How Do You Call This House .

When do you call a house your "home"?

Home is where you can be...Home is where you feel free...Home is where you can be you without pretense...Home is where you pack to go to other place and unpack when you return!I started writing all this and suddenly it struck me - a home is not just a place, it is the people! The people are the soul & the objects merely the body that houses the soul.We need both to complete the picture, neither being complete without the other!For me, as for almost every other person, home was where my parents and brother were. I grew older, went places, but that was still home. Then one day I got married and realized, "Oh, this has to be my home!" It took a while for me to make this my home - after all, I could not "just be" here as I could at home...Time went by until one day when I was packing to visit my parents, I realized, I was leaving home! Till that day, I had been going home, suddenly, I was packing up to "go to my parents' home"!That was the turning point, I guess...neither was I less welcome at my old home nor was there any new shift here at my "husband's home", it was merely a shift in my comfort level. I realize now in retrospect that a house becomes home with the people in it, becomes a home when there is a an irreplaceable place for you, when there is a place for your things, a place that you are used to...Both were homes, but there was a subtle shift - I was equally comfortable in both places, but, I was packing up in one home and unpacking in another. The suitcase went in the loft in my primary home, stayed in a corner in the other reminding me that "home" had shifted base...My home is my little nest which my husband and I have tended with care and love, where my children feel free and protected, where my children's friends feel "at home" and never want to leave...It breaks my heart that one day my children will say what I say when they make a home for themselves with their own family..but that is the circle of life! The parents remain with their hearts and homes forever open welcoming their children, but each bird needs to make its own nest which it calls - HOME!“Home is not where you have to go but where you want to go; nor is it a  place where you are sullenly admitted, but rather where you are welcomed  – by the people, the walls, the tiles on the floor, the followers  beside the door, the play of life, the very grass.”     ―     Scott Russell Sanders

What do you call a pig’s house?

A sty or pigsty is a small-scale outdoor enclosure for raising domestic pigs as livestock. It is sometimes referred to as a hog pen, hog parlor, pigpen, pig parlor, or pig-cote, although pig pen may refer to pens confining pigs that are kept as pets as well. Pigsties are generally fenced areas of bare dirt and/or mud hut. A pig house has many names

What is the chicken house called?

Chicken Coop - Most common, hens, roosters, chicks all living together and where water and feed are provided. Wide range of styles and quality.Henhouse - building for laying hens, also where eggs are gathered/produced. A commercial henhouse may have 250,000 laying hens in it. Or it may be a backyard shed altered for hens with nest boxes and perches.Chicken Tractor - portable coop and run in one moveable structure on range.

What is a sheep house called?

The only time I have been in a building specifically built for sheep it has been called a “shed”-lambing sheds are just that -areas under roof to be divided into pens to put ewe and lambs together. Those pens are called “jugs” and when a ewe has given birth , she stays together with her lambs so she can accept them and in cases where there is need to graft an orphan lamb to a ewe that has lost her lamb or has a single lamb, the ewe needs to be persuaded or tricked into accepting the strange lamb and cannot be let out .There are also shearing sheds in areas that have inclement weather and because you cannot shear wet wool these are low and deep lean- to sheds. They have smooth wooden floors that you can position the sheep on without getting the fleece dirty and an alleyway to feed the sheep in one at a time. These are enclosed on three sides with the sheep entering on the open side,which is (if you are smart) built facing away from storms and wind. And they have electricity and water!Finally, if you are where the ewes and rams first get introduced to each other you may want to observe behaviors close up before you turn them out to pasture and any old building, barn or shed will do. It’s called the Dancehall!

What is a witches house called?

Witches live in gingerbread houses, caves, cottages, shacks, hovels, the boarded up corners of old houses, swamps, even castles, but the most common name for their lair is a "hut." Such as that of the famous Baba Yaga:

What's a house for cats called?

The word you may be looking for is "cattery". It refers to an entire home specifically devoted to raising and breeding cats, and also kinda like a shelter for cats. "Kennel" also has several definitions, so it depends exactly which one you are trying to match. Here is the wiki for cattery, if that's not what you are looking for let me know and I will keep looking, I have the day off and I am bored as heck :)

Edit: No problem, glad to help lol :)

Riddle: What do you call a house with no roof.....?

i will call it " zoo " lol hahaha

Can we call a hen house as “poultry”?

A small hen house is called a coop. Coops are in houses, in gardens and at the most have 12 birds.. Usually many hens and one rooster. Two roosters tend to fight I think.Poultry is a term used for large extended rooms where thousands of hens, ducks, turkeys or even geese are reared for their eggs or meat. These are for commercial purposes and have a scientific method of rearing and caring of the birds.

What do you call people that sell houses?

Sellers, owners, agents, Realtors or brokers.

What is a really old house called?

An antiquated house or heritage house