How Do You Get An Anonymous

How to stop all anonymous phone calls?

The situation is extremely simple. My mother is elderly and has trouble getting up to answer the telephone, which is a land line.

In the last month, she has started receiving dozens of telephone calls that come in as anonymous, private, unknown, or simply telephone numbers (almost always 800 numbers). Since she cannot stay by the telephone 24 hours a day, seven days a week, she has a problem.

We have tried changing the telephone numbers.
Using the anonymous call blocker with telephone service.
Signing up on the "do not call list," which has not worked yet.
Telling them not to call back.
Threatening to sue.
And even trying some of the absolutely worthless call blockers that you can buy as add-ons.

Short of completely disconnecting the telephone, does anyone have any suggestions that may work? Also, please do not use this is a place to advertise yet another worthless telephone blocker. Thank you.

I have found two that had outstanding reviews that have since been discontinued. Both of them run about $100 apiece, but one of them actually allowed you to enter a passcode that would allow you to bypass the blocker completely.

Thank you for any assistance that you may be able to render.

How to get a hold of the ANONYMOUS hackers?

did you know if i needed to get ahold of someone id go get a news server, then subscribe to say news.alt.hackers etc. and id probably find you if i had a good story or maybe boobs or money. be aware the sign above the door dont say welcome, use a proxy or remote and use your browser to open and dont click on links. this probably wont help, but itll make you feel sleuthy(my spelling and vocab sucks and i aint 1, but witnessed identity theft in about 12 to 17 hrs, from a name to everything including numbers published right there)

When do you go anonymous on Quora?

I only go anonymous if the answer contains personal details and I don't want people to know that it happened to me specifically.I wrote an answer to What is the smartest thing you've seen a child do and didn't go anonymous. Why? I don't care if people know I worked with and had problems with 7–8 year olds at an acting camp in 2016, and supervised kids age 5–12 there during their lunch and breaks! It might actually come in handy someday because the stories talk about problems I've come across in working with kids and how they were solved.In that answer, I keep the other people anonymous by using the first letter of their first name. This way, I know and remember who was involved, but nobody else knows. The people involved don't know what Quora is, as far as I know, and I want to respect their privacy.

Do you get credit for anonymous answers?

Why do you want to get credited with a good answer yet remain anonymous. that doesn't make sense. People who need credit are usually suffering from a hidden inferior complex perhaps. No one individual knows all the answers , to life mysteries, but by being on Quora, Like minded people get together to learn .Many are very well educated, some have a lot of Common sense, either way we all learn something from each other. It is also a great thing to help others to widen their understanding of this strange world where we have been placed. No two individuals ever agree 100% , but a general consensus of answers will be very similar, thus rendering an understanding of the said information. You can cherry pick which you like as best response. Just be yourself , don't try to be the high and mighty know all, no one likes a know all. or an arrogant person, or a verbal bully. The people with the best verbal dexterity, are not necessarily the cleverest people. although they like to portray that.a bit like politicians, just enjoy it all.

How do I change my yahoo name to anonymous?

put your mobile device into desktop mode FIRST. i have JUST changed MY user name.

1. Left click or tap your user name in the left column to open your YA activity profile.

2. Left click ort ap "Edit Preferences" when it is underlined.

3.You might as well edit your preferences right now. you can and probably should make your YA activity private, because it is public BY DEFAULT. Left click or tap the down arrow icons where it says "Visble to everyone," then left click or tap on "Visible only to me" IN BOTH BOXES.
$. VERY IMORTANT. Left click or tap "Save in the lower left corner.

Start the whole pricess again.
5. Left click or tap your user name in the left column

6.. Left click or tap"Edit preferences' in the banner

7. Left click or tap "Edit" when it is underlines, to the right of the default avatar.

8. On the next page, Left click or tap "edit Profile details " in the upper left corner

9.. Left click or tap the BIG button at the bottom to activate your Yahoo profile.

You may be asked to confirm your password at some point.

10. Left click or tap anywhere in the BIG box with your current user name

11. EDIT your user name to whatever you want

12. VERY VERY IMPORTANT. hit the "enter/ reutn key TO SAVE your new user name on the Yahoo server computers.

Go back to YA profile and refresh the page to update the display.

There is MORE THAN ONE WAY to change your user name on YA. This method works, but OTHER methods works as well. MAYBE.

How can I get someone fired anonymously?

Honestly, your best bet here might be to contact the temp agency that she works for. Ask to speak with a manager or direct supervisor (hers). Call CRYING, and when you talk to them, give them your evidence. Tell them that you're just feeling at a loss here right now, and hope for some sympathy (I'll be honest with you here, and let you know that the direct supervisors for some of these sleezy women are just regular people themselves...they don't make a lot of money, and if you're convincing, they may actually find a way to help you out here).

Problem is, if they moved her, they will move her to some other agency, where she might continue to fool around with your husband, and she may even land in a better place than she is now (this may be used to convince her to move in the first place). Then, you won't know where she is, and will have an even more difficult time keeping up with your husband.

Your best bet here, is truly, to deal with your husband and your relationship. Decide whether this is something you want to live with, because if your hubby is a cheater, he's not likely to change simply because she changes jobs. And, this, I will promise you...the absolute best revenge that you can ever get on a former partner, is to "walk away" and THEN, "do well for yourself." In this way, you do not stoop to his level, and he will remind himself daily for a long time, what he's missed out on by not respecting the love you have for him.

Picture it yourself. If you were the one in his shoes, what is the more likely feeling attached to the following:

1. You find out he's cheating, slash his tires, get his sl*t fired, and go into a fit of rage...break up with him and curse his name to everyone he knows.

2. You find out that he's cheating, you tell him you're done because you won't live your life playing second fiddle to any other woman, and then move on from him without a tear, later finding someone who is good to you and who you love life with.

MY guess is, that most people, in #1, will get angry right back, and be glad you're gone from their life. MY guess is, that most people in #2 will actually realize what they've done, and live a large chunk of their life (possibly all of it) regretting it. Which of these do you think is better suited for revenge? If this were me? I'd remain calm and collected, and walk out as respectably as I walked in.

Best wishes.

How do you know if a Survey Monkey survey is anonymous?

How anonymous a survey is will depend on a few things. First is the type of collector used. You can think of a collector as a way for people to reach and respond a survey. There are several different types and descriptions can be found at Ways to Send Your Survey. Let me talk about two of them quickly though.The web collector is just a link that can be posted anywhere. It does not contain any tracking id in the link so it is effectively anonymous. However if the email collector is used, they can see which response came from a specific email.The other caveat is that Surveys can ask questions that narrow down who you are. For example, asking who your manager is, or asking for your name, etc.

How does anonymous hack websites?

Sqlmap - How to hack website using sql injection on Kali Linux 2016.2Hello Every One,This is Mehedi Shakeel.Today in this video i'm going to show you how to use sql injection on website by sqlmap on kali linux 2016.2Sql injection is a methode to hack website database or webserver by using sql injection attack on kali linux 2016.2Sql injection error can fix very easy way.This tutorial is all about sql injection attack & errors on websites and using sqlmap on Kali Linux 2016.2What is sql injection ?SQL injection is a code injection technique,used to attack data-driven applications,in which nefarious SQL statements are inserted into an entry field for execution.What is sqlmap?sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers.Up until sqlmap version 0.8, the tool has been yet another SQL injection tool, used by web application penetration testers/newbies/curious teens/computer addicted/punks and so on.Things move on and as they evolve, we do as well. Now it supports this new switch, -d, that allows you to connect from your machine to the database server's TCP port where the database management system daemon is listening on and perform any operation you would do while using it to attack a database via a SQL injection vulnerability.Sqlmap Download : sqlmapproject/sqlmapCommands :sqlmap -u "" --dbssqlmap -u "" -D database_name --tablessqlmap -u "" -D database_name -T tables_name --columnssqlmap -u "" -D database_name -T tables_name -C column_name --dumpAll these videos are By SSTec Tutorials for educational purpose only ,Don't misuse it. STAY LEGAL!!!

Giving Anonymous Tips To The Police?

I know someone who sells marijuana on a regular basis. I also believe they might sell cocaine, too, but I'm not 100% sure about that. I know his first and last name, but that is it. I do not know his address. My question is, can I give an anonymous tip about this individual to the police? Or can I not, since I do not know where he lives?
Also, should I even bother? The reason I want to get this guy arrested is, because, it is obviously illegal, but also because my boyfriend buys from him all the time, and is turning into a pothead, and I'm worried about what it might do to him if he isn't stopped. He's to the point where he's buying $100 worth at a time.
I don't want to get my guy in trouble, and I also know that cops typically are more worried about hunting down dealers than buyers.
So, should I report the dealer? Can the cops do anything without knowing the dealer's last name? How can I report him anonymously? Any other comments?
Thanks for the help.

How can a person get therapy anonymously?

You could do it online at one of the many online therapy group sites. You could go to AA or another support group situation. It's not therapy, but it is a lot like group therapy, which is the most effective kind of therapy. You could pay in cash and provide a fake name and address.Therapists are supposed to keep your words confidential except if you represent an imminent threat to the community -- such as if you make a credible threat to murder someone. Of course, therapists will talk about clients, usually without naming names. I have a friend who has told many a story without mentioning a name. I would imagine that some therapists name names and tell stories to people they really trust, such as spouses. This might be the case if they felt threatened by a client, and they wanted someone to know they were worried about it. They can also name names to their sponsors or trainers. As with any source of confidentiality, the only true confidentiality comes from saying nothing. If you have done something really bad, then you better keep it to yourself. If you have done something you want to make sure no one ever finds out about, then keep it to yourself. Everything you say, might get out. So think about what would happen if what you said became public knowledge before telling the therapist. If you don't do that, you aren't serious about the secret.