How Do I Stop Obsessing Over Myself And My Asperger

My friend's son has Asperger's and he is obsessed with my son.?

My son has been a good friend to this boy since they were little, they are both 17 now. The 2 boys really have no interests in common but my son understands his differences and doesn't judge him or make fun of him, he admires his intelligence and just let's him be himself. I am proud of my son for this. However the other boy obsesses over my son and it's becoming a problem. He constantly texts him, sends him repeated emails and Facebook messages until my son is completely overwhelmed and upset about it. My son has explained to him that he is busy with school work and has a full course load, and tells him when he has free time he will get in touch. Once in a while we do get together with them and go get a snack together or see a movie, but my son is wanting to do this less and less because every time we do the other boy obsesses over when we can do it again and will spend the rest of the time together trying to nail us down to a time. When we finally are able to leave the boy starts again with the texts and emails and tries to force my son into committing to a day and time and both my son and I have explained to him that we will have to see when the time comes. I know with him it's best to be concise and blunt but when you don't have an answer and aren't able to give one now and you don't know when you'll be able to give one, how do you convey that effectively? I've explained this to his mom also and she says she understands and willl help him understand, yet he still texts and emails my son excessively. It's to the point now where my son doesn't want to return any of the communication because one text leads to another and another and the boy will send 12 texts in 2 minutes. I am afraid that what will happen is that my son will be pushed to the limit and will want to end the friendship with this boy and I have to say I won't blame him. I know it's not the boy's fault, I know it's how he's wired and how he thinks but how can we make him understand that we will let him know when we have time to see him and get him to stop pressuring my son? I'm trying to not get emotional over this but it really has my whole household upset. Thanks for any advice.

My doctor thinks that I have Asperger's Syndrome?

No, I don't think that people with Asperger's Syndrome are weird. I'm not really trying to be defensive...ok...I guess I am being defensive. It's just that I already have enough wrong with me - I don't need yet another diagnosis. All it does is make people have yet another reason to hate me and think I'm weird!

I'm actually not all that surprised about my diagnosis. After all, I have at least 8 other family members that have Asperger's Syndrome (including my dad and possibly my brother), and a few more who have more severe forms of Autism. It's just that I don't really want to be diagnosed. If it were up to me, I would have never sought out a diagnosis, but my dad was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, and his doctor said that my brother and I should be tested for it too.

I know that I don't have to label myself an Aspie, but it's no use acting like I'm the most normal person in the world. People can tell that I'm different already, it's not like I can hide it very well.
I guess t

What are the signs/symptoms of asperger syndrome? how can it be tested for/diagnosed in an older adult?

my uncle was diagnosed w/adult ADD and since then has tried multiple things to treat it. but a recent family discussion revealed that he may have been showing signs his whole live of an autism spectrum disorder. he has issues with how things feel on his body. very fidgity, tends to stay in the corner in crowds. covers ears if someone talks too loud or laughs too loud and doesnt like loud music. his excuse to my mom is that generations after his are "the deaf generation". he socializes some but hold no long term relationships/often stays by himself and often misses social cues. though he is very bright and cant seem to stop absorbing information and obsessing over any new thing he learns or ideas he comes up with. any info would be of great help. the family wants more info before we sit and approach him with the possibility and see if he'll agree to being evaluated.