How To Convince Parents/grandparents To Buy Me Parts For A Computer For Me To Build

How to convince Gujarati parents to let me marry a South Indian guy?

It's really sad to know that even in 2012, us Indians are against inter-caste/inter-state marriages. My mom is Maharashtrian and dad is Bengali. They are happily married for 25 yrs. They also faced same oppositions, problems 25 yrs back. In EVERY marriage both have to make compromises, adjustments to some extent. It's essential to make marriage work. So, so-called-cultural-gap will be diminished if you both make few compromises. Like, my mom being strict vegetarian had to learn non-veg cooking. My dad tried to adopt Marathi culture and my mom tried to adopt Bengali.
He comes from a good family, has good education and most important you love each other. I think you both seem mature enough to get past cultural differences. I think you should introduce him to your parents. You all (your family and his) should have a deep conversation about this. And get know each other.That's what my parents did. Btw,I know many failed marriages in which despite of having 'references' and 'knowing other side's family'.
The last resort is doing civil marriage. Unfortunately, in our culture we only give importance to things like-caste, region,looks etc. love is past all these things and you have to tell your parents these things. Tell them to read ' Two states' by Chetan Bhagat lol.
If they don't listen and you really love him and he is really worth it,marry him. Parents love us no matter what. I am sure they won't disown you totally.
PS-I can speak Marathi and Bengali very well. But my parents did a lot of work on this.

Is it okay for parents to look through their child's phone to read their text messages and internet history? My parents do this and I’m 13. It makes me uncomfortable.

No. Parents should not go through private settings in a child's phone. Here is the kicker. Most parents think it is their right to surf their child's phone because they pay the bill and it is their home. Have I gone through any of my 4 children's phones? Yes. I'm not happy about this although I think what I found might defuse this argument in some families tonight. I have never read or discovered anything in any of their phones that I didn't already know or that surprised me. My shameless behavior was unnecessary and I knew this each time I did it. What I did was violate my kids privacy and worse breaking the trust we had built in each other. I was never caught but I knew what I had done.If you are a parent thinking of doing what I did, hear me first. Be prepared to find nothing. Unless you are going through the heartbreak of teenage drug use, bullying, pregnancy, drinking etc., you are not going to find anything in that phone that is worth the guilt you will feel. If your child was in trouble you would be doing more than reading text messages, tweets and Facebook posts. Their phone would be the last thing on your mind. Leave the phone alone and sit your child down and start talking! They will let you know just enough to ease your worried mind and your silly curiosity. Let your great kid have the earned privilege of privacy.

What should I do if my parents are installing a security camera in my bedroom?

Here are a few ideas -Sneakily spray clear coat on the lens, if you’re bad at spray painting like me, it will make the lens hazy, but still seem ok from outside. if you got enough time before the installation, you can sand the lens with 80 grit and then clear coat it.Do the math (or Physics?) and use permanent / electromagnets to produce an electromagnetic field in your room that renders all electronic devices within the field unusable.If the field of view of the camera isn’t your entire room, you can stash all your playboys in a blinded corner.use optical illusion - a set of mirrors to generate a kaleidoscopic effect and totally confuse the person watching the video footage.Get access to where the video footage is being temporarily stored (if its CCTV it would probably be linked to a memory device on a nearby computer) and hack into that device. Modulate the clock and timings on the footage to show it 3 days later than live!. this will give you enough time to edit the footage before it goes live.Ask a friend to steal your camera (or steal it yourself) and damage a window or something to fake a burglary. Tell your parents that they pointed a gun at yaIf the above “very practical” pro tips don’t work, let them install the camera and when its midnight, start acting like you have been possessed by a spirit etc. After a few days your parents will take you to the exorcist's, bribe the exorcist and tell them to tell your parents that its the camera that is bothering an evil spirit and it will keep possessing your child unless you get rid of that device.Even if that doesn’t work, tell your parents that you’re now scared of sleeping alone in your room and would like to sleep in their room instead. They will agree at first as they are loving parents, but later when they wouldn’t get any chance for romance or making out in their own room they will kick you out of the house…problem solved!Lemme know how it goesPeace

How to convince my dad to get me the sims 3!?

Try convincing your dad that The Sims is a harmless game, and if he's worried about the content then he shouldn't be. Just tell him that all of the mature parts are censored (such as nudity).

Most parents avoid buying games because of their content, so if you show your dad a couple of videos and reviews and all of that he may be convinced into buying it for you.

I think 50/50 is fair, so there's really no reason for him to turn it down.