How Many Squares On A Checker Board

Checkerboard squares?

There are many more different-sized squares on the chessboard.
The complete list of answers is shown below:
1, 8x8 square
4, 7x7 squares
9, 6x6 squares
16, 5x5 squares
25, 4x4 squares
36, 3x3 squares
49, 2x2 squares
64, 1x1 squares
There are 64 + 49 + 36 + 25 + 16 + 9 + 4 + 1 squares on a chessboard! (in total 204).

The formula which is the answer to Q1b is on the Math Forum below.
Checkerboard Squares

How many squares on a Checkerboard?

Well I know its 204 but, my teacher is an "think outside the box" kind of guy. So today he gave us a hint. The playing pieces are 65 but thats not it. So I did the math and got 204. But the 65 came from adding the whole board as 1 square plus the rest. So is the answer 205 or 204? Please help I cant do this even though I like math eqations and no website can answer this question. Thank you for all those genius's who help me!!!!

How many squares are in a 8x8 checkerboard?

1 8x8
4 7x7
9 6x6
16 5x5
25 4x4
36 3x3
49 2x2
64 1x1

sum(i=1 to 8; i^2) = 204

if you are allowing 1x1's

How many squares are in a 4x4 checkerboard?

HEY ! That's my homework too !

i got the answer .

The problem is : :





You add all those together, and your answer is 30 !

ha ha loll !

Checkerboard squares?

Let's make n be the length of squares so an 8x8 is where n = 8.

Start with n = 1
Obvious answer is 1

Go with n = 2 next
You will have 4 little one and 1 2x2 one so 5

Move onto n = 3 next
You will have 9 little ones 4 2x2 ones and 1 3x3 one so 14

Move onto n = 4
You will have 16 little ones 9 2x2 ones 4 3x3 ones and 1 4x4 so 30

Now let's look for patterns
We have n = 1 and total 1
We have n = 2 and total 5
We have n = 3 and total 14
We have n = 4 and total 30

The pattern appears to be n^2 + (n-1). What this means is that you square the n value and add the previous value.
So when
n = 1 || 1
n = 2 || 2^2 + (1) = 5
n = 3 || 3^2 + (5) = 14
n = 4 || 4^2 + (14) = 30
n = 5 || 5^2 + (30) = 55
n = 6 || 6^2 + (55) = 91
n = 7 || 7^2 + (91) = 140
n = 8 || 8^2 + (140) = 204

How many squares on a 10x10 checkerboard? And is there some sort of formula?

385 squares ◄

Formula: Sum(11-n)^2, n=1 to 10. ◄

Here is how to derive the formula:

Take a 3x3 square.
How many places can it go?
8 rows by 8 columns. Right?
which is 64 places which is (11-n)^2= (11-3)^2
And so on for the rest of the nxn squares.

How many squares are in a 3x3 checkerboard and 10x10?

This is basically just summing squares
For a 3x3 checkerboard there are
1(1^2) 3x3 squares
4(2^2) 2x2 squares
9(3^2) 1x1 squares
Summing together that makes 14

For the 10x10 you can just extend that pattern
1 10x10
4 9x9
9 8x8
16 7x7
25 6x6
36 5x5
49 4x4
64 3x3
81 2x2
100 1x1
When I summed them together i got 385

I also did the 8x8 and I got 204 as well I think the others don't understand your question

In a 3x3 it is 14 in a 10x10 it is 385

From the pattern you should be able to see that the answer is
n^2+(n-1)^2+(n-2)^2...1, which if you know summations can be written as the summation of x^2 from x=0 to x=n. (Summing all the squares from 1 to whatever "n" number)
This is equal to n(2n+1)(n+1)/6
I knew the summation could be solved but I had to look up the exact equation and found the answer here;_ylt=AoXOXFVfbjfuNqhORjpFEkYjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080217211610AAOL7Zg