How Often Should I Exercise To Maintain My Weight

How often should I exercise to maintain my weight?

You should have a daily average of exercising of 30 minutes to maintain weight (for your cardiovascular system’s health), one hour to lose half a pound of fat reserves a week, and two hours to lose one pound of fat reserves a week (each pound of fat reserves is 3,500 calories of exercising).

Of course, if you eat a lot, you could still gain weight working out 30 minutes a day or not lose any weight working out one hour a day, which is the best to be at, once you’re fit and want to maintain your muscle mass to stay fit while not having to worry about your calorie intake.

For weight training, you need at least a day or two of rest between weight training sessions (in your 20s and younger), two or three days (in your 30s), three or four days (in your 40s), four or five days (in your 50s)…and so on. The older you get, the longer you have to wait for DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) so you can repair stronger and not interfere with your healing.
You do not get stronger while just doing weight training, you get stronger doing weight training AND eating healthy AND pushing yourself just a little bit beyond your strength, feel the burn, so you damage your muscle fiber and THEN you have to rest to repair stronger, providing that you rest long enough between sessions, but not too long or you'd lose your brand new extra muscle mass in a couple of days after the soreness is gone (use it or lose it).

(Don't worry about thumbing down trolls, it's better if you ignore them).

What should I eat to maintain my current weight without exercising at all?

It’s 6 weeks and you’re 13, you’re a growing kid so you’re going to eventually put on weight, but I understand you don’t want to put on your age I wouldn’t worry about it buddy. Focus on keeping as active as possible anyway you’re able to and if you eat good foods, mostly which is protein (that’s the key here) you’ll do just fine!No need to count calories or anything like that at this stage! Don’t overeat, chew your food, walk away until satisfied eat meat, beans and other protein rich food along with vegetables and fruit and keep away from processed junk! in 6 weeks, when you’re able to move, then attack the day, train play sports and be badass!If you want more tips on being a badass and looking good doing so check out and subscribe to Strength Muscle Steel - Lift Heavy Weights, Gain Muscle, Lose FatAnd Follow me here and hit me up!

How do you keep maintaining your weight without exercise?

Your diet has more to do with weight loss than exercise, but exercise makes your body feel better even at a low level. You don’t have to “hit the gym” or “suit up for a run”. Go take a walk in your street clothes around the block. Lot’s of people use the mall or other large public areas that are air conditioned to walk in and get a reasonable amount of exercise. Exercise will help your digestion, increase your respiration rate and release endorphins. If you really watch your caloric intake and follow any number of available diet plans you will lose weight. If this is not the case for you, you should see a physician about your situation.

How to maintain my weight?

Try these basic tips for weight management and a healthy lifestyle
after your diet:

1. Change your eating habits so that you eat a balance of fresh fruits
and vegetables, low-fat dairy products and lean meat (chicken or fish
are the lightest sources). Choose complex carbohydrates, such as whole
grain breads and high fibre cereals as opposed to bleached flour
products like white bread.
2. Do aerobic exercise such as walking, running, swimming or cycling
regularly. This will increase muscle tone and burn calories. Even
developing a simple, healthy habit like walking to the train every day
instead of taking the bus, can make a difference in how you look and
3. Eat a healthy breakfast every morning. Smart, energy-packed choices
include bran, bananas, orange juice, porridge, muesli or low-fat
4. Swap low-fat milk for semi-skimmed milk and focus on other
low-calorie foods.
5. Plan your meals in advance so you don't eat fast food on the run or
fill up on high-calorie snacks.
6. Don't eat meat more than once a day. Fish and poultry are recommended
over red or processed meats because they are less fattening.
7. Avoid fried foods, which absorb fat from cooking oils. Also, food
tends to lose more of their nutritional value when fried. Instead,
bake, broil or grill food. In the case of vegetables, lightly steam
8. Drink alcohol in moderation.
Eat fibre-rich foods such as leafy green vegetables, fruit, beans,
bran flakes, roots and whole grains. These will fill you up and keep
your digestive system healthy.
9. Choose fresh fruits for puddings and snacks.
10. Keep your portions small.
11. Watch your weight, but only weigh yourself once a week as the numbers
on the scale may fluctuate slightly on a day-to-day basis. Also, gauge
your target weight by how you feel and how your clothes fit rather
than by what the scales say.
12. Don't panic if you put on weight. Think about what could have caused
the gain and amend your diet accordingly.

How long should I exercise to lose weight?

i lost 10 pounds a month by eating 1500- 2000 calories a day of healthy foods and doing 30 minutes of cardio everyday. try to cut out candy, cookies, chips, soda, fried food, fast food greasy food, full fat dairy and cut back or avoid going out to eat.

How do I maintain my current weight?

Even though you aren't growing, it's still important to eat healthy, which will really help in maintaining your weight. Try eating about 2000-2500 calories everyday and try to eat meat only at dinner. Stay away from eating while watching TV because that makes you overeat and just eat healthy! Here's an example for a healthy day's scheduele:

Wake Up: Do 3 simple stretches, 30 sit-ups(not only to build muscle, but to lose fat at the ab area)

Breakfast: Some kind of fruit high in Vitamin C for a morning boost, a whole wheat source(whole wheat toast with honey and peanut butter tastes great! And it's healthy)and Soy Milk(Soy Milk, in my opinion, is delicious. It's creamy, very very healthy, and kind of tastes like vanilla ice cream.

Lunch: VEGETABLES! Try packing your lunch from home instead of greasy, pre-cooked cafeteria food. A spinach salad with your fav veggies and an Italian dressing on the side is soo good. You can hardly taste the spinach, but it feels good to be eating something healthy. As a treat, pack no more than two snickerdoodles or something sweet, but make sure it isn't too high in fat. And pack a juice box too.

Snack: Homemade Baked Tortilla Chips with Homemade Salsa. You can make this by buying whole grain tortillas at your grocery store and just popping them into the oven and I'm sure you can find a low fat salsa recipe online, you could also make Bruschetta. Another snack is a nice homemade smoothie. Try putting in all your favorite fruits with some non-fat yogurt.

Exercise: Play a sport such as Soccer(THATS WHAT I PLAY AND I LOVE IT!!!) or just jog around your neighborhood for 30 minutes to an hour everyday

Dinner: Whole grain pasta with your favorite sauce(Stay away from Alfredo, high in fat) or homemade burgers on the grill. Buy lean ground beef at the store, wheat hamburger buns(whenever you eat carbs, try to get wheat), and lettuce/tomatoes/onions/whatever, grill the hamburgers and if you HAVE to have cheese on top, get soy cheese, sounds gross but tastes just like cheese.

NOW, this isn't going to be a walk in the park, but after a week or so of really hard commitment. it'll seem like everyday stuff. Be sure to do your workouts. Jogging with your dog or a friend for 30 minutes everyday will make a huge difference. Good Luck!

How much should I exercise so I lose weight? Someone else makes my food so I can't change that.

Well, you have your daily intake of calories and your daily consumption of calories. The latter is known as Total Daily Energy Expenditure.You can approximately find out what yours is via any online TDEE Calculator.Then you can approximate your daily intake by measuring macros (protein, carbohydrates, fat) in your food. You can also do this online, and it would be beneficial to know what ingredients go into each meal.If you eat a banana- it's simple. You have 89 calories in 100 g of banana. If you eat 150 g of banana that's [math]1.5 * 89 = 133[/math] calories.On the other hand, if you eat a stew, you'd probably want to break it down for maximum accuracy (what meat, vegetables, oil and other ingredients are used and how much of them). Then divide by portions and - voilà. You get the calorie count in one serving of your meal.Then you tune your exercise to raise your TDEE above your intake. Normally, you would adjust your nutrition to get your intake below your TDEE, but it is what it is. Don't overdo it, you'll injure yourself. If you eat 1500 calories above your TDEE, it will be hard to go into deficit this way. You'll need to eat less, then.Or, you know, start exercising, do it for a month and see how your body responds. Adjust and repeat. These are all approximations and it's not just numbers.More importantly - don't just ask yourself how much to exercise. It's equally important how you do it. Compound resistance training and HIIT will cause EPOC aka afterburn effect. If you do it right, that is. Jogging and other LISS-type workouts typically won't.Before trying anything, be sure it is safe for you to do it and that you know how to do it properly.Good luck!

How many calories should I eat to maintain my weight?

This summer I lost 25 pounds (I was 160-now Im 135) Oh, and I'm 5'7" and a 16 y/o girl, if that matters.

While I was on my diet I ate around 800-1000 calories per day. Im really comfortable with my weight many calories should I eat to maintian this weight?