How Often Should I Gargle Peroxide

Is it safe to gargle with some hydrogen peroxide and water?

Under normal conditions gargling with Hydrogen Peroxide would be a safe oral cleaning agent, BUT because your mouth is already infected and raw I do not recommend it. The mouth uses a delicate balance of good bacteria and bad just like other parts of the body. If you use to much of a cleaning agent you could end up with thrush. If you are looking for relief try a NON-Alcohol based Anti-Bacterial mouthwash which is sold at most drug stores for about 6-12 dollars. Gargle with this around 3-4 times a day especially after meals. If you are still not seeing relief, I would go see an ENT ( Ear, Nose, and Throat) specialist. Also look at something called Gentle Violet it is sold at the drug store and it taste horrible but it does help. Yogurt is also a good way to restore pro-biotic bacteria to the mouth and body. Try a warm washcloth on your glands to help reduce the pain.

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How to gargle with Hydrogen peroxide for wisdom tooth ache?

I'm 68 years old and have all my teeth. Since I was 17, I've used peroxide to gargle with and to brush my teeth with. I use it full strength . It kills the bacteria in you mouth. Brush your teeth, tongue, gums and roof of your mouth (to remove saliva) before gargling. Also brush with salt and baking soda at least twice a week to remove plaque.

I gargled Hydrogen Peroxide and water yesterday, now I'm spitting blood. What happened? Will it stop?

What: I'm spitting blood
I found the blood in my spit this morning or throughout the day
Not that much blood, it's just mixed in w/ the mucus I spit
it's coming from somewhere in my mouth just a tad
It's red
not that much, it's just mixed in w/ the mucus
how often: whenever I spit

note I had pyrus bumps in my throat or somethin' like that.

it could just mean that those popped

could that be the case?

How often should baking soda and peroxide be used on teeth?

Daily - but tone it down a bit if you're concerned. A very diluted version of baking soda and water as a paste two or three times a day should be all you'd ever need. Look at the money you're saving on toothpaste! By the way, I replaced household cleanser with baking soda, my sinks have never been so clean and they seem to repel staining, shine, and don't have a soapy residue with this natural cleaner, if this helps.

How often should I use hydrogen peroxide to rinse my mouth?

Your dentist is correct. Hydrogen peroxide is too harsh. You might feel like your mouth is getting clean, but you are killing the GOOD and bad bacteria in your mouth. This could cause to you have thrush (oral yeast infecction) and those take a long time to go away on top of taking TONS of anti-fungal meds. Also, if used too often, it can actually weaken tooth enamal and damage dental work (if you have any).

Just do yourself a favor and just get some alcohol free fluoride mouth wash. I find that Act works great and my mouth feels fresh and clean.

If you must use peroxide, once or twice a week should be fine, but try to start using that mouth rinse I was talking about.

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide to cure laryngitis?

Here's a fact about human anatomy. The larynx, which house the vocal cords, is located at the top of the trachea, the airway. Most laryngitis is viral, is self-limiting and resolves on its own. In order for peroxide (or honey, lemon, salt water, Listerine or any other liquid you care to name) to touch the vocal cords, you'd have to inhale it. Think about that. Besides, when you gargle or swallow, the epiglottis, a lid-like structure of cartilage, closes over the trachea to protect your airway and prevent the entry of things that don't belong here. Things like peroxide.

I used to work Head & Neck surgery and I've seen my fair share of laryngitis come through the doors. Rest your voice absolutely and give it time. That's how most cases of laryngitis are managed.

Hydrogen peroxide gargle question? please read WHOLE question? I know you can use hydrogen peroxide on cuts etc. for disinfection..... I read somewhere that some people dilute it with water and use it as a mouthwash?

anyway-- I have either strep or mono (tests were sent to the lab by doc so idk yet) and I have severe sore throat with like white grossness on my tonisils....would it be safe if I gargled diluted hydrogen peroxide and would it help in disinfecting my tonsils?