How Often Should I Do Hill Sprints A Week Is Three A Good Amount

Has anyone had quick good results from hill sprinting?

I am asking people who only have completed these work outs please not someone who has just googles for an answer, and def no stupid crappy acai berry posts as ill def report them , Basically im asking if anyone has had good results over a few weeks of hill sprinting, and what were the results, im looking to improve my speed burn a little bit of fat and tone a little, Im not looking for drastic weight loss just a little , Im more keen on gaining fitness , Im looking on going 5 mornings a week for about 15 mins , I can prob get 10 75 metre hill sprints in 15 minutes,Advice and guidance off anyone who has or does this excersise please :)

Should I do hill sprints everyday?

Walking your dog is different from doing hill sprints because walking your dog isn't resistance/speed training which puts wear and tear on the muscles. Light aerobic exercise (more the equivalent of a walk for your dog) is fine to do every day. But if you're trying improve and increase your longevity as a runner (any type of runner--distance, middle distance, sprinter) you should not be doing hard sprint work on a daily basis, that is only a recipe for injury and peaking too early. I generally don't do hill sprints more than twice a week, so I would say 3x per week is a max. In between those days you need lighter "recovery" days with drills and lunges and such to build strength.

Running twice a day good for sprinters?

No, you do not want to train twice a day.
Your body needs recovery and you should not train hard on consecutive days, you need recovery days, or your body will decline, not get better.
The idea that training is good, so more training is better is wrong, more, that is, too much training is bad, in fact more harmful than not training.
You can do the easy miles as part of your warm up and cool down.
It is good to run easy for 8 to 10 minutes for your warm up, and the same or longer for the cool down.

Can you hill sprint on squat day?

I presuming you've read his book as well, but if i'm not mistaken, doesn't it say that you should one dedicated day to conditioning? When your doing conditioning training, your really looking to build your endurance.athletic ability making you a well rounded athletic person, and also your working your fast twitch muscles when doing hill sprints/prowler pushes. And if you've played sport, you know that it's hard to condition and weight lift all in the same day, your athletic performance will drop. So in my opinion it's better to just have a separate day for conditioning, plus you want to have frequency, 5-3-1 program is more based of power-lifting with some body-building parameters in it, rather in body-building you hit it hard all in one day for maximal growth.

Is it possible to reach 16 minute 5k only in 1 month?

From my own personal experience I would have to say it's very unlikely.To give you some background I ran track and cross country in college and I got my personal best down to about 14 minutes in the 5km. To go from 24 minutes to 16 you will have to drop your pace per km by nearly 2 minutes (4:48 km pace to 3:12 km pace). This is a huge difference and will require a year at the very minimum of hard speed training and solid weekly mileage.However, I do think you can do it eventually if you set your mind to it. I took my 40 minute 10km personal best down to 33 minutes in just over a year. One of my favorite things about the sport is that anybody can get fairly good at distance running if they set their mind to it.I think the main thing your program is missing right now is speedwork. Try adding a session of 800m repeats on the track at slightly faster than your 5km pace. Another important run I think you need is a tempo run. Essentially, you run as fast as you can maintain steady pace for around 20 minutes. Another weekly run in your program should be your long run. For you I think 70 minutes to start should be good. You can work up to a 90 minute run after a few months. This run should be at a smooth, easy pace that you can run for the whole distance without varying the pace much.Other workouts you could do:5 times 1km repeats, with equal rest between repeats. This can be done on either the track or road at your goal race pace.12x400m at 3km race pace.Fartleks: fast and slow. Run 6x3 minutes at what feels like 5km pace, then jog for two minutes between each.For all these make sure you do a solid warmup and cool down (at least 10 minutes jogging).I wish you the best of luck, if you have any questions feel free to message me.