How Does Gravity Affect Your Height

Does Gravity Affect Height? how and Why?

Gravity does affect height. One way to show this would be to measure someone, lying down, when they wake up after a good night's sleep. Measure the same person in the evening, standing up. You should find that they are slightly shorter in the evening. The action of gravity compresses the body dowards over the course of the day, but the body is able to relax itself while lying down during the night.

How does gravity affect a person's height?

im pretty sure it doesnt other than impacting the bones and tissues of a person to the earth, but they tell you what you would weigh on mars, not what your height would be..

Does gravity affect the height of a man?

In short, it would appear as yes. Its little known fact that a astronaut grows slightly as they depart from the gravitational force of earth. The gravity of earth slightly compresses our spinal cord, and when an astronaut returns to earth, they are slightly taller, till there body readjust to the gravity, and there for there spinal cord is recompressed. Now if this has negative effects in any way, shape, form is still unclear.

Does height affect gravity?

Short answer is yes. So, to find the answer, let's focus on gravitation potential energy.Every atom creates its own gravitational field. Also, particles such as electron creates its own gravitational field. Not only massive particles, even photons carry their own gravitational fields that are inherent in their mass-energies. The gravitational field of a massless point particle is first calculated using the linearized field equations.Is gravitational field continuous or discrete?Stars are born within the clouds of dust. A star is made up of atoms, each atom contains a few sub atomic particles, and each element has its own gravitational field. So, the gravitational field of a star is formed of combination the gravitational fields of its sub atomic particles. When a star explodes, every part of it such as sub atomic particles carries its own gravitational field.It shows sub atomics particles absorb each other, even in star. In the other word, gravitational field is quantized.Gravitational fieldIn classical mechanic, the gravitational field g around a point mass M is a vector field consisting at every point (with distance r of point mass M) of a vector pointing directly towards the particle that is given by:So, as above equations show, effect of gravity depends to height.Read more: Hossein Javadi's answer to If gravity is just the effect that curved space-time has on matter (and isn’t really a force, just a byproduct of this curvature), then why are gravitons necessary as force carriers (mediators)?

How does gravity affect motion?

The height of a projectile at any time during flight is found from y(t) = h + Uyt - 1/2 gt^2; where h is the launch height at time t = 0, Uy is the vertical launch speed, and g is the gravity field. The first term shows y(0) = h. The second term adds to that height as time passes. But the last term, the gravity term, shows that gravity is the force that brings the height downward, the minus sign, as time passes.

So that's how gravity affects the motion of a projectile as it travels over its trajectory. It's the force that causes the projectiles to return to some lower height, which is typically ground level where y(T) = 0 after t = T total flight time. Without that 1/2 g t^2 term, the gravity term, a projectile would just keep climbing as in h + Uy t as time passes. And that, in the shell of a nut, is "how... gravity affect[s] motion."

Gravity can also affect motion along a surface as well. Where there is surface to surface contact, any moving object will encounter friction. And friction in general acts as a braking force to slow the motion down or, at least, to prevent it from speeding up. And friction force F = kN = k W cos(theta) where k is the coefficient of friction, N = W cos(theta) is normal force, and W = mg is the weight of the moving body. And there's g again, the gravity field. Clearly the bigger W is, the more friction there is for a given k. So objects moving where gravity is stronger will tend to be slowed down faster due to the stronger braking action of the friction.

Finally, from the conservation of energy, we learn that PE = mgh = 1/2 mV^2 = KE whenver something loses potential energy in favor of kinetic energy. And there's that g once more. Thus, for a given height h, objects will end up with a faster impact speed V in greater gravity fields than in lesser fields. And this is given by V = sqrt(2gh). Note here and earlier, it's not the mass of the bodies, but the gravity fields acting on those bodies that impact the motion.

How does the height of the center of gravity affects motorcycles' cornering?

Usually, Moto GP bikes and their replicas (sports bikes) have handlebars lower than their rider seat & COM are mostly near to the front wheel. In order to shift the COG lower, so that during cornering it will be pinned to the road and stays within the track. If COG is higher, due to centrifugal forces bike will tend to move out of the track during cornering.This is the reason why sports bikes are a cakewalk at cornering even at triple speeds with great stability. But cruisers (street bikes) are somewhat tough to corner at high speeds due to their higher COG.PS: Traction, Banking of roads, speed & rider position are also the major factors to affect cornering in addition to COGI think this picture may help you to understand better..

At what height do we not feel gravity?

The photo you show is not actually the absence of Gravity; weightlessness in this context comes about because the plane is in free-fall. That particularly one is probably on a Parabola flight, which is where the plane intentionally climbs and then nose-dives in order to create temporary weightlessness. It’s the same sensation you get when you go over a drop on a rollercoaster.(Image from Wikepedia)Objects such as the International Space Station are in orbit, that is, they are in a state in which they are constantly falling, but on a curved trajectory around a large mass (such as the Earth). Like a penny rolling around the edge of one of those donation funnels:(Note the penny falls in because it experiences drag through friction which slows it’s speed and degrades its orbit. Exactly the same thing happens with the IIS due to atmospheric drag. Every few months they need to fire boosters to correct its orbit)Because they’re in free fall, the people on the IIS are experiencing weightlessness, but it’s exactly the same mechanics as the people on a Parabola flight; you can’t say the plane is free from Gravity. In actual fact, the Gravitational attraction between the Earth and the International Space Station is around 90% of the strength that it would feel if it were resting on the Earth’s surface. So if you were standing on top of a pole that was at the same height as the IIS, you’d still feel more or less the same gravitational pull tugging you downward. And if you jumped off… you’d still fall… fast. You wouldn’t float away.The Inverse Square Law can be used to determine how the strength of Gravity dissipates with distance. The gravitational attraction between two objects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.Technically, you’d never stop feeling the Gravitational pull of the Earth, no matter where you went in the Universe. Every mass in the Universe is attracted to every other mass. Practically of course, thanks to the Inverse Square Law, the effects become vanishingly small once you move beyond a certain distance.

Does height affect the rate of acceleration due to gravity?

In truth, yes.
The strength of Earth's gravity has an inverse square relation with separation of the body of interest and the Earth's center of mass.

Also, with the rotation effects of the Earth (since the ground has an acceleration), a very slight component of effective gravitational field does increase with elevation. Look up geostationary orbit to understand more.

For moderate elevations which are not a significant fraction of the radius of Earth, Earth's gravity is nearly uniform. Also, the centripetal acceleration of a body near the surface is at most, about 3% of the Earth's gravitational field.

In introductory physics, we assume it to be, such that your algebra in projectile motion does not become differential equations. We are not living in a complete fantasy land by making this assumption.

At what height does the Earth's gravity become zero and the Moon's begin?

Weightlessness doesn't start at a height, it starts at a speed.  This might seem weird, and that's because how we move in space is weird.Imagine for a second that you're in a bus, and that bus gets dropped out of an airplane.  You and the bus are falling, and you would find that inside the bus you can move around as if you were weightless.  That is because you and the bus are falling together, and you both end up with the same speed.  NASA (and other space programs) take advantage of this in their astronaut training.  They fly Reduced gravity aircraft (also known as the vomit comet) in a way that when the plane goes into a dive everyone on the plane experiences weightlessness.  Here's a video of the air force taking cats and birds on the vomit comet.  The trick for keeping spacecraft in space is that they are falling, they're just falling in a special way.  When they launch they use the rocket motor to add so much speed sideways that as they fall, they miss the earth entirely.  They don't go too fast, or they could leave earth orbit.  There is a certain speed they go to keep their orbit a circle.  If they go faster their orbit becomes an ellipse.   Check out the Wikipedia page on Orbital mechanics for some more information (and the math to figure out where something will be in an orbit).  The how stuff works article on satellite orbits is a little better at explaining it. How do satellites orbit the Earth? - HowStuffWorksYou might wonder, if a spaceship just has to move really fast sideways while it falls, couldn't we do that closer to the earth?  The answer is yes, sort of, but there's 2 things that get in the way.  The first is air, and the second is mountains.  If you wanted to orbit the earth near ground level you would need to move at about 17,650 mile per hour.  You're moving this fast, but the air isn't.  The wind against you would be about 88 times faster than those of a hurricane.  The mountains become a problem because you're moving in a circle around the earth.  There is no path where you can stay over water the whole time, so even if we didn't need to worry about the air, we would still need to get high enough to be over the lowest mountain in our path.As for where the Moon's gravity takes over, there's something called a Hill sphere.  That's the limit of where a planet or moon dominates the orbital mechanics in its region of space.  For the Moon, that happens when you are about 37,200 miles away from its surface.