How Does The Circulatory System Work

How does the digestive system work with the circulatory system? Please help me!!! THANK YOU!!!!! ?

The digestive system and the circulatory system work closely together in order to deliver nutrients to the cells of the body. The digestive system takes the food that you ingest and breaks it down into parts that the body can use. These parts, such as amino acids, sugars and vitamins, are then absorbed into the cells, which then pass it into the nearby blood vessels. These blood vessels then take these important nutrients and deliver them to the other cells of the body which will use them to make the many different chemicals and proteins, etc. that they need to perform their functions.

How does the circulatory system and the respiratory system work together to regulate the fishes swim bladder?

fishes gills are engorge in blood , as water is pumped over it as the fish swims, it pulls water thru it's mouth and pushes it over it's gills extracting oxygen and the used water is ejected thru the fish slits opening that cover and protect the gill. the blood is circulated thru the fish body.

How does the endocrine system work with the circulatory system?

-First and foremost hormones are directly poured into the bloodstream hence the endocrine system cannot work without a circulatory system -The heart is myogenic so its activities are auto regulated.But the cardiac output can be altered by endocrine activity.
-For eg epinephrine and nor epinephrine from the adrenal medulla can increase the heart beat and thus the blood pressure.It also increases the blood glucose level along with the glucocorticoids of adrenal cortex.
-Aldosterone increase blood levels of Na+ and water by reabsorption from kidney tubules
-Parathyroidhormone increases blood calcium level while calcitonin decreases.
-JGA of kidney produces erythropoietin needed for RBC formation and renin which in turn stimulates release of angiotensinogen factor from blood for increasing the blood volume and pressure[RAAS].

Dats all i kno.....

How does the circulatory system and the respiratory system work together?

The respiratory system performs a process known as gas exchange that releases carbon dioxide from the body and brings in oxygen. This occurs in the lungs and the circulatory system then transports the oxygen to tissues that used internal respiration to burn fuel in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy, thus creating more carbon dioxide.

The circulatory bring the oxygen that the lungs take in around the body and bring the carbon dioxide back for the lungs to expel. The lungs bring oxygen into the blood which feeds the heart and the rest of the body!
The respiratory system brings in oxygen, which the circulatory system (i.e. blood) carries around the body and delivers to the muscle tissue. When the oxygen is used up and carbon dioxide is produced, the circulatory system brings the CO2 back to the lungs, where the respiratory system disposes of it...!!