How Do You Calculate Flux On A River

A driver in a 1000.0 kg car traveling at 34 m/s ?

OK... So the frictional force is km where k is the friction coefficient and m is the mass of the car. So...

f = km = 0.8 * 1000 = 800N

Now you need the acceleration resulting from that force...

f = ma
a = f / m = 800 / 1000 = -0.8 m/s^2 (Negative because it's slowing)

Then the time to stop is...

V = Vo + at
0 = 34 + (-0.8)t
t = 34 / 0.8 = 42.5 s

And the distance is...

x = Vot + 1/2at^2
x = (34 * 42.5) + (1/2 * -0.8 * 42.5^2)
x = 722.5 m

What is the unit of heat flux?

Flux, in simple terms, is a measure of rate per unit area. For example, assume you have a flow of water; a river. The flow is changing when it crosses an imaginary sectional area. It is of less value at the bottom and of more value at the middle top.Heat is form of energy; so it is measured by Joules.When considering heat rate, it is joule per second; which is Watt.Heat flux is Watt per m2. Such unit is known as Irradiance ..

What is afflux in a bridge?

Bridges are built across a waterway and the structure may be of single span or multiple spans. In a multiple span bridge piers need to be constructed in the river bed. These piers obstruct the natural flow. If the obstruction is considerable, the level of water on the upstream rises slightly compared to that at the downstream.This rise in level is called afflux. Designer's calculate the afflux and incorporate the same in the design of sub structure so as to keep the superstructure clear of flood water.

What is the difference between the rate of flow and the velocity for a fluid?

LookThere is a great difference between velocity and flow rate ( rate of flow )Flow rate may be volume flow rate or mass flow rate but in general flow rate = volume flow rate ( if he doesn’t determine whether it’s mass or volume flow rate )Velocity : Velocity is a vector quantity that refers to "the rate at which an object changes its position."Velocity=distance/time ( m/sec )Volume flow rate : is the volume of fluid which passes per unit time; usually represented by the symbol Q (sometimes V̇)The SI unit is m3/s (cubic metres per second).Volume flow rate = Volume / timeThis equation can be simplified tovolume flow rate = Area . VelocityFor Mass flow rate : is the mass of fluid which passes per unit time.Mass flow rate = Mass/ timeAnd it also can be simplified to this equationMass flow rate = density . volume flow rate = density . Area . velocity

A ship coming from the sea enters the river, will it hull or sink in the river?

Bodily, it will sink slightly. That is why the Plimsoll mark (the bullseye on the side of the ship) has several lines next to it, which mark the maximum extent to which the ship can be loaded in salt and fresh water. The fresh water line is always above the equivalent salt water line. The difference is called the fresh water allowance.

What is the definition of the flux of a vector field?

The flux of a vector field through a surface is the amount of whatever the vector field represents which passes through a surface. It's difficult to explain, and is easiest to understand with an example. Imagine a river with a net strung across it. The river represents a vector field where the vector at a point is the velocity of the water at that point. In this example, the flux of the velocity field across the net is how much total water passes through the net per unit time. The precise quantity could be obtained using a surface integral. This idea generalizes to many types of vector fields, such as electric and magnetic fields.

What is the difference between flow rate and discharge?

Technically,they are same thing from fluid mechanics point of view.It is volume or mass rate of flow of liquid.However,discharge is specifically used when liquid is flown out of some constrained portion like from a pipe to open atmosphere.The flow rate at the exit of pipe is called discharge.

A rock is fropped off the side of a bridge and hits the water below 4s later.?

the rock's velocity when it hit the water: Vt=Vi +at=0+9.81*4=39.24m/s
the rocks average velocity as it fell: Vavg=(Vt+Vi)/2=(39.24+0)/2=19.62m/s

(Vt²=Vi² +2ah)
the height of the bridge above the water: h=(Vt²-Vi²)/2a=(39.24²-0²)/(2*9.81)= 78.48 m

A boat is traveling upstream at 19 km/h with respect to the water of a river. The water is flowing at?

From the perspective of the ground, the speed of the boat would be:

v(boat) = 19 km/h - 7.0 km/h = 12 km/h

Because it requires 7 of your km/h to overcome the upstream speed of the water trying to push you down, so with respect to the ground, your boat is going much slower.

As for the child, the child is walking against the motion of the boat, but from the perspective of the ground, the child is already traveling at 12 km/h. So the speed of the child, with respect to the ground, is:

v(child) = 12 km/h - 5 km/h = 7 km/h