How Much Will My Friends

How much will it cost to adopt my friends baby?

Well, it sounds like this will be a completely open adoption, just between you and her, right????
A lawyer should be able to draw up the papers, you both sign and he/she puts it before a judge or puts it through the court and that should be it.

You can check for a lawyer who works pro bono (free), or a legal aid agency in your city or check with the local courthouse to be sure.

How much should I charge my friend for gas?

She asked me to figure out how much she owe's me... I will continue to take her back and forth to work I don't have an issue with it. its better than taking a bus and I figure its a nice thing to do, and cab fare would just be rediculiously expensive, I pay 42.00 to fill my tank thats 16 gallons of gas she has used my wifes car on occation to run errand s as well. I am trying to be fair about the situation...

How much time would my friend be serving?

There is not enough information provided. There are two counts of possession, but it's important to know if they are charged as a felony or misdemeanor. It's also important to know the drugs involved and what amount was found. It's also important to know if this is a first offense or not. First time offenders with a small amount of drugs for personal possession are often given drug diversion programs instead of a jail sentence. Without knowing more information it is impossible for anyone to even make an educated guess about the sentence.

I could pull numbers out of my rear and I'm sure that some people here will do that, but it means nothing without knowing the nature/severity of the charges and the record of the defendant.

California has a drug diversion program that allows first time offenders with a drug charge to have the case delayed while they complete a drug program. If the drug program is successfully completed, the original case will be dismissed.
If the defendant has had a prior drug conviction and/or has already been give drug diversion in the past, he will not be eligible to get the program again. It is a one-time deal.
If you are not eligible for drug diversion, sentences for simple possession can range from probation on up to 3 years in state prison. This will depend upon the criminal record of the defendant. Typical sentencing for simple possession in California for a defendant with a non-violent record is 6 to 12 months in County jail. Typically, they will serve between 30 - 80% of this sentence depending upon the county.

How much gas money should my friend pay me?

I live about 7 hours away from home. I drive back on the holidays, and a friend that goes to the same school and lives about twenty minutes away from me back home usually accompanies me because he says it's cheaper than flying. The thing is, my parents are starting to get annoyed because I do all the driving (he didn't have a license at the time, but does now). Also, he pays half of the gas, and my parents think he should pay for all of it since it's my car, and have other car issues to account for that he doesn't-- extra mileage, tires, oil, insurance etc. (comes out to about 60 dollars). His argument is that we're going the same way anyway. Sometimes, he even brings a friend along, and those are the times I don't pay for gas at all because it's split between them. In these cases, my parents think they should pay me extra because they're each getting a 30 dollar ride home, and a roundtrip plane ticket can cost over 200. What are your opinions on this? Should I have to pay for gas at all? Should they pay me extra if it's more than one person that comes along like my parents suggest?

How much to charge friends for an art commission?

I'm still a newbie artist, and I've only done a few commissions before (some paid by the hour projects, as well as lump-sum pay). I've never charged much, since I am not very experienced yet.

Anyway, some family friends asked me to do a large calligraphy project, of about 450 words. They insisted that they were willing to pay what was fair, and wanted me to charge them what I felt my time was worth, and they didn't expect it to be cheap. I think they felt it would be their way of supporting their young friend while she's in college (me).

However, my friends aren't exactly wallowing in cash (they have a large family as well as supporting lots of people in need), so ethically I don't feel like I can charge them very much. This would also be my first calligraphy commission, so I really don't have a clue how much it would be worth (cost for supplies is fairly negligible, and I already had them purchase the frame).

Any advice for figuring out what to charge them?