How To Bring Up Ear Surgery With My Parents

Can my parents legally make me have surgery?

If you are a minor, you have virtually no rights and if you need surgery to correct a situation (as you acknowledged above), then they can force you to have it done. And there is not much you can do to stop it.

And if you refuse to cooperate, there are lots of ways in which they can punish you and make your life extremely unpleasant. For starters, they could ground you until you turn tv, no radio, no stereo, no computer (including no internet), no phone, and no visitors. They could also strip your room bare, even taking the light-bulb and the door (you have NO privacy rights). They can leave you with one change of clothing (which they choose), pajamas, school-books, a pair of sheets, pillow, and towel plus face cloth...and that is legal. They are also allowed to read all your emails, texts, and private messages. They can also intercept all mail, parcels, and presents and they can keep them, give them away, or destroy them...and that too is legal. They can even hire a baby-sitter so you will never be alone when they are out.

How will you feel if you have a baby-sitter or your parents walk you to and from school every day? And how will you feel if you have to submit ALL your school work in handwriting because you are banned from the computer? Get the idea? Your parents have all the power until you turn 18 and you have none. You must obey your parents in all that is lawful or they have the right to punish and correct you. I suggest you do what you are told and then once you turn 18, you can move out and be self-supporting and self-directing. Good luck and God bless.

Should I Get Ear Surgery?

I had it done on both ears and it's a simple procedure and if you want it, you should get it! Don't suffer any more. I suffered for so long before I had the nerve to ask my parents. Anyway, you didnt post any pics, so I can't see your ears, but if I did I could tell you more about how they might look after a successful surgery. Now, some people have really well shaped internal construction, meaning the inside folds are good, but their ears simply protrude. These people can have awesome results. Others, like me, didnt have great internal construction so my ears no longer protrude, but they still don't look quite like average ears.
See these 2 photos: RIGHT: LEFT:
I wished they looked more normal, but there's nothing I can do. My surgery was performed by one of the best in the world who is now retired. And about a year after that surgery, I even went to the guy considered to be the VERY best ear surgeon on the planet (Burton Brent in California) and he said that my result was very good and that additional surgery might actually make things worse because cartilage is very hard to work with. So... again, it depends on what your ears look like now. If you email me your pics (or post another question with your pics) I would be happy to tell you what I think. I'm not a doctor, but I have studied otoplasty for many many many years and have seen tons of before and after photos. GOOD LUCK!

How do I convince my parents to let me have plastic surgery?

I’m not going to say “accept yourself for who you are.” I have no idea who you are or why you want to alter your face, but I do have some simple advice for you. At 16, you are definitely not “fully grown.” You are still growing and your face will change over the next few years. I’ve noticed this many times looking at people I went to high school with on Facebook and in person. Your face WILL change. It may be a lot, it may not. But it will change. And once you’ve altered it surgically, it’s done forever. There’s no delete button and there’s no guarantee that you will like the result.For women who have had plastic surgery, it’s very often noticeable as they age because the face doesn’t shift and change naturally. Meaning, you’ll likely have to continue to get more and more surgeries to maintain some semblance of a normal face. But then again, the more surgeries you get, the harder it is to make your face look normal again. It’s a vicious cycle. Just google any mature celebrity who has undergone the knife for years.The only relatively safe operation would be rhinoplasty, since the nose is just cartilage. It still changes as you age though, especially during pregnancy (if you plan to have kids someday).If your parents are against you getting plastic surgery, there’s probably nothing you can do to change their minds, and it’s doubtful you could even find a surgeon to perform the operation. Most respectable surgeons require you to be 18 with or without parental consent unless you’ve been in an accident or it’s for your health.That said - and I’m not trying to be ugly here, just honest - at 16, you likely have very little life experience and things that seem really important now will be minor details when you get older. If you’ve got enough money to pay for an operation, you should save it and use it wisely. Adulthood is a viscous tundra and you may find someday that you wish you still had all that money instead of a new face.How Your Face Changes in Your 20s, 30s, and 40s

How to convince my parents to let me get a cosmetic surgery?

i think that you should wait till ur older
i don't think looks matter
and your too young to have cosmetic surgery

How to tell my parents that I want ear reduction surgery(otoplasty)?

I m 17 and have wanted this since I was around 12 or 13 but have never been able to ask my parents. I don t really talk to my parents about my life or feelings so how would be the best way to approach them? I am thinking of asking my mum first since I am closer to her but everytime I go to tell her I just can t do it and end up putting it off. I really want this surgery as it would completely change my life and I would finally be able to actually be confident leaving the house instead of just staying inside alone all the time. This problem has completely ruined my life but I just can t bring myself to tell my parents out of the fear that they will be disappointed or upset with me - they also probably have their own problems and I don t want to dump mine on them aswell.

How to ask parents that I want ear reduction surgery(otoplasty)?

My cousin had ear surgery because he was concious of his ears and was made fun of, what could those people say when he got the ear surgery? ' haha look at his.. beautiful ears ' lol

It is important that you love yourself for who you are, but if you are really feeling uncomfortable with your ears, and there is a possibility to change that then go for it. There isn't much I can think of that will go wrong, the procedure isn't very complicated.

Your ears will hurt after the surgery, and you shouldn't let anyone touch them.

>> What you should do is >>
During dinner (if you all sit together at dinner) say ''mom/and or/dad i have been thinking for along time I am very concious about my ears and would like to get surgery for them if thats alright with you''
it can strike them as sudden, so if you want you can first tell them you are concious and tell them if anyone makes fun of you or tell them whenever you are feeling concious and then lead that up to asking for surgery, that way they will understand how much it really means to you.

Don't ever be afraid to ask your parents for help with somehting, because that is what they are there for. To be understanding, helping, and sympathetic. I once had a medical problem i was really really embarrased to tell my mom, even though it was quite common among women. One day whilst on a walk with the dog I told her, mom i have realised (my problem) and im not sure about it. It turned out she knew all about it and was very glad i let her know. Parents will be quite happy to help you, they don't want to see their children suffer.

When ever something is bothering you, just let your parent/s know exactly how you feel and they should understand and know what to do.

How to ask my parents for ear pinning (otoplasty)?

Best time I would think is early summer so you can finish school and exams without worry and you'd be able to recover and still have summer left.

You will probably not be able to plan a surgery within the next month, and even if you were, I'd expect to go back to school (that means picture day! ha) sore and with scars.

I've never had surgery but I would say a week maybe?
No you probably wouldn't, you'd probably have to take an in class course or do in class coursework.
I'm not a doctor, these are questions to ask them. I woul say a few weeks to a month. It could be much longer to ensure healing, or it could be a quick recovery and it could be 5 days..
Nothing, probably. With technology now it probably wouldn't be very noticeable.
If you're that self concious about it, I'd say bring it up- it's a lot to ask so be sure you want it. It could be pretty pricey and your parents might not agree so don't be upset if they say no. (:

Can parents decide for their children to go through a surgery without their consent (when they are under 18, doesn't matter if it's to save them)?

As a "general" type of question, this is very hard to answer.  Laws vary from place to place, and even when the law provides a "clear" answer, there are usually specific conditions and situations where even the clear answer can be challenged.  As with most "human behavior" based laws, it usually comes down to "how reasonable is it"?  You'd have a hard time convincing any court to allow a parent to impose a high-risk cosmetic procedure on a minor.  At the other end of the spectrum, it's also not hard to get them to agree to forcing a generally safe life-saving procedure onto a reluctant "non adult", even if they are above the age of consent.  In between those extremes are a million shades of gray.