How Long Does It Take To Recover From Ganglion Cyst Surgery

How long does it take to heal from ganglion cyst removal surgery?

Well, you will have the wrist immobile for about 2 weeks following the surgery. At that point you'd be allowed to start range of motion exercises, but your ability to bear weight with it would be limited. You might still require a splint for up to six or eight weeks, and need to wear that unless you are doing exercise. It depends on the exact location of the cyst and what is required to remove it, though. The surgeon is the best one to give you more exact dates. Depending on which hand it's on, you might not have to miss that much work- although you would have restrictions, obviously. You wouldn't be able to carry weight with the hand, and you would not be able to do tasks requiring both hands. You could and should be wearing gloves though, and could wear a larger size on the splinted hand to protect it. It's something you'd want to work out with your supervisor, and since you work at the hospital, I'd hope they would be a little more willing to understand and work with you while you recovered. We are talking about less than two months of recovery time, and if you are a good employee, I'd certainly be willing to accommodate you for that time.

Ganglion cyst surgery recovery?

its been almost 2 weeks from my surgery. my doc gave me exercises but i can not flip my hand at all...he said its fine it takes some time like 3,4 maybe 6 weeks but this doesnt seems fine at all..should i be worried

How long does it usually take for ganglion cysts to go away?

Hello, I personally had a ganglion cyst on my right hand. It got bigger and bigger filling with fluid. This was pressing down on a nerve and was so very painful that I could not sleep. I finally went to a doctor that treats this condition. He told me there are two ways to reduce the size of the cyst. 1) Smack it REALLY hard with a heavy book and the fluid will go to other areas inside my hand. Unfortunately this method results in reoccurances of the ganglion cyst reoccurring. 2) Have it surgically cut out and the fluid drained. The fluid is extremely thick and can not easily be sucked out via needle. I asked what causes these to form in the first place and was told that tiny hairline fractures from an injury ( in my case a car door slamming on my hand as a young child caused the fracture). And yes, my parents did neglect me.

What happens after Wrist Ganglion Cyst surgery?

I've had the surgery done 3 times, the last (20 years ago) actually finally worked and it never came back. I had it aspirated a few times which was horribly painful and it grew right back. The surgery was out-patient and I was home by afternoon. They have to get all the "roots" out from between your wrist bones which is hard. After surgery I had a soft cast on my arm for a few weeks.

Ganglion Cyst Surgery! (wrisy)?

For the anesthesia, there are several ways to get you numb. Your surgeon may inject right where he/she is working, and that burns for a few seconds as the medicine is injected, but then it goes numb. You'll still feel movement.

Another option is iv regional, or a Bier block, where we put in an IV, squeeze all the blood out of your arm with a tight rubber bandage, and then fill the viens with numbing medicine through the IV, with a tourniquet on your arm to keep the drugs in your arm. It's a great option for this procedure, especially since surgeons often like to use a tourniquet to keep you from bleeding.

That procedure usually takes about half an hour. They have to remove the cyst's walls or it just reforms. The other questions can be answered by your surgeon.

Good luck. Surgery doesn't get much more minor than that one, so you should do just fine.

Is it normal for your hand to be numb after ganglion cyst surgery?

I had a ganglion cyst removed from my left wrist - twice. It grew back after the first surgery. Yes, it is normal to have some numbness after surgery. It took about 6 months for numb spots on my fingers and especially my thumb to go away. Nerves grow very slowly, so if they are damaged it can take a while for them to recover. Some nerves grow only one millimeter a month. I have also experienced something similar when I injured a toe.

Surgery necesery for Ovrain Cyst?

My wife is having 4.6 cm of ovarian cyst duo to intake of Comid tablet. Laproscopic surgery is required for this? Last cycle also periods delayed about 42 days due to clomid. This time cyst formend in left ovary. Please suggest.