How Much Calea Zacatechichi Do I Need For Tea

Where can i buy Calea Zacatechichi seeds?

they are more commonly known as the dream herb but i want to buy some seeds so i can make the herbal tea and not have to worry about people growing it with some weird meth fertilizer or some ****. and i don't want to buy them online, i just don't trust the internet. does anybody know where i can actually GO to buy the seeds and how much would they cost? and just so i know, what exactly does it do? i heard it helps you sleep and i suffer from insomnia so it would be nice to have i just would like to know all the effects. Thank you!

Is the leaf of god *Calea zacatechichi* safe?

Within the United States, Calea Zacatechichi is legal to buy, sell, and consume in 49 states. It is illegal to sell for human consumption in Louisiana only.
Within Australia, Calea Zacatechichi is fully legal.
Within Europe, Canada, Mexico, it is believed Calea Zacatechichi is legal
There are a few safety considerations when working with Calea Zacatechichi

Having an allergic reaction
Allergic reactions are rare, but very real to those who experience them. A good rule of safety is to try out a very small dose the very first time before taking a “real” dose, simply to see if the body suffers from any unique allergic reactions to Calea Z.

Damage to the lungs caused by smoking
For those concerned with this, options include capsules, resins, and tea.

Most people find the tea extremely bitter and quite unpleasant, sometimes causing an upset stomach or feeling bloated.

There are no documented cases of overdosing working with Calea Zacatechichi.

Is there any evidence that Calea Zacatechichi has negative side effects?

According to Web MD WebMD - Better information. Better health.“Calea zacatechichi is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth or inhaled. The safety of Calea zacatechichi has not been evaluated in clinical trials; however, there have been reports of hallucinations as well as additional adverse effects of nausea and vomiting.Special Precautions & Warnings:Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of Calea zacatechichi during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.Alcohol/sedative use: Calea zacatechichi may slow down the central nervous system. Use caution in patients taking sedatives or CNS depressants (including alcohol).Allergies to ragweed or related plants: Calea zacatechichi may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae family of plants. Members of this family include ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, and many other herbs.Breathing disorders: Calea zacatechichi may affect your rate of breathing. If you have a breathing disorders, such as asthma and COPD, you should use cautiously or avoid Calea zacatechichi.Diabetes: Calea zacatechichi may lower bloodsugar levels. People with diabetes should use with caution, and watch for signs of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).Cardiovascular disorders: Calea zacatechichi may decrease blood pressure. People with heart conditions or using blood pressuremedications should use caution.Psychiatric disorders: Avoid use if you have psychiatric disorders or you are taking psychiatric medications. Calea zacatechichi may cause vivid imagery, disorienting effects, and hallucinations.Stomach disorders: When smoked or consumed in a tea, Calea zacatechichi may cause nausea, vomiting, and retching.”So unless you have a medical condition as listed, it looks like puking is the worse thing to expect.

Does anybody know any good tea recipes for dream herb, Calea zacatechichi?

I found this off the web:

"Make tea using 2 grams of dried calea leaf steeped in 2 cups of water for 20 minutes." Hope it helps!

Is it possible to vaporize dream herb (Calea zacatechichi) ?

can you swallow pills?? if so, you should be able to buy gel caps from any health food store, or any pharmacy could order them for you :)

just crush up that nasty plant and fill gel caps with it and there you go! :D

What is a harmless or beneficial recreational drug I can take once a week (not marijuana or coffee)?

Depends on your definition of ‘harmless’. And ‘recreational’. Have you tried Calea zacatechichi or Silene capensis? Nothing happens much while you’re awake, but you can enjoy some really cool lucid/enhanced dreaming with those, with pretty much no downsides that I know of. There’s also LSD and psilocybin, which are much less dangerous than they’re generally made out to be. There’s mescaline in San Pedro and Peruvian Torch cacti, which are commonly grown as decorative plants and so are easy to get. If you have access to clean seeds (say, from an actual growing plant) there’s always LSA from morning glory or, ideally, Hawaiian baby woodrose. Kratom can be habit-forming, but if you’re planning to use only once a week, that won’t be an issue, so I’d recommend kratom too.The world is chock full of intoxicants. The ones most people know about don’t even scratch the surface.

What are alternative ways to get high without alcohol or weed?

So far, I've found 3 drugs or drug classes that will not destroy your sobriety game. Weed is one of them. So then there were two…Nitrous oxide. With a ringing buzz eerily similar to crack and lightheadedness like alcohol, it can be a lot of fun especially in groups. Safe enough to fuck around without serious risk. Not advisable to do too much in one sitting, and a caveat: this could easily trigger a crack addict to fall off the wagon.Psychedelics. Psilocybin mushrooms being the top drug in this class. Followed by DMT. Both drugs come from mushrooms or plants. Nothing synthesized like as in LSD — although LSD is a perfectly fine choice if you can get it. The beauty of psychedelics lies in their very safe nature. And while DMT only lasts 10 minutes, it's an amazing 10 minutes! Short trips can be desirable; you don't always have 8 hours to spare.I'm not the type to meditate so I will not comment on the descriptions I've heard of getting super high on brain chemicals (which includes DMT) and naturally doing what cocaine does: coke inhibits the “cleaning up” of serotonin so that much more serotonin is available to your “pleasure center.”There's no physical reason why a person couldn't learn a way to let the brain's neurotransmitters loose naturally — I just have never given it any honest long-term attempts.

What legal herbs can you smoke?

what herbs that are legal in the us can you smoke that give you a high weather its a mild or a stoned high what kinda legal herbs can i buy and what kinda stores cell them

ps please dont tell me about salvia i know about that