How Do You Solve For The Indicated Variable. Include All Of Your Work In Your Answer. Help A =

Solve for the indicated variable. P = 3r + 2s; for s?


First you try to get the variable you're trying to solve for on one side of the equation... all by itself.
P = 3r + 2s

You have a pesky "3r" there... so add a -3r to both sides.


Ok, the 3r-3r=0, and 0+2s=2s so

P-3r = 0+2s = 2s

Now you have a number of those "s" thingies... and you really only want 1 of them...

So you multiply both sides by the reciprocal of the factor, in this case that's 2... and the reciprocal's 1/2

(P-3r)(1/2) = (2s)(1/2)

Since 1/2 times 2 =1 and since 1s = s, you have

(P-3r)(1/2) = s

Or, probably what you're instructor would rather see...
(P-3r)/2 = s


aP = br + cs....
aP - br = cs
(aP - br)(1/c) = s
(aP - br)/c = s... where a and b can be any value, and c can be any value except 0 (zero).
P and r can be ANYTHING.

Solve for the indicated variable. Solve for F?

C=5(F-32) / 9
cross multiply first
5(F-32) = 9C
distribute next
5F - 160 = 9C
add + 160 to both sides
5F = 9C + 160
divide both sides by 5
F = (9/ 5) C + 32

Solve for the indicated variables? Algebra II?

Solve for the indicated variable.

1.) A = LW; for L

2.) P = 3r + 2s; for s
P = 3r + 2s; for s

3.) A = 1 + prt; for r

4.) C=5(F-32)/9;for F

5.) A=h/2(a+b);for h.

6.) P = 2L + 2W; for L

Thanks for any help!

Solve the indicated Variable. C = 2πr for r(circumference of a circle)?

C=2pir, divide both sides by 2pi,
C/2pi = r
r = C/2pi

Do you include all dummy variables in a regression model?

If you have 3 groups for race, then you can use only 2 dummy variables to represent membership in race group.In general, for k groups, you use only (k-1) dummy variables.It’s helpful to think of each dummy variable as a yes/ no question about group membership.Suppose your race groups are:1= white2 = black3 = otherDummy variable 1 answers the question: Do you identify yourself as white? 0 = no, 1 = yes.Dummy variable 2 answers the question: Do you identify yourself as black? 0 = no, 1 = yes.Provided that your groups are mutually exclusive and exhaustive, then if a person answers no to the first two questions, that person must be a member of group 3, other race.In fact, if you try to include a third dummy variable in this situation, regression analysis will fail because the scores on the third dummy variable are perfectly predictable from the answers on the first two dummy variable questions.

Solve the following for the indicated variable. A = lw for l(area of a rectangle)?

You must change the equation so that it is written as l = A / w

It's as easy as taking the width (w) and dividing it out from the right side of the equation, but remember, what you do to one side of the equation, must also be done to the other. So now you must divide A by w.

How do I solve this equation in standard form?

Please explain how to do this problem so I can do the rest.

Write the standard form of the line that passes through the given points. Include your work in your final answer. Type your answer in the box provided or use the upload option to submit your solution.

(3, 1) and (-2, 3)

How can I write math answers neatly?

You ask how to write math answers neatly by hand with some specific questions:Spit the page into two columns?  Two columns are unnecessary unless you write really small.  Don't fold it unless you're required to.  I recommend writing large enough to easily read.  If you don't write particularly well, then print instead.Squared or lined paper?  I see no point in using squared paper unless you have a graph to draw, and then you could use a separate page for that.  It's easier to read lined paper.Division symbol or dividing line.  Don't ever use ÷. Use a slash or dividing line as in  [math]x/5[/math]  and  [math]\frac{x^2-5x}{\sqrt{x+1/x}}.[/math]Other suggestionsWork out the answers to the exercises on scratch paper, then write up your answers clearly and completely on the paper you hand in.Don't squeeze your answers.  Write long equations on separate lines. Number your exercises and separate them by blank lines. Rather than start a new exercise at the bottom of a page, start it on the next page.You may want to include the statement of the exercise in your answer.Save your homework to review later when you study for tests.  It's the best resource you have for that.  Keep all your homework, tests, notes, and handouts in a folder.  That's your "portfolio" as the educators call it now.Some of the exercises are straightforward computations.  For those, it's enough to show your computations.Be careful to use proper notation.  Don't make mistakes with the order of operations:  [math]x+2\cdot 5[/math]  means  [math]x+(2\cdot 5),[/math] not [math](x+2)\cdot5.[/math]  Don't abuse the equality sign.  If you simplify  [math](x-2)(x+2)[/math] then add 5 to the result, don't write  [math](x-2)(x+2)=x^2-4+5=x^2+1.[/math]Some of the exercises are "show", "prove", or "explain".  It's really important to use full sentences and justify every equation.  A proof is not a sequence of equations, but the explanation of what the equations say and why they're true.Every time you introduce a new variable, don't just start using it.  In a word problem, you'll decide what letters to use and what they mean.  Say so, such as "let y be the unknown height of the mountain". In a proof, it's often enough to say introduce variables in a phrase like "Let n be a positive integer".