How Long Does It Take For Mens Cells To Go Away From Inside Of A Woman

How long does someone else's DNA last in a woman's body?

Question is not clear but I will try to answer.If you are talking of the situation when someone's DNA is directly injected into a woman’s blood,then that DNA will simply degrade rapidly and will be recycled.If the DNA is present is encapsulated or have protein coat(like in bacteria or virus),then it will stay until one's immune system clears it.That may be few days to few weeks also.If the DNA is inserted by transfection to cell through retrovirus vectors during gene therapy,then they have high chance that some DNA(gene) incorporates (or integrates) with the woman's DNA and may stay lifetime in some cases.If you mean as sperms( I am guessing this because you said someone's DNA in woman's body,but pardon me if I am wrong), then the fertilisation may take 2–3 days and those which are unfertilized may also stay upto 5 days before dying inside and after that they come out during periodic cleaning of vagina.Hope this helps!

How long does sperm stay "alive" after leaving a man's body?

I guess my question is can someone get pregnant from a man's sperm being left behind somewhere after he has been masturbating?

For example if a man masturbates in the bathroom and then a woman uses the bathroom after and there's some sperm residue??

How long does pre-ejaculate can live inside a girl for?

The most fertile time for a women is the 4 days leading up to and including ovulation.

Pre-ejaculate may contain sperm and that sperm lives just as long as the sperm that would have come out if her finished inside of you the only difference would be the amount of sperm (if any). Sperm on average live up to 3 days but that is average, some sperm live much longer than that (I've read of cases of up to 6 days).

Yes, you could get pregnant.

Pulling out is NOT an effective form of birth control. If you don't want a baby start using contraceptives and stop playing the game of chance.

ADD: If you do want a baby...Don't pull out ;-) More sperm = greater changes of pregnancy.

How long can sperm live inside of the penis after ejaculation?

The sperm doesn't remain there, aside from a short time, and seeps out! The ureathra .."pee tube" colapses after ejaculation, making it come out. The little bit that shows up on the tip of the penis after initial wiped off, isn't enough to ever reach the womb opening, let alone travel in the womb to reach the egg for fertilization. Sperm needs to travel in a flow able amount of semen, or it can't propell itself or even live outside of several drops of seminal fluid. It isn't like virus or free ranging bacteria.

Most of these stories about a girl getting pregnant from precum such, are made up horror stories for the most part, to stur perinoia! Those pregnancies, which really where; happenend most likely in the usual manner of internal ejaculation.

In any regard, don't do sex without some proven reliable means of preventing pregnancy.

Hope this true clarity helps Dude
:- )

How long does sperm live in the female body?

Most of the sperm die within 48–72 hours. If you are trying to get pregnant, you should assume that the sperm won’t live longer than 48 hours, and be sure to have sex within 48 hours of ovulation. However, there are instances where some sperm have lived 5–7 days and caused a pregnancy. So if you are trying to avoid getting pregnant, you should not have unprotected sex within 7 days of ovulation. That’s also why some apps show 7 fertile days - those are needed if you are using the app to avoid pregnancy. If you want to get pregnant, do not assume that once in those 7 days will work. You either need to have sex every day (or two) throughout that period, or more specifically, in the last 3 days of the shown fertile period.

How long does it take for a man to replenish his sperm tank?

Most of the contents of sperm is mucous and fluid from the prostate and the seminal glands. Both are not stored, but produced when needed.It can be replenished as fast as spit in your mouth can be replenished….which is more or less immediately. (It i not immediately for the cell, but the cells works much faster than what we can notice.)The sperm cells themselves might be just a fraction of the semen, but are stored in a large amount and produced so fast, that there is plenty for several ejaculations per day. And then it takes about 3–5 days to get the maximal amount that can be stored in the epididymis… After that there will usually be nightly emissions or dripping to remove excess sperm cells.

How long does it take a male dog to ejaculate while mating?

When copulating, a male canine initially mounts the female from behind, as with most tetrapods, a position known informally as doggy style. The female will hold her tail to the side (called "flagging") and allow this if receptive. If unreceptive she may sit or lie down, snap, move away, or otherwise be uncooperative or not allow mating. The male will often move about as he tries to get a good purchase upon her, and whilst attempting penetration of his penis to the female's vulva. At this point, the penis is not erect; it is slender and held rigid by a small bone inside it known as the baculum.

When the male achieves penetration, he will often hold tighter and thrust faster, and it is at this point when he is mating that the male's penis expands. Canine reproduction is different from human sexual intercourse, because human males become erect first, and then enter the female; canine males enter first, then swell and become erect. This is because in humans the testicles produce sperm constantly and it is moved to the epididymis (the channels at the back of the testis) and into the seminal vesicles. These allow the human male to store sperm as it is produced, and to release (ejaculate) it into the female all at once. Dogs do not have the epididymal storage space. They are required to "pump" their sperm directly from their testicles. This process requires up to 20 minutes of cellular transfer directly from their testicles, through the urethra, and eventually into the female. It is not convenient for the male if the female wants to bolt away 2 minutes after the male orgasm initiates, and is able to run off.