How To Constantly Think Of Something

Im constantly thinking of something i cant stop!! feel like im going insane?!?!?

Dude, chill out, in a few years you'll be dead anyway. The dead don't think. O_O

Seriously, I know what you're talking about. I used to feel the same way too-- still do when I'm particularly down in the dumps. My advise: expand yourself. Run till you don't remember how to walk. Hold your breath just a tad longer than you body allows you to. Joke, sing, flirt, study like you don't care; don't care if they laugh at your jokes or not, don't care if they admire your singing, don't care if they find you hott, don't care if you get side tracked and study the wrong thing that probably won't be in the test tomorrow but which interests you anyway. The key is live for in the moment, for YOUR moment. Nothing for revenge, nothing for proving youself to someone else (compete or help others because you feel like it in that second). You'll feel so free, exhilarated, and thinking bad stuff won't affect you nearly as much anymore. Yeah, the bad thoughts won't go away. Just your reaction will change.

And if all else fails, maditate. Close your eyes and let yourself think, knowing that you'll first 'torture' yourself. I'm guessing, there's only so far you can mental-self-torture...So when you find that releif be aware that you can easily go back to 'torturing', BUT at the same time, decide before-hand that you're gonna enjoy it while it lasts. This might become a tortue-relief cycle. Be stubborn and fight the impatience to wait it out. Before long, you run out of thoughts of both torture and releif. Trust me, when you still your body and close your eyes and concentrate on your thoughts, you'll eventually end up in a phycological dead-end. THEN, you see how long you can stay in that dead-end before getting restless. Try this for a few days in a row. Be mellow, don't force think or force stop think. Say no to drugs. Peace.

I CONSTANTLY think of my bf..something wrong with me?

I remember when I used to be like that...I would have panic attacks when I wasn't around my boyfriend for long periods of time. Going to work was ok because I had other things to think & worry about. But once I punched out I needed to see him ASAP!! Irememberr one day I was going to a concert with a friend of mine about 2 1/2 hrs out of town. Once we got to town I had to have her pull over because I was going to be sick, all I could do is think about him & how much I missed him. It was then that I realized I depended on him WAY TOO MUCH. It was like a drug, if I wasn't with him all I could do is think about being with him. Its not healthy, if you have this much trouble now who's to say what will happen if you guys break up? You don't want to hurt yourself or end up stalking him... Be careful, try to hang out with some friends to take your mind off of things, take a break & don't see him everyday (if you do) or limit your self to a few phone calls a day. Its hard I know!

I am constantly thinking about something or the other. This hampers my studies a lot. How can I concentrate more?

First, this is very natural because it is mind which will think anyway…. truth is, while having concentration we think about limited and only about most required thing at hand. It is not absence of thoughts, but regulated, directed and chosen thoughts which will be termed as a part of Concentration.Your approach depends mostly on subject you are studying and whether it is for exam or not. Cut to short, following things I do for increased level of concentration:Doing studies on regular basis. Not to skip a day because of any reason, likewise, you can further go like I will study at morning, evening and night.Concentration is a skill, we don’t even brush teeth without wandering mind, so try develop focus on small things and daily mundane things you do. (Not necessary but it’ll surely help)Don’t bother what you are thinking if you get distracted, just say these lines: “I know studying right now is the only thing, and I am doing it well.” Sometimes, expecting high from ourselves also distract while studying.Try breathing with concentration for at least 2–3 mins before start of the session. Also in between the study sessions. You are just giving body enough oxygen so it doesn’t feel lazy.If you can, start your day with studying 1.5–2 hours before anything else in a day. ( For Next 90 days, 90 minutes starting of day only for most important thing )Pomodoro techniques, taking small tests, drawing chart or creating flash cards of what studied, revision at the end of the day, teaching someone other (if no one is found, record your teachings, voice or video, it’s fun to do! ) etc. are ways to not get bored with only “reading”.Try this course if you have time and play with your brain instead it’s playin with you : Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects - University of California, San Diego | CourseraMove your body, play, exercise, walk, dance or gym, When mind(or brain) is used too much and body too less, they don’t sync with each other to let you stay calm, relaxed and focused.Ask yourself every time you find defocused, what is at the end of the life you want, keep reminding that goal or have a goal poster nearer to you, in short, Bind reasons for “studying now and not later” in your routine physically (written, pictured, or illustrated). A goal in mind is merely a thought!All the best.

Why am I constantly thinking that something bad might happen to me?

lets do a little math, starting a work with some positive thinking adds 5 points and with negative thinking negates 5 points. if you got into something two things may happen if it's gone well they 5 points will add (which is your happiness) if something gone wrong -5 (sad).They are total of four probabilities in everything we do1. Starting a work with positive thinking and the work is success   +5+5=102. Starting a work with positive thinking and the work is a failure   +5-5=03. Starting a work with negative thinking and the work is success    -5+5=04. Starting a work with negative thinking and the work is a failure    -5-5=-10Know the difference now? starting a work with positive thoughts increases your confidence and increases your chances for success.Coming to the ways to increase positive thinking, actually they are none which works for everyone. Everyone has his own ways as everyone is unique, nobody can help you except yourself you have to find a way to your salvation.Stopping imagining things once and for all is a fantasy, it will decrease eventually with consistent practice and patience. take the help of books and some good habits, if you really wanna get rid of it you should work hard and give your best. I appreciate for your realization about your problems so many in the world lacks that but your'e going in a wrong way, correct your way and do everything to reach the end.All the best in your endeavor.

Why do I always think something is wrong with me?

I am a male, 20, had somewhat of a rough life, but i try to put that aside, but I think some of it has altered my way of thinking, and some of these thoughts scare me, make me break down on my knees, I cant believe some of the stuff i think and do...but today, maybe from no sleep, but how can you sleep if your mind is not tired? I got 5 or 6 broken hours, after being up all day and night...Then I wake up WANTING TO GO SOMEWHERE, NOT caring where I go, in a panick, jittery, shaky hands and legs...I think there is something wrong with me...could anyone just talk to me right now...I got nobody...I feel like im gonna die

The mental condition where someone thinks they are constantly ill, or have something wrong with them?

Waking up screaming and bizarre dreams are normal. Yet, something you mention is feeling ill in the stomach. If you talk to an exorcist (someone who drives out demons), they will more than likely tell you that feeling ill in the stomach is a sign of demonic activity. This is very odd, and most of the people on this post will begin, shortly, to make fun of me and this statement, notwithstanding its truth. Though, to not be paranoid, you may just be scared, and this is where you get the stomach issue.

Why do we always think about something that we don't want to think about?

If few seeds drop in your garden of flower or vegetable unknowingly, they don’t fail in sprouting from the soli when the environment is conducive. The sprouts could be unwanted by the owner of garden and he could pluck it out and throw.The thought entering in mind similarly is the seed that has to manifest and till it doesn’t could stay in subconscious and keep reminding.Now if the thoughts were not attractive of feasible or any other issue either it has to be discarded or manifested, in absence of either they may keep bothering forever.“Thus don’t want to think” is not solution and hear it means you desire to throw it out.You need to go back in the root-cause it had come and there could be a larger story which needs to be tackled. Work out /think in details and make enough reasoning to conclude that there is no thought that is binding your desire to eliminate where we need to remove the traces. If the traces of desire is left it would keep entering.By the query I assume you want thought not to disturb you need some hard effort for cleansing the hard disc in mind.There is no immediate and short cut solution but with time that would go eventually when other priorities take over to sink deep.But if you need to remove you may need to change the people you are associated and certain habits.You need to devote some time for yourself instead and use in finding the mysteries of our inner world.Mind is a wonderful item given and is ruling the body and soaked with experience of 5 senses, we need to not allow such ruling instead try to make mind our servant so you can become king or else ego shall keep you ignorant about it and keep haunting.Spending time in constructive activities and some time alone to think deeper within is the best solution. Reading good books is one habit that can keep occupied and bit belief in God can help. Many autobiographies are eye opener if one choses to read.This way we can try to throw or else it would sink and hide deeper with time and may come up in future making an attempt to manifest.

Are smart people constantly thinking?

First: Define "smart". Then: Define "thinking".Sometimes I ask my wife, "What are you thinking about?" or "What's on your mind?" Almost invariably she will say, "Oh, nothing." I tell her, "You'll have to show me how you do that one day."Thought, at least to me, is mind in motion. I have a theory that we humans are really nothing more than points of consciousness, awareness, and that we don't actually possess minds but have access to The Mind. (Schrödinger famously said, "There is one Mind in the universe.") At our very core, we are simply nothing more than consciousness - an extension of The Mind into the physical universe. Wrapped around that core are such temporal things as "personality", "ego", "likes and dislikes", "habits", "talents", "neuroses", "idiosyncrasies", a name, a body, etc., etc.That stated, I suspect that humans are always "thinking", whether they be "smart" or "stupid" or somewhere in between. Smart people tend to entertain more complex thoughts and are more philosophical and metaphysical. Stupid people tend to think in terms of the physical, temporal, material. There's a big difference between contemplating something like "Why does anything exist?" and "I wonder what Kanye's next hit single will be like."Humans are always thinking about something as that is part of our "job", if you will, as humans. One of the characteristics of "being human" that sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom is our ability for higher cognitive reasoning. One of the things that makes us human, as opposed to a corpse, is being conscious.You claim that you find yourself thinking about literally nothing a lot. This is a sign of intelligence. There is what is referred to as "monkey mind", which is basically the constant background chatter that our brains tune into by default. It doesn't stop and it often doesn't make any sense. An intelligent person is able to tune that down or even off, clear the mind, as it were, and focus on one thing, even if that "one thing" is "no thing" at all. It is said that Nirvana is a vast shimmering void, a dazzling darkness, a subject without an object, pure consciousness. If you are able to attain that level of consciousness while in this material realm, you are way ahead of the rest of the apes wrongly called "human". Keep it up. It will serve you well.

Why am I always thinking about something? My mind is always racing with thoughts.?

For as long as I can remember I have always had a very active mind. So active it can actually be problematic at times.

When I try to read a paragraph for a school assignment or a few pages of a book I always start thinking about something else. Sometimes it feels as though I read it but I don't follow what it is saying. Because of this I have a really hard time following directions and learning from reading.

When I listen to my professors lecture I try to listen but I always get off track. I hate this because I love to learn and understand... I just can't focus, and the things I think about are usually not important at all.

Also, when I am having a conversation with someone I am almost always thinking about something else, but act as though I am listening... in reality I have no idea what they said. I think I just don't care what they are saying?

I try to pay attention but always end up thinking about something else, it is almost like I am talking to myself but in my head... if that makes sense.

I have noticed a personality change as well. I am not as social as I used to be. I used to drink a lot but I really don't drink at all anymore. I don't really try to socialize anymore either, I stay at home a lot.

I really do enjoy people though. Throughout my life I have had A LOT of friends. I feel like I have distanced myself from them. I feel as though I am not exciting as I once was. I don't like going to parties or bars or being around a lot of people. I used to love this!

I am just not interested in most peoples conversations. I have found most talk to be unnecessary and full of lies and exaggerations and it just bugs me now.

Has my personality just changed?

See I even changed subjects in my damn question!


I always think that theres something wrong with me...?

Hi. It's hard to answer your question without more details from you. A lot of what you are saying sounds like you are insecure about yourself. Maybe have a bit of social anxiety? Have you talked with your Dr. about your feelings? If you are a teenager, or a bit younger, a lot of what you are saying is fairly common. So many people in that age group feel like they are out of place, feel ackward, and feel like there is something wrong with them. Often they might feel like they are the only one, and everyone else leads a great life in comparison. Trust me, so many people have a lot of these same insecurities at some point in their life. As I said, especially during the teen and pre-teen years. Talk with your school counselor, your Dr., or another adult that you think has good judgement and wisdom. Also try to work on boosting your own self confidence. Good luck and best wishes!