How Many Positive Integers Have Distinct Digits And Sum Of Digits Equal To 9

How many integers between 1000 and 9999 have distinct digits?


A positive integer. my digits r odd.Im equal to the sum of the cubes of my digits.Im less than 300.who am I?

Okay - the number will either have one, two, or three digits. If it's one digit, a = a^3 and a=1 (this is an answer, but probably not what they're looking for.)

If it's two digits, 10a+b = a^3 + b^3. Since 5^3 = 125, a and b must both be less than 5. That leaves 13, 31, 33, or 11. None work.

Now - what about three digit numbers? We get the equation:

100a + 10b + c = a^3 + b^3 + c^3

9^3 = 729
7^3 = 343
5^3 = 125
3^3 = 27
1^3 = 1

We need to add up three of these to get the three starting digits. 371 would work (27 + 343 + 1 = 371), but the answer has to be less than 300! So it can't have a 7 or a 9 in it.

Since the number only has odd digits, it must be less than 200 - the first digit can't be a 2. That means it would have to have exactly one 5 in it. By trial and error, I found 153 = 125 + 27 + 1.

So the answer could be 153 or 1.

How many positive integers less than 1,000,000 have the sum of their digits equal to 17?

we have to take care that a digit doesn't exceed 9.
for that, we pre-allot 10 as one of the 6 digits, reallot the remaining 7 using the stars and bars formula, and subtract, ie
22c5 - 6c1*12c5 = 21,582 <-------------

How many positive 3-digit integers are upright?