How Do Scientists Really Know That The Universe If Expanding

1.Scientists know the universe is expanding because of the _____.? shift of distant galaxies shift of the brightest galaxies shift of the brightest galaxies shift of distant galaxies

2. Which statement is true about using parallax to measure the distance to stars?
a.The closer the star, the smaller is the parallax angle.
b.The larger the star, the smaller is the parallax angle.
c.The closer the star, the larger is the parallax angle.
d.The larger the star, the larger is the parallax angle.

3.What might likely be affected by the existence of “dark matter”?
a.the rate at which the universe is expanding
b.the ability to observe all existing galaxies
c.the lifespan of our sun

4. Where is our sun located in the Milky Way? the tip of one of the spiral arms
b.within one of the spiral arms the exact center of the galactic nucleus
d. in the galactic halo

5. The theoretical new force that may be causing an increase in the speed of the universe’s expansion is called _____.

a.dark energy
b.the big bang
c.light theory
d. the big crunch

( If your not gonna help me then dont write your opionons , just help ive been
trying to find these answers for 3o mins and still cant find them but if you dont want to help me ONCE AGAIN DO NOT COMMENT)

How do scientists know that the universe is expanding?

How do scientists know that the universe is expanding?

The galaxies are moving toward each other, and the temperatures are increasing.

The galaxies are moving away from each other, and the temperatures are increasing.

The galaxies are moving toward each other, and the temperatures are decreasing.

The galaxies are moving away from each other, and the temperatures are decreasing.

How do scientists know that the universe is expanding?

a. the temperature of space is always increasing
b. nearly everything shows a redshift in its spectrum
c. nearly everything shows a blue shift in its spectrum
d. light form distant galaxies takes millions of years to reach earth

Why do some scientists believe that the universe is expanding?

Edwin Hubble studied the redshift of galaxies. Redshift is a shift in the spectrum of the light from galaxies because of their movement away from us. All the regular patterns of the colors of the chemical elements are shifted toward the red end of the spectrum. This is because the frequency of light is the number of waves per second and if the light emitter is moving away, then the time from one wave reaching us to the next wave reaching us is more time, making the color redder. This is called the Doppler effect. Faster movement away causes more red shift.

Hubble noticed two interesting things about the movement of galaxies away from us:
1) The farther the galaxy, the faster it is moving away from us
2) The amount of movement of galaxies is the same in every direction he looked

These two things mean that:
1) There is no center of this movement. If there was, the movement of galaxies would be the most in one direction and the least in the opposite direction.
2) There is no edge effect of this expansion. This conclusion is due to these two things: The farthest galaxies are moving away from each other at the same relationship to their distance from each other as between those galaxies that are nearer to us. The speed of movement between galaxies is related to their distance from each other no matter how far away they are from us.

In a regular explosion, the stuff from the explosion moves fastest at the edge and all of it moves away from the center. The universe doesn't expand like that - its expansion is universal in every direction from every point in it.

The universe has no center and no edge because its expansion movement has no center and no edge. This means that all the expansion is within the universe everywhere in it, not from a center, and not toward an edge.

In other words, space is becoming larger between galaxies in every direction. As you put it in your question, space is actually being created, and where it is being created is everywhere within itself, not at an edge.

How do we know the universe is expanding?

Two pieces of data suggest that the universe is expanding...

No matter where you look in the sky, nearly all galaxies are moving away from us... The only exceptions of those galaxies that are part of the local group.

The farther away a given galaxy is, the faster it is moving away...

Think of the expansion this way. Blow up a balloon about half way. Put marks on it using a magic marker. Blow it up some more and you'll notice that all dots are moving away from all other dots... This is the same kind of effect we see in deep space...

It's very important to note that this effect is present for galaxies, NOT stars... The stars that we see are part of our galaxy. Any red shift they may exhibit relates to the stars proper motion, NOT the expansion of the universe...