How Do Primary Producers Make Their Own Food?

What do primary producers eat?

Primary producers are the things in our world such as algae and bacteria, and they make their own food.

Primary producers have what to convert to biomass?

Primary producer = autotroph

a.) Is wrong, primary producers make their own energy
b.) Energy used is energy lost
c.) Gross productivity does not account for energy loss
d.) Is correct, Input - Consumed = Total Energy Available

Are bacteria producers, primary or secondary consumers or what?

All of the above.

Cyanobacteria are producers.
Most other bacteria are decomposers, which are consumers. Decomposers occupy every trophic level other than the producer level.

Why do most aquatic primary producers live in uppermost regions of deep lakes,oceans,and ponds?

Most primary producers are photoautotrophs, meaning they make their own food using energy from the sun. The tops of bodies of water get the most sun.

And it is photoautotroph (in response to Esther). There are chemoautotrophs that live at the bottom of ocean trenches that create their own food using the energy from steam vents, not the sun.

Sorry if that sounded angry, I didn't intend it to.