How Long Does It Take Get Over The Loose Of A Friend Who I Discovered Have Been Lying From Day 1

How long do you stay in the hospital after miscarriage ?

My friend's girlfriend "supposedly" miscarriaged a baby yesterday and he's starting to think she lied about the whole situation because 1. he never saw her while she was pregnant she was out of town. 2.she never sent any pics to him. 3.she said she lost the baby yesterday and is now at home. wouldnt you have to stay in the hospital for a while if you miscarriaged ?

How does it feel to lose your best friend just because of a silly misunderstanding?

You know whatIf someone has to leave you, they will leave you anyway even a small reason is enough for them, but if someone wants to maintain that relationship he/she will always maintain that relatiosnhip no matter whatever happens between two.So firstofall relax it really feels very very bad to loose your best friend and its even feel more bad to see them happy without you, It feels bad when you see them smiling and suddenly you realise that they are not missing you the same way you are misiing them its very very painfulSomeone rigtly said that loosing ur closed one's is just like loosing a part of your body but you dont have a choice other than accepting that pain Based on my personal experience I can assure you that if the friendship is from both side and you both each other used to love each other equally then surely you will get them back.One of you will initiate the conversationIf you feel like doing so then dont have any ego...If other person comes to you than dont have any grudges...Just accept, hug, cry and hold them tightly and tell them that you love them the same way you love your brother/sister or ur familyAll the best

How long does it take an anorexic to lose weight?

Please don't tell me about the health risks and consequences of anorexia because I already know. I'm curious as to how much weight a beginning anorexic could lose during their first week, second week, third week, and so on. Also, when would they notice the weight loss?

I lied to my girlfriend and then found out she has trust issues. I want to come clean. What do I do?

I am 16 and just about to leave my secondary school for college. I get a school bus and on this bus was a girl from the year below. We were friends and nothing more but i decided i wanted to take it a bit further and i asked for her number. She said yes. When we first started talking one of the questions she asked me was if i was a virgin. I am a virgin and im not ashamed to say it, and i told her that i was a virgin. Then she didnt believe me, and then quizzed me on how far id gone with girls. I'm also not ashamed to say that before i met her, i had done nothing with any girls. I told her the truth and said that i had done nothing but for some reason she didn't believe me. Eventually i gave in to her questions and lied, saying that i had gone to parties in London and done oral but nothing more. She believed it, and that was the end of that. But ever since i have hugely regretted lying to her. Now we have been going out for just under 2 months and i really do love her. Also we have started doing stuff in the bedroom, but not sex. But i have found out that my girlfriend has really bad trust issues as she got hurt by her last boyfriend so much that she hardly even trusts boys anymore. It took her a long time to trust me but now she does. But i cant keep living a lie anymore. I NEED to tell her. I am really worried that if i do tell her the truth that it might backfire and she will never trust me again, maybe even end our relationship. But every time she mentions parties i just have the urge to tell her the truth. I dont want to lose her, but i cant keep this lie going anymore. What should I do??

How long would it take me to forget someone i loved?

There is no set answer to how long it will take. It's a bit like asking how long is a piece of string. It's as long as it is. You will grieve in your own way and in your own time. If you are still grieving over this girl after a year has passed then it's fair to say that you perhaps need some help to move on, but that doesn't mean that a year is any kind of time limit. There is no time limit. Some people would get over it in a couple of weeks, others will take far, far longer.

The most important thing is that you ARE grieving and that is a good thing. Nobody said that loss isn't supposed to hurt. You need to face the hurt to get past it. It is when you don't feel things that you have more of a problem.

The way to help you get past this quicker is to rationalise it, make sense of it, let go of blame and of hurt, and just let it go. It doesn't matter who did what to who, or who said what, or who felt what. It's over and that won't change. Don't replay it endlessly in your mind, it will only keep the pain alive. Accept that mistakes were made on one or both sides, figure out what you can learn from it (and that doesn't mean becoming bitter and closed off) and tell yourself that it will only make you stronger. Think of is as being like an extended trip to the dentist. It may suck while you're in it but you WILL get past it.

Keep yourself busy, engage yourself in activities even when you don't feel like it. See friends, socialise. Get yourself out of your house, don't sit around moping, don't sit around listening to sad music. That is okay for the first few days to a week but it is self defeating after that point.

And try not to put this girl on any kind of pedestal. She was neither the best girl in the world nor the only girl in the world. There are millions of girls out there and just when you think you have lost the only amazing girl you've ever known you often find another girl who is amazing in her own way too.

It's all about keeping perspective, keeping occupied and applying logic and rationality to your emotions. Untethered emotions can be unhealthy, you have a brain AND a heart for a reason.

One of my two pet rats died today.. what can i do to make the other one feel better ?

I am so sorry about your rat.Hope you are doing ok.
How to help:
*Try getting another companion for him.
*Play with him a lot
*Keep him busy

I wish the best to all,Hope I helped. :D


How do you get over someone you deeply loved that betrayed you?

If this event occurred recently, then no doubt you're going through an emotional crisis that none of us ever feels prepared to handle. The pain and obsessive ruminating doesn't seem to ever subside, but it will, eventually. We did not evolve as a species to carry around heartbreak indefinitely. I respectfully disagree with those who say that you never get over it. “Getting over it” doesn't mean forgetting; It means getting back to a place in which you’re emotionally stable, and that you can carry on a normal life. Here’s what 52 years of life experience have taught me as to speeding up the process of recovery.Put all of his/her stuff, photos, keepsakes, and anything else that reminds you of this person into a box/boxes. Store it away where you won't see it. If you shared a place with him/her, redecorate, even in small ways.If you don't have children with this person, or don't work with this person, I strongly recommend you go No Contact! Block emails, FB, phone; in the old days, all we did was change the locks. Block his/her phone number. Build an impenetrable wall around you and this person. I'm not saying it has to be this way forever; just until you've recovered. Think of it as a cast for a broken leg. No contact is a cast for your heart. No peeking at his/her FB page. Deactivate or even delete all social social media accounts if you have to.Betrayal is a life trauma that can trigger clinical depression. Know the symptoms and seek professional help if you think you may be depressed.Depressed or not, speaking with a trained psychotherapist can be very helpful. A close friend is great to have, but a friend is not a professional therapist.Stay busy, exercise, stay social.Ruminate if you must, but limit the time you indulge in ruminating. Part of mindfulness and mindful meditation is learning to objectify your thoughts, to put distance in between your sense of self and the busy mind that won't let you be at peace.Build a post-relationship history. Put new things in your life. The more new stuff you put in your life, the less you’ll feel defined by the relationship.The time will pass; you will recover.