How Many Calories Do I Need To Burn During Cardio To Lose Weight

How many calories can i burn a day from doing turbo jam cardio party?

I'm 15, 130 pounds, 5'4'' and a girl , how many calories can i burn a day from doing turbo jam cardio party?
i do turbo jam cardio party mix 1 everyday,
so how many calories would i burn in a day or in a week?
i just wanna get an idea of it.

- i'm actually not trying to lose weight, i just want a flat stomach and a few inches smaller on my thighs and hips maybe, and doing turbo jam burns calories like everywhere i think.

How many calories should I eat a day for weight loss?

You can lose fat by being on a caloric deficit, meaning you expend more calories than you consume. Here’s how to do that:First of all, you have to know your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). This is the total number of calories your body needs to perform basic bodily functions such as breathing, digesting food, or thinking.Then you have to know your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). This is the total number of calories you use for your current daily activities like walking to work or cleaning the house.Once you know your BMR and TDEE, you can boost your fat loss efforts by setting a lower daily calorie limit and making a plan for increasing your physical activity.For example:Your BMR is 1,700 calories.Your TDEE is 2,600 calories.A healthy way to lower calories without putting too much pressure on yourself is to subtract 500 calories from your TDEE. This ensures that you don’t starve and lack energy. The important thing is for you to be able to sustain your program.So your daily calories for fat loss is 2,100 calories.There are many online calorie calculators you can use to compute for these. There are formulas but I personally think that manually calculating this isn’t very accurate.Make sure that you eat a balance of whole foods. Healthy carbs, protein, and healthy fat—these are called macros. I won’t go into detail with this since we’re only talking about calories.Now that you’ve got that down pat, it’s time to add in exercise to increase your caloric expenditure even more. It’s important to combine cardio with weight training. Cardio helps burn fat stores and weight training helps you build muscles.Since our bodies adapt to change, re-calculate you BMR, TDEE and calories needed for fat loss every 2–4 weeks or when you notice that you’re not losing weight anymore. This way you’ll continuously make progress.Then again, calori counting doesn’t work for some people. Here’s an interesting read about the topic: Why You Should Stop Counting Calories?

How many calories should I eat and burn in order to loose 10 pounds in a month?

Weight: 110
Height: 5'0
Age: 30

Currently eating 1200 calories a day for 1 week now
60 minutes of vigorous workout a day taking gym classes (varies: aerobics/kickboxing/cardio/strength)
I try to change my workouts up by going to different types of classes, so it's always different. I'm also active once in a while, I like to hike and run, maybe few times a month.

I've only been doing it for one week now, but prior to this, I lost 5 pounds in 3 months just by changing my diet and working out for 60 min a day.

During those 3 months I did not watch my calorie/fat intake. I would eat as much as I wanted. I ate more holistically with more fresh foods... raw veges/fruits, nuts, avocados, coconut, no gluten or dairy etc. Barely any processed foods. I would do cheat days once in a while, but still no gluten or dairy at all.

Now I'm still trying to loose 10 more pounds! At least 5 pounds if I can. I'm trying to slim down for bikini summer.

I'm struggling with how much I'm supposed to eat and how much I'm supposed to burn. Maybe I'm not eating enough? When I workout, I go all out because I'm trying to loose weight. I'm guessing I burn about 500/600 during my workouts. And I try to eat about 1200 calories, sometimes a 100 more a day. Depends if I'm craving something.