How Much Information Should I Release About A Character

Can you give information about Daniel Radcliffe?

Birth name: Daniel Jacob Radcliffe
Date of birth: July 23, 1989 (age: 17)
Birth location: Fulham, London, England
Notable role(s): David Copperfield (1999)
Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) and its sequels..

How many swappable characters will be released for Skylanders Swap Force and what are their names?

There will be a total of 16 swappable characters. So far we only know 13 of the 16 names: Blast Zone, Boom Jet, Fire Kraken, Free Ranger, Freeze Blade, Grilla Drilla, Hoot Loop, Magna Charge, Night Shift, Rattle Shake, Spy Rise, Stink Bomb, and Wash Buckler.

You can find pictures of all of these as well as information on the Series 3 characters in the link below.

Can I do a very short social press release in 140 characters or less?

This is actually a popular concept that has been in use for quite a while. Stowe Boyd introduced what he called the Twit Pitch in 2008 at the Web 2.0 conference. is the Twitter ID for, a company that specializes in Twitter 140-character releases.

In my novel, my character is just learning their real history. How do I get the other characters to explain it to them without too much dialogue?

One little bit at a time. Let the character absorb and react to the information. Do they believe it? How does it affect what they currently believe? It will be a stronger story if the information upsets their understanding of their personal world. Are there people they can’t now trust? People they should trust? Are they not who they thought they were?The tricky part is what order to release the information and making it natural in the story for people to not just sit them down and tell them. What they find out when will impact how they build a new understanding of their world. My bet is, in many stories like that, none of the characters knows the full story, some have reason to lie, and some are just mistaken.If the character’s past can be explained easily, that suggests the characters need to be reworked. People knowing the full background might make sense in your story world, but it might not make for a good story.

How often do they reset characters on public test realms in World of Warcraft?

You are pretty much right. Usually every patch...

But depending on whether its a premade or a copied character can also have an effect.

For example, one part of the PTR they may want premades on so that they can do a test of high level content, then the next week they may remove these premades because that content has been tested.

In my personal experience, ive had a copied character stay on a PTR for more than 1 patch, but also had a premade removed within a week!

Information on the Viz Yu Yu Hakusho translation?

1) They just use the first names most of the time, and they are formatted in the English manor (first-last)

2) No. Only sh|tty translators who do unprofessional jobs use honorifics. You will note: professional translators NEVER use honorifics unless it is part of an official title (President, Mayor, Officer, etc...)

3) As the manga isn't shrink-wrapped... if there was nudity or expesive gore... there isn't now.

What should a good character sketch include?

I am doing this for an English assignment. It also has to be based on an actual person that I personally know.

"Create a character sketch using someone you know as your model. Place them in a real setting using circumstances that actually happened. Describe them physically, emotionally, mentally, and so on."

How would I describe them mentally?

Thanks for your help!

In "Train To Busan", what exactly did the main character (Fund Manager) do that indirectly caused the outbreak?

I saw this a while ago, and I am going to have to speculate here, as I have not watched it again, and I do not understand Korean so I have to trust subtitles which may or may not be correct or complete.As far as I could tell, he didn’t have anything to do with the outbreak directly, this was an indirect situation. As far as I remember and understood, the film starts with the fact that there is an obvious outbreak that has happened at a plant. We are never told much information about it, but it is obvious that something serious is up. When the truck driver hits the deer, he drives away, and the deer gets up and walks away looking like a zombie. Obviously something from the plant has escaped into the air and animals are being affected.We cut to the fund manager who is getting a call from an investor. The investor has received some info about this issue it seems, and asks if he should sell his stock. The fund manager lies to him and tells him it’s fine, it won’t be a big problem, don’t sell your stock. The fund manager then in turn calls to sell either his stock or the company stock right away. This shows us by example that the fund manager is not a great guy, and does not have strong morals. This is an important point in many Korean, and Asian films. Morals are a strong issue, in both the Asian culture and in their movies.Basically while he had nothing to do with the leak, the zombies, and any other issues, he did have some advanced word something was up, helped to cover it up, and tried to make a profit off of it. This would cause him and his company and employees to feel some serious guilt.At least that is my take on it!