How The Structure Of Cytoplasma Is Related To Its Function

What is the function and structure of cytoplasm?

structure its mostly made of liquid function that depends if in prokaryotes its holds the dna in eukaryotes its is mostly a medium for things leaving the cell thought the structure doest really have a function per say in eukaryotes lots of things are going on in them trying to list them would be too much to explain

What is the structure and function of cytoplasm?

its just fluid that gives shape to a cell. accomodates all cell organelles

What object can represent a cell's cytoplasm's structure and function?

A cytoplasm of a cell is a watery gel that contains the small structure such as a mitochondria, chloroplasts, vacuole, etc.
Here is an illustration:**http%3A//

For school, my friend needs something that'll represent it. Make it something portable, something she can bring to school that wouldn't make such a chaos and trouble. What could it be? Like for the nucleus, she'll bring a remote control. But what can it be for the cytoplasm?? Please help...

What is a cytoplasm's function and structure?

Well essentially I would say the cytoplasm is the part of the cell that doesn’t have a specific function or structure, but that’s not much of a help. The organelles are what perform the main “functions” of the cell and the structure is provided by a network of microtubles and micro filaments, the cytoskeleton. The stuff in between all this is cytoplasm, it’s just a solution of all the molecules needed to run the cell and the organelles. You’re whole body is controlled by pH, this controls all those hydrogens and ultimately what molecules are available and needed in the cytoplasm.

What is the cytoplasm, and what are its functions?

The cytoplasm is a jelly-like fluid within a cell in which other organelles are suspended; its main function is to keep the organelles in place and to aid in transport, but, since it is mostly water, the water may be used for reactions.

How is the structure of a neuron cell related to its function?

Neurones have a nucleus, cell membrane and cytoplasm, but have changed their shape to become specialised. They have a fatty sheath for insulation and for speeding up nerve impulses. They long and thin and nerve impulses travel in one direction only.

How does the structure of a ribosome relate to its function?

Well, ribosomes are very small, and what they do is make proteins by rearranging amino acids.
I would say that they are small like that so that there are many of them in one area. Also, they must attach in between the folds of the rough ER, hence they must be tiny. They also must move through the nuclear envelope to get from the nucleoli to the cytoplasm in the cell.
I hope I helped! :)

What function does cytoplasm serve in an animal cell?

The function of the cytoplasm in the animal cell is to provide a medium for the cellular contents(e.g. organelles, solutes, etc.) to exist in. Because these solutes, organelles, and other cellular contents, such as biomolecules, have significant mass, it would not make sense for them to exist in a cell without cytoplasm as the cytoplasm holds them in place. On the other hand, they would sink to one side of the cell as if in a balloon empty(inflated but only with gas) as they would be denser than the emptiness of the cell.Additionally, the purpose of the cytoplasm in the animal cell is to provide structure to the cell(with the cytoskeleton, which is not only structural, but also allows organelles and other cellular contents to move around the cell).

How can you describe the structure of a cytoplasm?

Cytoplasm is a gelatinous, semi-transparent fluid that fills most cells. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus that is kept separate from the cytoplasm by a double membrane layer. The cytoplasm has three major elements; the cytosol, organelles and inclusions. The cytosol is the gooey, semi-transparent fluid in which the other cytoplasmic elements are suspended. Cytosol makes up about 80% of the cell and is composed of water, salts, organic molecules, and enzymes that are necessary for the cell to catalyze reactions. The organelles are the metabolic machinery of the cell and are like little organs themselves. The major organelles that are suspended in the cytosol consists of the mitochondria, proteins, ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and the cytoskeleton. The inclusions are chemical substances that store nutrients, secretory products and pigment granules.