How Do You Say To Eat In Vietnamese

How do you say "Let's Go Eat" in Vietnamese?

chúng ta hãy đi ăn

How to say my name in vietnamese?

In Vietnamese, there are no sound such as "dr" so it will be much easier for people if you say your name is Andy. As the others suggested, simply say "Tôi tên là Andy" or "Tôi tên Andy" or "Tên tôi là Andy", whichever is alright. I understand in Vietnamese, if you pronounce Andy into "Ăn đi", it will literally mean "please eat". So, just say your name in English spelling, people will then recognize your name.

Do Vietnamese Eat Dogs?

absolutly! not all vietnamese eat dogs all the time but some do. and iv'e never met a vietnamese who hasn't eat dog on occation. in just about every town there are sections [ 1-2 blocks ]that sell dog meat exclusively ; "thit cay" or thit cho" the signs will read in rows of eateries. "dog meat". only once in ha noi have i seen skinned and "prepared" dogs hanging out in front of a resturaunt, like pigs or chickens . but ive seen plenty of live dogs in cages being taken to market on the back of motor bike or bicycles... its pretty tough to look at... the dogs in viet nam are pretty cute.... its a farming country and animals are "groceries" thoi! now if you realy want to try something ... eat "vit loan"[sp] duck eggs....i promis you, you"ll rather eat dog!

Do most Vietnamese eat dogs?

Short answer: Only some eat regularly for whatever reasons. Redneck Vietnamese or junkies would be the ones who consider dog meat as gourmet treat. Because to normal people it is just a weird choice of dish to go with drinks, no more no less.Long answer: There are people who eat and sell dog meat for different reasons. There is no such thing as forbidden sacred food in Vietnam as long as they are not human meat, or poisonous, or spread disease, or listed as protected rare species so you are free to sell and to buy.Foreigners find it surprising that Vietnamese love dogs yet eat dog meat, but it is as simple as I might love pigs and have a pig as a pet but I still wouldn’t have any problem about eating pork.Animals that are farmed for meat are almost considered as different species, now that I mention it, I actually would feel deeply sorry if I know the piece of dog meat on my chopstick was once of someone beloved. I am strong against consuming pet meat in that sense and I believe many also do.Personally I have tried dog meat twice in my life, after coming back to Asia after a while living in Europe and learned that eating dog meat is considered as a barbarous act in Asia. I just wanted to see what it is all about, so my “first time doing it” was in a buffet in S. Korea, I asked the restaurant staffs what kind of meat is the 4th kind of red meat on their trays and decided to give it a try after being told that it was dog meat. Second time was in a hotpot restaurant in China, have never tried it in Vietnam, wouldn’t mind trying though.

How do you say panda in Vietnamese?

Panda = danh từ

How come people say that vietnamese women hate men who are fat and immature?

So I have bipolar disorder and I am gaining weight and people say that it is because I don't do any type of exercising at all. I like to eat stuff like pizza rolls and hot dogs and cheese and mcdonalds. I eat mcdonalds almost every day. People say that it is my fault for getting fat because all I do is eat and sit on the computer and watch tv all day. They also said that I am immature because I won't go and get a job. They said that my fiancee in vietnam is gonna ditch me if she finds out the truth about me. My family told my fiancee that I have a high paying job and a nice house of my own. They said that nina broke up with me because of how lazy I am. I really dated nina but no one believes me and I actually have taken her out on dates and she broke up with me when she found out someone else at this 4 year college when she transferred over. She wasn't really faithful to me so I don't care about her breaking up with me anymore. I know my fiancee in vietnam is better than her because she is from vietnam and is traditional. Nina was raised over her so she isn't traditional anymore. I am sure my fiancee will love me because I am a really good guy even though everyone calls me an immature fat retard. Why do people say that my fiancee won't like me because I am fat ? Why do people think that I am immature ? I really don't think that I am immature.

How do you say cheers in Vietnamese?

Vietnam has a rich and vigorous drinking culture, it being the ink that signs business contracts, the glue in social bonds, and a favorite evening pastime for all ages and demographics.Drinking etiquette is more formalized in the North and more loosey goosey in the South, but typically you eat and imbibe with a group, leaving your glass undisturbed until everyone at the table drinks together. In more structured drinking meetings, the “big man” or lady will settle the tab. Some major arguments erupt over who gets to claim the honor of paying the bill.They prefer light lagers poured over thick blocks of ice, or tiny glasses of medicinal wine (rice wine or banana liquor soaked with assorted herbs or animals for their “energies”).The point is to get fairly sloshed without losing (or appearing to lose) your wits. However, if you know your limits and you want to wave the white flag, there's no shame as long as you stay seated and enjoy the company. If this is a traditional business deal, prepare for more of a drinking competition than anything else.Women are free to imbibe, but getting face-to-the-street drunk is frowned upon.There is no requirement to “finish your drink” before you go, like in my home country, and its normal to see a table full of beers abandoned.Beers are refilled before they're empty to keep the energy going, so drinking and eating can go long into the morning hours. Somehow, driving home drunk by motorbike is socially acceptable, and the cops won't care unless they're looking for bribes or you're swerving around.Drinking with no food on the table or pounding big shots of hard alcohol are seen as barbaric Western practices and efforts in self-harm.Ways to say “cheers”:“Dzô!” (Yo!) Is the most common, from vô, or “in!” In reference to the glasses coming together“Một hai ba dzô!” or one two three cheers is a fun way that the whole table cheerses (?) together“Cạn ly đi!” Clinking the glasses together, a bit more formal“Chúc sức khỏe!” To your health! Very formal.“Một trăm phần trăm!” 100%, means finish whatever’s in your glass. Not really cheers, but just specifies how much they want you to drink. It sounds bad, but keep in mind the glasses also hold big chunks of ice, so it is not as much as it appears.“Năm mươi phần trăm!” 50%, more magnanimous than its cousin…Now go have a party!Here’s a photo of a typical “quán nhậu” in Vietnam (drinking restaurant). I can almost smell the nghêu hấp sả now (lemongrass steamed clams) now…

Why do Vietnamese people eat dogs and cats?

First of all, not every Vietnamese eat cats and dogs. I’ve never met anyone eat cats.When I was 10, my dad took me to a “restaurant”. First thing I saw was a burnt dog hung up in front of the place. My dad calm me down by saying it was fake, this place sell chicken fake dogs meat. As ridiculous as it sounds, I believe it, well, I was 10 and he was my dad. We sit down and eat. That's right, I was 10 and I ate dog meat, I thought it was chicken.Now, my mom is Buddhist, hardcore, she forbid eating pets. We even have dogs in our house. The weird thing is my dad absolutely adored our dogs. He cried when they were stolen from us.When we came home that day, Mom casually asked:-” How was it? Did you guys have fun? Are you full now, honey? What did you eat?”.-” It was good mom. I ate chicken fake dogs.”Mom went bad shit crazy, she hits my dad, she kept on repeating that she does not want me to go to hell.So as you see, in the same household, one is against eating dogs( pets in general), one loved it, and one doesn't know what the hell was going on( that was me).My dad eats dogs cause back in military, he tried it once and he likeD it. During the war, food is a mean to survive, any food is luxury.My dad still eats dogs because well, it's not illegal.However, Vietnamese main religion is Buddhist, eating dogs is forbidden. So there are a large percentage that is against it.The younger generations are heavily influenced by western media, and we don't struggle for food, so we don't eat dogs, I know I don't.

How do you say you are my everything in Vietnamese?

you are my everything in Vietnamese