How Many Bonded Atoms Does Linear Have

If the bond angle at a carbon atom is 180 degrees, how many groups are distributed around the carbon atom?

Two. Carbon can make between 2 and 4 bonds, depending on the electronic structure of its valence electrons.

In the "Sp3" configuration, it can bond with 4 other atoms in a tetrahedral configuration; all of the bonds are single "sigma" type bonds in which a pair of electrons are shared between the trwo atoms.
In the "Sp2" configuration, Carbon can bond with three atoms. All of the atoms will be in the same flat plane, with a bond angle of 120 degrees. Two of the bonds are sigmas, while the third will be a "double" bond (four electrons are shared)
In the "Sp" configuration, Carbon will bond with two atoms in a linear arrangement. One bond is a single sigma bond, the other is a "triple" bond in which sixelectrons are shared

How many linear carbon atoms in hexyne molecule?

Only two carbon atoms out of six carbon atoms are in linear position due triple bonding between them.THANKS FOR READING MY ANSWER…..Karthik Reddy

Why does silicon in silicon dioxide bond with 4 oxygen atoms and not 2?

Silicon dioxide (silica) has a extended covalent structure similar to diamond. Each silicon atom is covalently bonded to four oxygen atoms. Each oxygen atom is covalently bonded to two silicon atoms. The overall ratio is two oxygen atoms to each silicon atom, giving the formula SiO2.SiO2 is then quite different from CO2 which is a simple linear molecule. This is because silicon does not readily form double bonds to oxygen. Silicon atoms are much larger than carbon atoms and the p orbitals on the silicon and the oxygen aren’t close enough together to allow enough sideways overlap to give a stable pi bond.That said, the existence of individual SiO2 molecules, analogous to CO2, has been postulated under highly specialised experimental conditions.

Why does cyclohexane have 12 carbon atoms instead of 14 as it is an alkane?

First of all, 12 are the no. of Hydrogens, not carbons. Now according to general formula of alkanes i.e. C(n)H(2n+2) the formula should be C6H14.Hydrocarbons have a characteristic called as Degree of Unsaturation (DU). It is deficiency of even no. of H-atoms in a species, as compared to normal hydrocarbon.For eg. The DU of Ethene is 1, so it has 4 H-atoms while DU of Ethyne is 2, and it has only 2 H-atoms.For every double bond in a compound, the DU is counted, like of a compound has 2 double bonds, its DU is 2, if it has 1 double bond, 1 triple bond, its DU is 3. Also if the compound is cyclic its DU is 1.That's the reason, Cyclehexane while not having any double bond, has 12 H-atoms as compared to normal alkanes.

Why is H2O not linear?

H2O has two lonepairs. According to the VSEPR (valence shell electron pair repulsion, according to Gillespy (?) Nyholm) model, these lonepairs are treated like ligands when determining the geometry. So you have a carbon atom with four ligands with maximum repulsion of the ligands which leads to a tetrahedron. The two Hydrogens point in two corners of this tetrahedron, so the structure cannot be linear.

Is CO2 linear or not?

Co2 is a linear triatomic molecule. Each C = O bond is polar because O more electronegative than C, so O is the partial negative end of the bond dipole.The double bond behaves just like a single bond for purposes of predicting molecular shape.This compound has two groups of electrons around the carbon. According to VSEPR theory, the two sets of electrons will orient themselves 180o apart, on opposite sides of the carbon atom, minimizing electron repulsion. Therefore the molecular structure of CO2 is linear.Double and triple bonds involve more electron pairs than single bonds, but this has little effect on the overall molecular shape. All of the electron pairs in a multiple bond are shared between the same two nuclei and therefore occupy the same region of space.All electron pairs in a multiple bond count as one bond and contribute to molecular geometry the same as a single bond does. The carbon atom in C02has no lone pairs and participates in two double bonds. Each double bond counts as one for the purpose of predicting geometry so the structure of CO2 is linear.

How many atoms are directly bonded to the central atom in ......?

tetrahedral: 4
trigonal bipyramidal: 5
octahedral: 6

Chemistry joke:

Name the compound: Ba(Na)2
Answer: Banana


Why is BeCl2 linear if its a covalent bond?

Molecules containing covalent bonds come in all kinds of shapes. This is determined by VSEPR theory, which takes into account the number and types of bonds and the number of lone pairs (or free radicals). BeCl2 has no lone pairs on the beryllium. Thus, the electrons on the chlorides will try to stay far apart from each other, since their corresponding electrons repel each other (while experiencing no deflection from electrons on a central atom). Thus the molecule is linear in shape.

H2S has two hydrogen atoms bonded to a sulfur atom. Why isn't the molecule linear?

This is because the H2S molecule has two lone pairs of electrons on the S atom. This cloud of negatively charged particles pushes against the two hydrogen atoms creating a bent shape.

If CO2 is a linearly shaped molecule, why doesn't SiO2 have linear geometry?

The π bond between [math]Si[/math] and [math]O[/math] is quite weak, so it does not prefer π bonding (double bond).To maximize their orbital overlap, Silicon makes 4 sigma bonds with Oxygen.So it tends to form a polymer, if you only write [math]SiO₂[/math], it can lead to confusion.So the better way is to write [math](SiO₂)n[/math], so that you do not forget that [math]SiO₂ [/math] does not exist in the isolated form (monomeric form), but is a polymer having a large network of [math]O [/math] and [math]Si[/math] atoms bonded together.