How Much Water Do I Apply To Make 5lbs Bag Of Brown Rice

Can rice kill you if you eat too much?

NOt likely at all. Please tell me one person who has died this way?

In theory....IF ( and it's a huge if) you ate 5 lbs of rice, your stomach might explode. But as a biological machine, your brain or body would stop you doing that before it got too much volume. As a carb, rice will not kill you. She is wrong. Rice is a very friendly food with some nutrients in it. It is the least allergen producing food in the world, and leaves no harmfiul traces that wheat and other gluten foods can do to intolernat people.
Rice ia a carb and as such it is a starch, but it is very healthy as a basic background to other foods , and as a CHinese person, I congratulate you for being one member of the most powerful nation on earth. I mean that, I'm not being sarcastic! If rice got you people there, then it's a good thing.

Is there a way to make long grain rice sticky enough for sushi?

If you take kitchen sheers, and cut each long grain in half, it should work!
You really need the glutenous nature of short grain rice. And Uncle Ben's isn't really the rice you need as it is so over-processed and pre-cooked!