How Do You Pronounce Esparame

What does ratito mean in spanish?

it means like when you say:
give me a minute or give me a second
its a way of saying
in spanish a sentence would be:
dame un ratito
hope i helped

What is the difference between "esperame" and "esperate"?

Just Mexicans say "esperate"

"¡Esperate tantito, guey!" that means "wait a minute". But that's totally informal Spanish, that is not correct to say.

Yes, I'm Argentine.

Also, I've been to a many of Latin American countries and to Spain and I never heard "esperate" but in Mexican telenovelas.

Can someone explain some spanish to me?

"ducharme" is a reflexive verb in infinitive form, non conjugated form. It is formed by verb "duchar" and reflexive pronoun ME.
When you conjugate this verb (or any reflexive verb) you have to separate verb and pronoun, so:

Me ducho. (I shower myself)

Yo can say "yo ducho" if you are showering someone else:

Yo ducho a los niños (I shower the children)
Tú duchas al perro (you shower the dog).

Yo voy a ducharme (I'm going to shower myself)
Yo me voy a duchar (I'm going to shower myself)

It can be "(aux. verb) ducharme" or "me (aux. verb) duchar". "Me ducharme" is absolutely wrong.

How do i say in spanish "meet me at your bus stop"?

Esperame en tu parada de camion.

Encuentrame en tu parada de camion.
**I live in Mexico.....and NOBODY calls it an autobús. These people got this from an online translator! An autobús is when you take a bus from one city to the next, but if you are at a stop, you are in a camion.**

Please translate spanish/english...(argentinia) perame estan mis papas?

Wait for me. My parents are here.

JC - I'm 100% sure of my translation. Argentinians, mostly from the Buenos Aires and east coast, say 'perame' instead of 'esperame'.

How do you say ... in spanish?

Can someone please translate this for me...? PLEASE

Im sorry, I am very stressed out. I miss you and I love you. I will be with you soon. Please wait for me.