How Do You Go About Answering This Math Question

How would I go about answering this math question?

A plumber charges $25 per hour on weekdays and $49 per hour on weekends. During one October the plumber billed a total of 190 hours worth a total of $5275. Let x represent the number of weekend hours worked and write the algebraic expressions for each parts of a-c.

A. The amount of money for the weekend hours.

B. the number of weekday hours worked.

C. The amount of money for the weekday hours.

D. How many weekend hours did the plumber work in October?

I just need the answers for my homework. So please help!!!!!!!! I need it ASAP :/

How to answer this math question?

a)Explain briefly two application values of matrices. Please provide examples in your explanation.

b)What is meant by a solution to a system of linear inequality?

Answer to this math question.?

(3x + 6y = 48) x -1
-5x + 6y = 32

-3x -6x = -48
-5x + 6y = 32

-8x = -16

x = 2

-5x + 6y = 32
-5(2) + 6y = 32

-10 + 6y = 32

6y= 42



How would I go about answering this year 10 Maths Trig question?

Let OD= R and OH=R/2IH=IC=rwe have OI ^2=OH^2+IH^2 => OI=sqrt(R^2/4+r^2)IC=R-OI=R-sqrt(R^2/4+r^2)= rsolve this equation we will get r= 3/8.R or r/R=3/8

How do i go about getting the answer to this math question?

The width of the path = the diameter of the blade (or the circle it sweeps through) = 20 in

So 1 revolution = (20 pi) in

Angular speed of blade = 2,800 rev/min

So, linear speed of blade tip = (2,800 x 20 pi) in/min

= 56,000 pi in/min

= (56,000 pi in/min 60 min/hr)/(63,360 in/mile)

= (56,000 pi x 60/63,360) miles/hr

= approx. 166.6 miles/hr

Note: Velocity is a vector quantity so it requires a direction as well as a magnitude. Also, the speed of the blade tip will vary. It will be a little more than 166.6 miles/hr when it is moving in the same direction as the mower and a little less when moving in the opposite direction.

Can anyone answer this maths question?

1 nm = 10^(-9) m

Multiplying both sides by 0.15 gives :
0.15 nm = 0.15 * 10^(-9) m

To put into standard form, multiply 0.15 by 10 and divide 10^(-9) by 10 :
= 1.5 * 10^(-10) m

Answer this Math Question. PLEASE!!!!!!!!?

Ok here goes:
Charlotte has 3 times as many pencils in her schoolbox as Rebecca. Together, they have a total of 24 pencils. How many pencils does Rebbeca have?

Please answer this question if you can. THANX!!!!!!!

Any one know the answer to this math question?

Judy had a number of raisins. After eating one, she gave half the remainder to her sister. After eating another raisin, she gave a third of what was left to her brother. Judy now had only six raisins left. How many raisins did she start with?

Can someone answer this math question?


subtract 6x from both sides

2y= -6x+3

divide both sides by 2

y = -3x + 1.5

this represents a linear equation because it is based on the equation: y=mx+b

in y = mx+ b, y equals the y coordinate of a graph, m represents the slope, x represents the x coordinate, and b represents the y-intercept.

because the slope is -3, the line will slope downward.

remember, slope is rise over run, meaning that the top number is the number up or down, and the bottom number is the number to the left or right.

-3 = -3/1, meaning that, in this case, your line will go down 3 units and to the right 1 unit.