How Does The Whole Thing Work When My Dog Gets Hit By A Car

What does it mean when you have a dream that your dog gets hit by a car?

It’s easy to overthink what a dream “means,” and most dreams, like most life experiences, can be “interpreted” in many different ways. Concentrate on the experience of the dream itself—textures, activities, characters. During your waking day, you may well fear that your dog can be run over; it’s no different in the dream, except that you can visualize your thoughts into an experience, or some seeming “story.” The only meaning or moral to this is: keep an eye on your dog and don’t let her play in traffic!

Why does my dog have seizures after he got hit by a car?

Ever since my dog had been hit by a car he's had seizures, they are unpredictable. Sometimes he goes months with out having them and then all of a sudden he has one again. We've taken him to the vet, they've done blood work and such but they don't tell us if he has anything wrong with him or not. He's a 7 year old Cocker Spaniel. He got hit by the car about 2 or 3 yrs ago. Have you had the same experience with your dog? Might you know what is wrong with him?

My dog got hit by a car, leg is broken, what would you do?

My pug got hit by car (hit and run), got thrown in a ditch. He now has bad road burn and bruises by his pee pee area and a broken leg.

The vet said they can splint it but it’s not the best option…surgery is. I told them to do the surgery, but now I may change my mind to the splinting. (I 'm losing my job next month). Surgery will be up to $3000 ON TOP OF the $230 to get him out from the shelter and ON TOP OF the $510 just to look at him and resplint! Plus I got a ticket for his rabies being out of date…but if I get the shots in two weeks, I won’t have to pay for the $240 ticket. So that’s another thing I have to pay for—the rabies shot. So this is killing us. Would it be bad to choose the splint over the surgery??? The thing w/ the splint is that it might not heal right…but so what if he limps…???

My dog just got hit by a car and no money for a vet she is breathing heavy and i do not know what to do someon?

well i got help and those of you who commented rudely and said if i don't have money for the vet i don't deserve my dog well i was recently involved in a auto accident and know i cannot go back to work my dog is my life and she slipped out the door when someone was coming in the only thing i was worried about is internal bleeding which the vet said she don't have it was a miracle he said no broken bones just bruising and for her to get some rest he also prescribed her tramadol for the pain thankyou for helping Painted pony and WC aspca is the ones who helped matter fact they came to my house my neighbor offered to pay and they said it is ok

Do dogs usually die from getting hit by cars?

Or do they normally survive?

The reason I'm asking is that earlier today I heard screaming and looked outside my house and there was a dog that got run over by a car and the little girl who was one of it's owners was screaming, it was really sad. It was on the floor on its side panting with it's eyes open, but 10 minutes later I came back and it wasn't panting anymore but it's eyes were open. I came back ten minutes later and the crowd and the dog was gone.

Should getting run over at about 20-30 MPH kill a dog? I really hope not, it was really depressing.

Thanks in advance.

My dog got hit by a car, but we can't afford to take him to the vet, what should we do?

My dog ran across the street and got hit by a truck, then ran back home and was shaking a little bit. The guy that hit him, i'm guessing saw our dog run back to our house. So he came to our house to ask if eveerything was alright. Oh, and we knew something was wrong because we heard a yelp, then we looked out the window and saw what had happened. When the guy was walking up to our house, our dog was barking so he seemed very alert still. (He always barks at strangers). And the only injuries we saw was a teeny tiny one on his arm, & a cut near his eye. We tried putting a bandaid on him but he just scratched it off with his paw. But wouldn't that hurt to scratch it off?
We gave him some food and water and he seemed pretty calm.
Anyways, what would you guys do?

My dog got hit by a car and we can't afford to take her to the vet?

PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME THAT OF WE COULDN'T AFFORD TO TAKE HER TO THE VET WE SHOULDN'T OWN A DOG! My mom recently hasn't been able to work because of health issues and she has to wait 2 more weeks before she can go to work again and I can't work because I'm too young. I would really appreciate any advice. We've had my yorkie for 2 years and she is about 4 years old. She is bleeding on her head and one of her legs. She was able to jump out the tub while I wasn't looking and isn't showing much signs of beong hurt except limping alittle.

Hysterical - my dog was hit by a car this morning and I can't get the hurt to go away?

I AM SO SORRY!!! u more thing,i have a greyhoung myself and i know how hard it is when a dog dies,i know this is extreme but try a little thearpy it really works,you poor thing.
"My siter thinks im crazy for being so upset at the loss of my dog,i've enjoyed his company for six years.poeple how have never owned a dogjust dont understand how each one has their own personality and haow attched u become tho them.when a dog dies its sad but u must remember,dont blame ur self for their loss,because no matter how hard u tried to save them there was nothing you could was just their time to go."

I saw my dog get hit by a car how do i cope with the pain?

The first and fore-most thing you need to know is that it wasn't your fault. I like to think that everything happens for a reason. It was the cars fault for One, driving too fast, and two, for not stopping. Try doing something nice about your dog, like, I know this may sound strange, but it helps, try writing down what you loved about your dog. Or try drawing or painting a picture. Just do a nice gesture so that you know you tried your best to save him.