Well let's just say i measure myself too much and i always get 5'4.75 inches. A couple days ago i got a physical and the nurse measured me so she had to put that thing flat on my head to flatten my hair so she got 5'4.25 inches and she marked me down as that. When i saw it i was thinking how am i 5'4.25 did i shrink? but i tried it at home and i think i am 5'4.25 if i like flatten my hair out. When they measure you can't they just stop it like when it touches your hair? I mean it's not like someones gonna flatten your head out every time they measure you, they will usually use a tape measure and wont notice your hair height, and im a guy by the way. Well the only times i think that they shouldn't count hair height is like if you have an Afro or something or if a girl has her hair in a bun thats like basically adding more than an inch.