How Much Do Cosmetologist Make A Year

How Much Does a Cosmetologist earn a Year? ?

You will probably start out making very little, like 25000 a year and depending on your salon and as you build clientele then more money will come in. The advantage to this job is though that you can travel with it. If you ever want to move to another place , then you just pack up and go to another salon. In the future, if you get your own home, then the real advantage kicks in. Your husband would have his own job and then you could stay at home and raise your children and work at your cosmetology job in a section of your house. The great thing is that you can deduct a portion of your mortgage ( I think its 30%) for your business and plus you can deduct more for a storage room for your products. So you save on mortgage costs, gas, electric phone, computer all can be deducted on your income tax. Its the same percentage amt. but could be quite a savings to you. Looks like a good move. Go for it.

What is hard about a cosmetologist?

I used to be a licensed Cosmetologist. The hardest part is, not being able to say in a professional way of not being able to make a client look like the model in the picture. Some ppl just don't have “the look”. They want to “look” like the model. Not really looking at the hairstyle. I usually say, “this doesn't necessarily fit your face” (when asked my opinion) They insist and then get upset because it's not like the model. Well hunny, I can't make your hair that is fade cut, look like it has 30in down the butt if you don't want extensions. I'm not a magician. Some things I refuse to do because my name is on that hair. I refuse to give a woman who is super dark skinned, platinum hair and have her brag that I did it. Not all money is good money. I make good money and some things is just not worth getting bashed for. I want my clients to look beautiful- not BeautyNO

How much does a cosmetologist make a year?

I'm currently in cosmetology school and when I went in, I thought the number was going to be a lot lower than what it really was. Everywhere online it says you can get to mayybe 50k at best. When I started taking classes, even teachers told me that they cheat taxes because they are so high for independent contractors. As I am still a student, I can't get you a solid number. But if you are doing hair specically, from what I have heard, you can definitely thrive. Nails and makeup don't make as much. With that being said, there are many different carreer paths to go with cosmetology. You can become a teacher, start your own business, make your own products, etc.

Do cosmetologist make good money?

Dear Elizabeth,

A really good question, and I understand your concerns.

As far as earnings go, that depends on what kind of a cosmetologist you become. There are good attorneys, and bad attorneys. The bad ones don't make much money. In fact it is that way in any profession. How much you earn depends on how good you are, where you go to work, and how hard you work at it.

I work 16 hours per day, 7 days a week, and I am very successful. Those that work less, make less. I get to fly first class and stay in 5 star hotels. You get the idea. Right now it is 11:30 at night and I am working right now while my competitors are at home eating chips and watching TV.

So if money is your goal, absolutely you can make bank as a Cosmetologist. I know a few such as Vidal Sassoon who are multi-millionaires.

Much more important though is your passion for cosmetology. Those that are passionate about their work are the happiest people in the world, and ultimately that is what life is about - Happiness.

So Elizabeth, ignore the haters and remember to smile at them when they have to walk by you in the first class section, while they make their way to the scrunched up cheap seats in the rear of the airplane. Follow your heart. Best of luck.


Damien R. von Dahlem
Hairstyles Magazine

How much money does a cosmetologist make in a year?

I always wonder why we have people who answer these questions with a negative sarcasim like "GET A EDUCATION". Trade schools are as good in my opinion because I know several people with degrees without work or making less than myself. I am licensed in the state of OKLAHOMA and have been for over 20 years. Many factors will determine what kind of money you can make...It takes 3 to 5 years to build a good business with TIME PUT IN, DETERMINATION, DEDICATION being the key words. I started work at 6 am to do my business men. I shampooed, cut and styled for $20 bucks and it took me 30 mins and before they left I BOOKED THEIR NEXT APPOINTMENT in 3 or 4 weeks later. Then the day before their next appointment I would call and remind them. Go 2 1/2 hours I earned $120 bucks and had only shampoo cost in products...this is just a example. I never said no to anybody. Somewhere, somehow I worked them in without any neglect to my clients that were already in my chair or booked. There were days I didn"t walk in the door at home until 8 or 9pm that night. Every client received a business card everytime they came in even when they said "I have one" with a smile I would say "Give it to a friend". NEVER talk about things between clients when it is personal because you never know who knows what. Good rule of thumb sex, politics and religion should be avoided BELIEVE THAT. Be a good LISTENER sometimes that is all they want. Sorry I get carried away and could go on and on so if you want to talk send me a E-mail. and I will give you my phone number. Now to your question, right now I earn at least $320 bucks a day without TIPS and I pay an assistant $6 bucks cash for every head she touches. We work from about 8am until 7or 8 at night 5 days a weekends. We have more fun than the law allows and as for a EDUCATION $83,000 bucks a year is not to bad in my opinion for going to a trade school that cost me $3000 bucks for 1500 hours of education plus I pay my own taxes, set my own hours, have no boss, wear what I want, break when I want, take vacation when I want and so on. Good luck if you choose to go to Cosmetology school. I think it would be a good choice!

What is the salary of a cosmetologist?

It depends really when you work in a chain salon you get hourly as well as commission and retail sales. In a booth rent salon you basically make your own salary. For you to do that you would need a clientele built up otherwise you’d be wasting your time. I work at Fiesta Salons and I make $9 an hour.

What is life like as a mortuary cosmetologist? Is it spooky?

I actually have a friend who’s dad worked at one for a few years after having had gone to school for the embalming aspect of it but worked closely and i THINK assisted in make up and dressing. He said it felt like an everyday job only the people they dealt with “didnt complain” lol.He said the reason he actually ended up eventually quieting was because of the people he worked WITH. He did say that it was more sad when he had to work on a young person but that part of the job was also being able to disconnect and do what needed to be done to help the family cope with the loss.To comment on the other poster here i have never heard of eyeballs being taken out and replaced again. What i DO know is that they use “eye caps” to go under the lid before they glue the eyes shut to give the appearance of the person sleeping and at peace. After a person dies, the delicate tissue such as the eyes start to decay first and in order for a proper viewing the person needs to looks good.They also sew the jaw shut so that the mouth doesnt open.check out some videos on youtube about morticians.