How Much Fruit A Day Is Too Much

Am I eating too much fruit a day?

Okay so am I eating too much fruit a day? I have a fruit salad every day, which includes strawberries, a banana, grapes and blueberries. I will also have an apple during the day too. Some days in stead of grapes I will pineapple. Is this too much? Or is it perfectly healthy and fine.

How much fruit should I eat a day?

Lewis where did you get that info from? please i would love to see a link for that.

In the Uk you should have 5 plus pieces of fruit or veg, this would include tinned fruit, fruit juice, fruit snacks etc.

I have never seen anywhere advertised in the UK about those size portions when you reach that age, can you imagine eating 30 pieces of fruit? they can barely hold their **** in at that age as it is!!!!!

How much fruit per day is too much fruit?

One key limit is calories.  Fruit in particular is high in calories.  It also contains a number of crucial vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other unknown micronutrients, but you're likely to get as much of those as you require in 2 or 3 servings of (different) fruit.  Any more than that, and you're simply consuming a lot of calories without improving your health.In particular, many fruits are high in sugars.  Sugars should be limited, not just by the amount of calories you require, but by the fact that your body isn't great at handling huge inrushes of sugars.Culinary vegetables are generally lower in sugar, though you need to watch out there, too: many culinary vegetables contain a fair amount of sugar.  Some botanical fruits are treated as culinary vegetables, and may or may not contain a lot of sugar.Generally, it's hard to overdo on vegetables, as long as you're getting a diversity of them.  If you're loading up on the vegetables that are high in starch and sugar, it's easy to overload your calorie budget without getting the necessary proteins.A balanced diet is easiest to achieve by eating a wide variety of foods.  I can't put exact limits on anything without knowing what fruits you're talking about.  Some vegetables (especially green leafy ones) can be eaten essentially without restrictions.  Sugary fruits should probably top out at 4 to 5 per day, and even then only in the context of diet that contains no other sugars.

How much fruit is too much?

That is fine. I would allow two cups of fruit. That would be the size of an apple or banana and about 5 dates.

Can you eat too many fruits?

No. Humans are frugivores. Fruit is the single best food for our bodies. Fructose does not require insulin to be digested and is easily assimilated into cells, providing clean energy. Some people may experience a blow back from eating a lot of fruit. This is due to either weak adrenal glads (which are critical in regulating blood sugar) or high levels of fungus/candida in the body. If one wishes to eat a high vibrational fruit based diet and has these problems, it is recommended to take anti-fungal herbs or adrenal herbs simultaneously, depending on which issue the person is dealing with.If you ate too much fruit in one sitting, you would begin to feel sick (like you would if you overate on any other food), and you would instinctively stop eating until you felt hungry again.

How much fruit in a day is too much if you want to lose weight?

Well, each fruit has a different calorie value. A banana and a pineapple for instance or both at one extreme of the scale. It's basic math really. Let say you need 2000Kcal a day. If you want to diet, you need to get less than that.Count the number of calories of your meals, do 2000 - thoses calories and you will see the number of calories left for the days. Now, look at this table Calories in FruitIf for instance, after you three meals, you have 600 calories left. that's 12 apples. If you eat 12 apples that day, you won't loose weight.PS: this answer only accounts for calories and weight. It does not account for vitamins and other complicated stuff. I am no nutritionist and that is just based on my experience in dieting.

Is eating too much fruit bad for you?

I eat pretty healthy (veggies, chicken, fish...) and I eat lots of fruit. I LOVE fruit and I eat like 8-10 servings a day. Mostly grapes and oranges. I have heard that you can gain weight from eating too much fruit becuz fruit has lots of sugar... is this true? Is there any other way eating too much fruit can be harmful to your health? Sometimes I eat more fruit than anything else in the day.