How Long Until I See Results From Taking Protein Shakes

How long does it take to see results using protein shakes?

Ok I like that you are being honest about your habits and such, most people on here are like I eat only healthy and work out all day but gain no muscle, ugh its annoying. Anyways first thing you must do is realize that protein is only a supplement, meaning it's good to have if you don't get enough through your normal diet. If you workout consistently and frequently "try to realistically work out at least 3 times a week" most people simply will not get enough protein in their body to maximize their gains, So protein shakes must be used.

Now this is simply for the fact you would like to bulk up, not saying what you are doing is wrong or even bad, but doing that many reps doesn't create bulk that you want.

To achieve this you want to start doing 3 sets of 8-12 reps. That means increase your weights on your curls and such so that you can only do it about 8 times. Most of this stuff you will prolly want to go to the gym for.

Now once you are done working out immediately drink a protein shake, and drink once at night and then once in the morning. yes it can be a pain sometimes, but working out and not getting max results is worse of a pain. I also suggest buying creatine as well, its pretty cheap and gives fast results. Just use twice a day.

If you can manage to workout hard at least 3 times a week keep drinking up protein, and at least trying a bit to cut fat for one month I guarantee you will see results. Hopefully the success will encourage you to eat healthier, and continue to workout more and more.

Good luck

When will i see results from taking whey protein?

Unless you're kind of chubby, you shouldn't need to run, and if you run too much you can actually lose a bit of lean muscle mass.

This is going to get you NOWHERE if you're trying to get some real results. Here's some reasons why:

> You're only working a select amount of muscles.
> You're not increasing resistance as you improve.
> 100 pushups is excessive, more is not better. Harder and shorter is.

Get yourself to a gym please if you can afford it, or if you're in highschool see if you can use the school gym.

Here's a simple 3 day workout to follow (all of them should be around 15 reps x 3 with about 80% max weight):

Day 1 - Back/Biceps:

A Row
Chins or Pulldows
Bicep Curl

Day 2 - Chest/Triceps:

DB or Inc Bench
Chest Dips
Triceps Isolation (anything)

Day 3 - Legs/Shoulders:

GHR (Glute Ham Raise)
Military Press
Calf Work

I'm not trying to discourage you here, but if you want real mirror results, this is what it takes.

As for the protein, you shouldn't need so much. If you're taking that much, you're probably pissing out your money. Taking 60g after your workout would be best. Taking protein within 30 minutes after your workout ensures your cells "soak up" nutrients maximally.

I hope this helps. Keep on workin' and you'll look great man, good luck.

How long will I start to see results when taking protein powder?

I have promax protein powder and ive been taking about 2-3 servings a day while doing my weight workout and so far i havent seen any changes in my body i was wondering if anyone can give me any advice??

How long until I see results using whey protein?

John - I don't see any leg or lower body exercises on your schedule. You need to do upper body one day, lower body the next, and alternate six days per week with a TOTAL day of rest one day. This allows your muscles to repair themselves (build). Your current program is working the same upper body muscle groups daily and that is stressing them too much.
A normal adult male needs about 50 grams of protein a day. Instead of spending your money on the supplements, spend it on chicken breasts, lean beef, fish, cheese, and eggs to get the protein you need to add muscle. You need lots of fruits and vegetables for fiber as well. Raw nuts are a healthy snack with protein and healthy fats. Start the day with a high fiber cereal with whole milk most days and eggs the other days for a good breakfast diet. Watch out for added sugar and salt in your foods. A basic daily multivitamin that is age appropriate is a great thing. Just about 100% of the protein, weight gain, and muscle gain supplements out there do one thing. Make money for the seller!!
Go to the Consumer Reports link below and find out what you are really getting with supplements.

How long will it take to see results with whey protein?

Hi thereConfused with whether that Whey Protein will give you results or not, so my dear, I may assure you that you have landed on the correct page. Whey protein does give you results, but you need to follow some steps:Step 1: You need to strictly follow a proper diet.Step 2: You need to do workout properly.Step 3: You need to get enough sleep.Most of the people think that if you take only whey protein you can build up your body, but proper diet, proper workout and enough sleep is also mandatory.Proper diet includes only protein and less carb.The Workout should be completed in a limited period of time, so that it enhances your strength. It is most important that you Drink Whey Protein Shake After workout.Sleeping matters in bodybuilding because excess workout or overworking can make your body more restless. It takes time to build muscle, the body needs some rest time also.You can use Whey Protein with the morning meal and Post workout.Basically, you can see results in 1 or 2 weeks. It is important that whey protein should be of good quality.For information Follow Fitness Engineer on YouTube: Click hereYou can also follow Fitness Engineer on Facebook: Click here

If i start drinking whey protein shakes after workouts how long will it be until i see results?

Protein shakes are part of a your diet. Like others mentioned, it's not a magical drink/shake that will get you stronger and more ripped. Getting a shredded body takes a lot of hard work and dedication through a clean diet and the right types of exercises. Although not all proteins are processed in the body the same, they all have BCAA's (brain chain amino acids) that are building blocks to building muscle.

In addition to protein, you have to get in adequate calories to feed/fuel your muscles. If you were to just drink shakes but not eat enough, you won't see any results.

Best bet is to get in at least 1 gram but no more than 1.5 grams of protein per body weight. So if you weigh 100 lbs, 100 grams of protein, spread out 6 times per day is ideal. Do that along with a high protein diet consisting of chicken, turkey, eggs, fish etc and good carbs (mostly from vegetables/slow acting carbs) and you'll be on your way.

How long does it take for protein shakes to start to work?

From personal experience I would say that after a good 3 weeks to about 6 weeks of drinking them regularly like 2 times a day. It takes awhile for the body to sense extra protein consumption by the body. Then the body starts to send extra protein to the muscles that work the most so then the muscles start to get regular extra doses of protein everyday then the muscles start to respond and begin to get larger. It takes a little time and money but well worth the wait and the results will be astounding. Good luck and great gains, peace.

How long of a period should I take whey protein for the best results?

If I explain the major role of protein in your diet then you already know that it is food for the tissues you tore during your intense workout. But as you know you can take protein from any source such as chicken, mutton, eggs, tofu, soya etc which are cheaper than whey protein.So then the question comes to our mind that why do we take whey protein?The simple answer to this question is that after your intense workout your body is fatigued and your tissues needs something to repair those muscles which are sore now. Since other protein sources takes time in their digestion, so we need an alternative protein source which can be digested easily and provide the required amount of macro nutrients to our body. Here whey protein is that alternative. If you don't consume whey protein after your workout, then your workout will be of no use and you may end up losing muscles rather than gaining them.So the short answer to your question is you should consume whey protein for as long as you are hitting gym and doing those intense workouts so that you maximize your gains.I hope my answer will be useful. Please upvote if you like it.