How Do I Remove The Thumbnail Photo That Appears Next To My Yahoo From Email Field

How to replace a photo in existing iMovie?

I want to replace a photo in an imovie that is completed. i have imported the project it back into imovie. I have the replacement photo in the project library area. when i select it and drag it down over the clip in the movie that i want to replace, nothing happens. it jumps back up into the project area. i want to replace it exactly--the same duration. i don't want it to mess up the rest of the movie. what am i doing wrong? Using iMovie 11 on a mac with a single click mouse.


How to disable thumbnail photos in Yahoo Mail address field auto-fill function?


Suddenly when I type the first letter of an email address in the "To" field while composing an email a little photo of the person comes up next to the email address. Below the address is other addresses, often of people I don't know, sometimes with photos. If I delete some more come. If I choose one another box appears saying "Often Included" with more, some of whom I don't know and are not in my contacts list.

The problem is I don't need to see these photos and don't know how some of these addresses got there. I don't need to see a little photo of an ex-girlfriend with her now husband and child whom I have not emailed or contacted in ten years suddenly being inserted into my current life.

How do I disable the photos?

Most of these people are not in my Contacts list and I do not have a Facebook account and am not linked to one.

My friend who also has Yahoo Mail says he is not familiar with the photo I say I am seeing of him and that his Compose function doesn't not have photos and other people he knows with Yahoo accounts don't know what I am talking about.

Has my account or computer been hacked or infected with a bug that trolls the net for people's photos?

Thanks for your help.


Can I retrieve my old photos from Friendster?

ProfilesUrls of the form ''. Many pictures on these pages are hosted on urls that look like '', but these folders aren't browsable directly. Profiles will not be easy to scrape with wget.Photo AlbumsA user's photo albums are at urls that look like '' with individual albums at ''. It appears that the individual photo pages use javascript to load the images, so they will be very hard to scrape.On the individual album pages, the photo thumbnails are stored under similar paths as the main images. i.e. if the album thumb is at, just drop the final 'm' to get the main photo (or replace it with a 't' to get an even tinier version).

Smashed my finger -- under my nail is all black?

It's blood. No big deal for now. Just ice it.

But if it starts throbbing, you might wanna go to a doctor. Or you could release the blood from under your nail by yourself. To do this, you will need a lighter, guaze, a needle, and some rubbing alcohol.

Step one: sterilize the needle and the finger nail with the alcohol.
Step Two: heat the needle up with the lighter.
Step three: apply the needle to the nail at a 90 degree angle. Apply sight pressure.
Repeat steps 2-3 as necessary until you get some blood coming out.

Step four: soak up the blood with the guaze.

Its really not that painful, it actually feels really good because the pressure that is making your finger throb is going away.

If you uninstall then re-install imovie do you loose all your projects/events?

Reinstalling iMovie will most likely not help with anything.

If you have never performed any system maintenance, do it now: Open Disk Utility, select your hard drive and click on Repair Disk Permissions. When it's done, click on Validate Disk. If the validation fails with a red-colored warning, boot from the Mac OS X installation DVD, launch Disk Utility from there (Utilities menu) and click on Repair Disk.

When done, launch iMovie to check if the problem is gone. If it still persist, go to the next step:

Your event clips and movie project are stored in the iMovie folders within your Movies folder. Go there and trash all files that are not movie files, still images, or project files, i.e trash all cache files and thumbnail files.

Then go to your user home folder (the one with the little house icon) and navigate down to the folder Library/Preferences/. Here you trash all files that have the word 'iMovie' in the filename.

Now launch iMovie again to see if it's getting better (iMovie will take some time create new thumbnails etc.).

If the problem appears again, consider removing the last event clips that you added before the problems started, and/or remove the whole project. You can drag them out of their folders in the Finder respectively. This way you can isolate a possibly corrupted video file that may be causing the problems.

Also, check, if you have enough (meaning at least 50 GB) of hard drive space left.

BTW Your youtube video is blocked by UMG in my country.

Upload image (instead of generic logo) to ESPN Fantasy Football?

Instead of the box team logo with a one-letter icon as the team avatar in ESPN fantasy football...

How do i get it so that i can upload an image to use as the team logo? (avatar)

I know on a friend of mine's league, below the "team logo builder" there is an "upload image" button, but IT IS NOT ON our pages of our current league!

Is there some specific settings the league starter needs to select?

What are some great Firefox add-ons?

This is my line-up of useful add-ons:Adblock Plus (ad removal)DblClicker (double click a link to open in new tab)Download StatusBar (better download managment)Enter Selects (Press enter in the AwesomeBar to select the first result)Fasterfox Lite (increase the speed of Firefox)FEBE (backup add-ons and your profile)gTranslate (translate selected word in any language)LastPass (password manager)Omnibar (makes the awesome bar into Chrome style search)Pocket (Save it for later bookmarking)Save File to (for easy save-to management)Session Manager (works better than Mix Tab Plus manager)Tab Mix Plus (many important tweaks)TextArea Cache (no need to fear losing what you wrote in your browser any longer)United States English Spellchecker (or choose any other language)NoScript (for more secure browsing, but you most ok all sites you use first)Hope you find some useful!