How To Differentiate 3x-5 ^2

How do I differentiate y=(x+2) (x-1) (x+3)?

A good question indeed, I assume that you know the product rule for differentiation, in case you don’t, here’s a brief information about it.Lets assume two functions f(x) and g(x) whose derivatives exist.And their exists another function h(x), such that:h(x)=f(x).g(x)Now differentiating the equation wrt x, we’ll get:h’(x)= f’(x).g(x) + f(x).g’(x)So now coming to your question,y=(x+2).(x-1).(x+3)differentiating wrt xy’=(x+2)’.(x-1).(x+3)+(x+2).(x-1)’.(x+3)+(x+2).(x-1).(x+3)’y’=(x-1).(x+3)-(x+2)(x+3)+(x+2)(x-1)That’s it.

Differentiate: x(1+3x)^5?

Let u = x and v = (1 + 3x)^5

By the uv rule of differentiation, we have d(uv) = vdu + udv
So, the derivative of x(1 + 3x)^5 is x * d((1 + 3x)^5)/dx + (1 + 3x)^5 * 1.
= 3 * 5x * (1 + 3x)^4 + (1 + 3x)^5
= (1 + 3x)^4 * (15x + 1 + 3x)
= (18x + 1)(1 + 3x)^4

Hope this helps.

How to differentiate (3x-5)^2?

y = (3x-5)^2
dy/dx = 2(3x - 5) d/dx 3
= 6(3x - 5) answer//

How to differentiate cos^2 3x?

..............2x - 5
f(x) = ln[-----------------]

..............1....................cos... d/dx 2 - (2x - 5) d/dx 2cos(3x) d/dx - sin(3x) d/dx 3
f'(x) = ----------------- d/dx ----------------------------------------...
...........2x - 5..........................................
from chain rule

...2cos^2(3x) + 6(2x - 5)cos(3x)sin(3x)

...2cos(3x)[cos(3x) + 3(2x - 5)sin(3x)]

......2[cos(3x) + 3(2x - 5)sin(3x)]

..........1...............2[cos(3x) + 3(2x - 5)sin(3x)]
=------------------ x ----------------------------------------...
.....2x - 5.........................cos^3(3x)

....cos^2(3x)..........2[cos(3x) + 3(2x - 5)sin(3x)]
=--------------------- x ----------------------------------------...
.....2x - 5.......................cos^3(3x)

...2[cos(3x) + 3(2x - 5)sin(3x)]
..........(2x - 5)cos(3x)

....2cos(3x) + 6(2x - 5)sin(3x)
.........(2x - 5)cos(3x)

..... 6(2x - 5)tan(3x) + 2
=----------------------------------- answer//
............2x - 5