How Much Do I Feed My Baby Zebra Finches

How much to hand feed a baby Zebra Finch?

I am gonna hand feed my baby Zebra Finches but I need to know how many ML do I feed each baby. The babies age would be 9-11 days old (Right when they open their eyes). I am gonna hand feed them and nothing will change my decision. The parents murdered their last babies once they became adults. (Also, How hot does it have to be for each baby?)

How do you care for baby zebra finches?

Ok so first you'll need a cage that's suited for finches and make sure there enogh space for them to fly back and forth. Secondly they will need bird pellets made for finches and make sure there is a lot because this species is hyperactive.Thirdly put water in your cage and make sure you clean your cage to make sure your bird doesn't get sick.Fourthly make sure you bond with your birds and take them out at least once a day.Fifthly make sure your cage is not near the kitchen or else will die from fumes because there lungs are 10 times more efficient then ours. Lastly have fun doing it don't commit to a job you don't like and also they will live for 8-10 years

Do I need a heat lamp for my baby Zebra Finches?

I am gonna be hand feeding my baby Zebra Finches once their eyes open. I wanted to know if a heat lamp was totally necessary or if I could put boiling water in ice packs and water bottles then wrap the ice packs and water bottles in a towel and put it in their cage. I will constantly change the water. (Nothing about don't hand feed your babies) 10 POINTS!

What food should i feed my baby zebra finch?

My Zebra Finches eat a mix of fruits and veggies every day; at first they didn't eat them, but I continued offering them to them and they eventually starting to try them... now they devour their veggie medely the second I place it in their flight. I serve them a mix of peas, corn, chopped apple, mustard greens or spinach (helps in the absorption of calcium), kiwi, orange, pear, and cooked pinto beans. I also offer chopped hard boiled eggs about once every week. Finches also need cuttlebone and a mineral block. Finches are very social birds... if you have just the one, he/she might really enjoy a friend. I was assuming your baby finch was eating on its own, but if it is not eating on its own, there are handfeeding mixes available at pet stores, I use Kaytee's Exact... but if you ahve never hand fed a bird, please seek out help from someone who can show you, because it is very easy to do it incorrectly and harm/injure/kill your bird.

Hand feeding baby zebra finch?

I don't raise finches but I know that my baby chickens need an incubator for weeks after they are born, going down 5 degrees every week until it's to the household 70 degrees. They need lots of heat or they -will- get too cold and their little bodily organs fail.

Personally, I would let the parents take care of them until they're old enough to be without their care. You can always make a bird tame without taking it the second it hatches, as that's dangerous for them and it might make them sick if you don't do it perfect. I worked at a bird shelter, and they had all sorts of birds in there, but they never did much handling with them until they were old enough to be out of their incubator, because they get cold really, really easily. It's pretty universal for newly-hatched birds.

How do finches feed their babies?

By regurgitation. The first few days after hatching, the father finch returns to the nest and brings up seeds he has eaten into the beak of the mother sitting on the nest. She then does the same for the chicks. After about five days the chicks are fledged so both parents forage for food, return to the chicks and feed them. The parents will continue to work at feeding the independently flying offspring even into the period of their preparing the nest and mating for the next batch of young.

Zebra finches, how often should I feed them?

Hi there,

I have two male zebra finches. I have had them for 4 years and am crazy for them. I have always fed them twice a day and change their water. I also clean their cage once a week.

I have a friend who thinks this is ridiculous. She feeds her birds once a day and cleans the cage once a month.

Am I overdoing it? I would really appreciate hearing your thoughts.

How many times baby zebra finches should feed a day?

Baby birds have very high metabolisms, so need to be fed several times per day. One day without food will kill a very young bird.
Zebra Finch babies are about an inch in length when they hatch, and their coloring is pink with a few white downy feathers. Around three days of age they start making audible noise that is something like a "ff ff" sound, but it is a very soft sound and some people do not hear it until day four or five. The babies will make a little more noise with each passing day. If for some reason the parents do not feed the chicks they will die at day three when what is left of the yolk sac is used up. Some inexperienced Zebra Finch parents do not care for their young properly after they hatch. The pair should be allowed to rest and then try again.
Zebra Finches can live on finch seed mix alone but it is better to offer your Finches a more varied diet. I like to add millet, fresh fruits, sprouts, and egg to my birds' diet. Fruits like sliced apples, oranges, grapes, melon, and other colorful foods add important nutrients to the Finch diet. I often sprout my own millet also. This is easy enough, just soak it for a day then let it grow someplace with sunlight. I also chop hard-boiled eggs (shell and all) for my birds every few weeks. Fresh fruits, and egg spoil rather quickly in the open air so they should be removed after a few hours.

While raising their young, Zebra Finches not only are feeding themselves but up to six other birds that require ever-increasing amounts of food as they grow. One must provide the working parents a good variety of extra food and make sure that they always have clean water. Vitamin supplements work very well along with a balanced diet to ensure the health of your birds and their offspring.
A few serious heath problems can be avoided by providing a good diet. Female Zebra Finches can become eggbound or calcium deficient if they do not get enough calcium-rich foods in their diet. Both health problems can be fatal if not treated right away. Consult your avian veterinarian for proper treatment protocol other ailments can be caused by insufficient protein, calcium, and/or vitamins and minerals.

Should i give boiled egg to my baby zebra finches??

I give my cockatiels, budgies, and zebra finches these treats:

Salad Cress - Peas - Apple - Celery - Courgette - Sweetcorn - Watercress - Boiled Rice - Parsley Sprig - Grapes - Cucumber - Dandelion Leaves - Broccoli - Broard Beans - Carrott - Finger of bread soaked in water - Mashed Boiled Egg (shell also) - Tomatoes - Lettuce - Cooked Pasta - Radishes (leaves also)


When they lay and when the chicks hatch and when the chicks come out I give them wet brown bread, boiled eggs, brown rice and emp (egg food) one everyday makes the babies stronger.